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Posts posted by lSteelStrike

  1. 10 hours ago, -Edrick- said:

    Greetings Trent423,

    Your time zone falls in line with a good number of our other European Player base. I like your playstyle and interest in Saryn's rework as I feel its a good direction that DE is taking with synergistic powers.  I am on HST time frame so that means im pretty much opposite of your time.  Your AM's are my PM's in general. Despite this, there will be plenty of time slots that you and I will cross paths for sure.  I will meet you online later this evening (or towards the weekend) for me (its is 12:20 pm as of this post)  to finish your orientation to our clan and any other inquiries I or you may have.  :)   see you soon!

    I got online this morning (my timezone) and accidentally declined your friend request not knowing who you were, then checked the forums and I realised I screwed up. Sorry! >~<

  2. IGN: Trent423

    Age: 15

    Time Zone: West Europe (UK)  - GMT+/--1:00. I'm usually online late on an evening around 8-10pm on weekdays, on weekends either most of the day or just a bit (sometimes all day if I have lots of grinding to do ( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

    Primary Frames: Saryn, Mesa & Nova. I like more damage orientated support play, so Nova and Saryn naturally come to me. Saryn being my favourite I have fallen in love with her since the rework which gave her brilliantly engaging complex combo play. Nova is my go to group play frame for things like defences & Mesa is my go-to solo frame because of how ridiculously OP Shatter shield, I also love the Gun slinger theme.

    Primary Weapons: Dex Sybaris, Tigris (Looking to get Sancti soon) & Nikanas.

    Why I want to join: I've been looking for a good, active clan to be in for a while. I used to be in a small clan but everyone stopped playing and I figured it was time to move on. I have a good amount of mechanical combat experience & skill, also general Game/PVE knowledge that I think would benefit other players (especially newer players).

    Raid/Conclave? I have some experience in conclave but haven't undergone any raids.


  3. Hello! I'm Trent423. I'm currently MR 9 and don't play all too often. I just want a nice community to be a part of when I do play. I also have a story! I once had a Guru of which I looked up to very much, he taught me all kinds of cool tricks and combat tactics that I still use to this day, predominantly trained in stealth, he trained me well. Then one day he grew tiresome and entrusted me with his ways. Now I wander the galaxy taking out my enemies from the shadows, in search of a worthy adversary. 


    I also have RaidCall :D 

    P.S. As of me typing this I am reinstalling the game because my launcher has bugged out.

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