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Everything posted by Rovaeden

  1. Its not about strictly being right or wrong. I know what I experienced on more maps than just hydron, but I used that map as a simple example. Honestly, its irrelevant. It doesnt matter anymore what was, but how utterly eff'd up Dante is going to be once DE finishes butchering him, or not, but I find that less likely.
  2. Am I allowed to have conversations with others on the forums, or is that a privilege reserved only for people who are neuro-typical? I have been trying to point out to people the power of personal choice multiple times, but my posts keep getting deleted without any indication as to why? I sure would love to know my sin. I would love to be informed of the danger of speaking truth.
  3. Hydron. Sedna. Im standing on the casket in its lowered position casting Dark Verse. Enemies in their spawn areas are taking slash damage. Clearly it was just the mountains of LSD that I don't take that were confusing my feeble mind.
  4. That was not my experience at Dante's launch, but whatever.
  5. Ok. So how was I able to apply slash to enemies on floors below me that I could not see?
  6. Dark Verse had a LOS check from the beginning? I am very certain that it did not, given that I was applying slash to enemies below floors and on the other side of walls.
  7. Really? It didnt initially, that must have been added at some point after the first nerf. I haven't played since then.
  8. I was pondering that as well for a few days now and I think you are correct. A LOS check on Dark Verse rather than Tragedy would make much more sense.
  9. I agree with all of this. I believe it to be essentially true. However, it is not mutually exclusive from the central point of my post, namely that players have the power of choice and should perhaps make use of that power more than the forums. Incidentally, UnstarPrime, did you happen to respond to me this morning before the old thread was censored? Its a bummer if you did because I was looking forward to reading what you had to say.
  10. Challenge as a concept is entirely subjective. What you define as challenging someone else might find to be trivial. Secondly, you have complete agency to choose your own level of challenge in Warframe. You get to choose to play solo or in a group, either public or private. You get to choose which frame and which weapons you bring on a mission. You get to choose what mods to put into your frame and weapons. If you think the game is too easy for you, you are free to choose to remove your best mods whenever you wish. What you do not get to do is dictate how anyone else gets to enjoy the game, ostensibly by demanding that DE change the game to your favor and at someone else's expense. I for one would love to delete from the game certain frames that annoy me, such as Saryn, Octavia, Limbo, and others, but I do not seriously seek or expect that outcome. Instead, I utilize my own powers of agency and either play solo (which I do most of the time), or drop group if a frame that tends to annoy me is present, or I suck it up if for some reason I need to be in a public group. Finally, to pre-address, "what about you, OP, aren't you trying to dictate what others do with this very post?" The answer is no. My suggestion that you have the power of choice is not at all the same as forcing you to make one choice or another. Conflating the two is intellectually dishonest and patently absurd. As an example, my suggestion that you can eat with your left hand or your right hand is not equivalent to me forcing you to eat! (made a copy, just in case this post mysteriously goes missing again too)
  11. This is beautifully clear and concise. I think it does a great job of accurately painting a picture of the various factors that are being effectively smeared together and ignored in the larger "nerf" vs "no-nerf" shouting match. I especially love the punchline " if the preferred solution for a caster archetype is weapons.. then he fails at being a caster, doesn't he? " Great job OP!
  12. I am struck by how certain so many of you are that you "know" what DE is going to do. The ENTIRE purpose of my post is that I REALLY DO NOT KNOW what DE is going to do and that fact gives me anxiety! I mean, I'm old enough to remember instances of DE nerfing things from out of nowhere that didn't need to be nerfed. Can any of you think of any hasty changes that completely missed the mark?
  13. lol awesome +1 to make this official terminology.
  14. and again, you are being intellectually dishonest.
  15. You seem to be fixated on this 1000+ range. I'm not sure anybody is talking about that range aside from you. The extreme endurance 1000+ levels are NOT the same as typical Steel Path levels of 100 - 300. Perhaps you are just bad at math, so for your benefit I will simply tell you that 300 is not the same as 1000. Being a cynic, I think you are conflating the two on purpose so you can avoid admitting that you are wrong.
  16. I read your post a second time and I want to drill down deeper into this part specifically. To use your own vernacular... Overguard IS macro. It's just that, it's not your macro so you don't like it. Essentially what you are complaining about is that someone else's macro is interfering with your personal sense of satisfaction from pressing your own buttons, your macro, in a way that pleases you. My Dude! That is online gaming with pub groups! Period! In every game! I'm sorry, but get over it. You have the choice to play pub groups knowing it is gonna suck more than it's gonna be great. You have the choice to play solo. You have the choice to form a group of friends who you gel with and only then can you get the perfection of gameplay you are essentially demanding DE spoon-feed you by calling other frames out for knocking over your sandcastle. That's it. Those are your options. Pick one.
  17. It's just a feeling of dread at their use of the word regenerate vs what those mods currently do, which is regain. I am afraid that DE will turn these mods into Energy Nexus. I hope I am wrong, but for this reason I want to hear what they are planning before they sprint madly into another colossal charlie foxtrot I think you are giving DE way too much faith in your assumption that they are going to do anything "the right way" as you seem to suggest.
  18. Sometimes humans get an idea stuck in their head. Perhaps they are unwilling to let go of the idea because it is their idea and therefore precious. Sometimes we believe an idea to be the only valid solution. Perhaps they believe, rightly or incorrectly, that the solution before them takes the least amount of work to "fix" the problem they believe they identified. Did you bother to read the roadmap for next week?
  19. Per proposed changes for next week - "Rage/Hunter Adrenaline will now grant Energy when you don't have Shields, so Inaros and Nidus (or any frame when their Shields are temporarily down), can regenerate Energy even through Overguard." I am very concerned that the proposed changes to Rage / Hunter Adrenaline will effectively gut them, turning them from large chunk energy generation into slow trickle energy generation.(ie, just a new Energy Nexus) Please DE, do not do this. Please, at least run your ideas past us first and let us weigh in on them so we can avoid another bout of very angry forum shouting. Thanks.
  20. LMAO! So true. Translation: Stop being strong, I want to be the only one being strong! Mommy!! 😭
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