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Posts posted by .Tabris

  1. On 12/01/2016 at 5:50 PM, xRufus7x said:

    Step 1, Get Excalibur

    Step 2. Get Radiant Finish

    Step 3. 1 shot level 100 enemies with any melee weapon in the game.

    Basically this. Add a Dagger + Covert Lethality to this and you can one shot enemies.


    But I got interested by the Lacera build. Shoud try that one too !

  2. Excalibur is an excelent frame too. I play him front line most of the time and never had a problem. After his armor buff, he's quite durable True Rhino is a bit more "straightforward" style (cast Iron Skin, be happy), Stomp for CC, suspending foes mid air


    Excal has great CC methods too; Javelin for low-level enemies, Blind for all of them, and it synergizes great with Exalted Blade (4x Dmg).

  3. Yes, I remember Alad saying this ...


    Since the heart is used to pump blood, maybe the mechanical parts are used for this too. I mean, we get numb limbs when they are hard pressed or we don't use them for a long time. So the machine parts could make the blood flow everytime, to every body part. Just look at what those frames can do; wall run, high jump, strenght. With no time for the blood to travel from the heart to a limb, the latter are ready and in peak conditions all the time.

  4. I'm guessing warframes are biomechanic clones of the operator her/himself. I mean, it would be easier to control an organic being with a similar "pattern" as the operator. Avatar uses the same logic; as the avatars were genetic splices of the operators, they went to the twin sibbling, and so forth.

    (actually Evangelions are kinda simillar, in a way)


    Also, the clone thing could explain the crude techniques of the Grineer. And they were after the arcane codices as a mean to perfect this. Though the codices weren't related to cloning, they do know there is a better way to do it, right ?


    Also, it could explain "echo behavior" as in the frame breaking the War sword. Maybe the operators thoughts ressonate on the frame...


    The Stalker could be a kinda of "echo" driven dead Tenno frame, but that's just me speculating ....

  5. I loved the quest, it was really cool ! I mean, we all kinda new what was coming, but it was nice to actually see it.


    My only issue was that energy hand parts. They should have told us, I got no clue at all. Gee, it took me long to figure this out. Not to mention that, everytime I raised my hand, the Stalker got me.... I spent a good 5 min locked on the corner of the screen ... really frustrating.


    Was it just me or you guys got confused too ?

  6. Does life strike work on EB?

     as long as you're Channeling, yes.


    EB is still very efficient. I always used a Constitution on my build (RB + EB is a one-shot). Save for the now maxed Fleeting Expertise I run, it's the same build and still works the same as before. In my tiresome hunt for Ember Blueprint, I manage to stay the whole 20 waves with it active. No Flow required.


    And, yes, tossing waves around like a "12 year-old" can be annoying, but, a player who has learnt how to use Excalibur needs but one well placed wave to deal with a whole mob, no "swing-swing-swing". Just because it's powerful, doesn't mean you don't have to learn how to use it.


    Cheers guys !

  7. Actually, both Duration mods and Efficiency mods affect those toggled abilities, and efficiency still affects the most.


    We all know about the 75% efficiency cap, but from own experience, there is no cap on energy consumption, but there's a cap from the ability itself .... Well, I explained it on this post: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/536508-goodbye-exalted-blade-build-excalibur-u-175/page-2#entry6033770 


    It regards Excalibur's Exalted Blade, but I also tested Valkyr and Mesa.

  8. First off, I'm not home right now so I can't post any pics, but I will.


    Moving on


    I played around max duration, max efficiency, and a mix of both builds, here are my findings:


    Efficiency is still more important than Duration for EB. The max Duration build consumed more than the Efficiency build (I'll post the numbers later), but the mixed build works; there is a cap at 0.63 energy p/s, no matter the Duration %, and we all know that there is a Efficiency cap at 75%. Here's the thing, this Efficiency cap only works for said status, but not for energy consumption, so, a R5 FE and a R2 Streamline (=75%) and a 45% Duration consumed 1.73 energy p/s, but the same build, with both FE and Streamline maxed, plus the 45% Duration gave me 0.63 energy consumption and the capped 75% efficiency. So, I'm pretty sure that's the energy consumption cap (0.63).


    Still got to figure out what's the minimum duration % that works with this 0.63 cap. (went as low as 38% Duration and still got 0.63 e p/s)


    Anyways, I'm running the same build as before, save for the Maxed F.E now (was a R3): http://goo.gl/9KZsae


    Hope I helped.

    If you guys find something else, please, do share.

  9. You can but like Rydian said you will be squisher. You are better off with more health on Excal then shields. This holds quite true if you end up running life strike on your melee which can be used when channeling exalted blade as well as a ranged life steal.

    Pretty much this. The wise combo here would be Vitality and Rage on Excal and Life Strike on weapon; never out of energy, never out of health. The tip here is to pay attention to both your life and energy, there is so much damage you can take before having enough time to channel your life strike EB.

    I usually run a mix of transient fortitude , intensify and blind rage for 220% power. TF and BR aren't maxed, so I can manage their penalties.

    Also, with efficiency and rage you won't need Flow (well, I don't at least).

    All in all I get 220% power, 165% efficiency, 50% duration and 100% reach. Handspring as my utility slot.

    Guess that's it. Hope I helped!

  10. OP, I do appreciate the effort you've put and the time you spent thinking about this, truly. Hence, this is not to say it was wasted. It's nice to see other thoughts about the game and it's mechanics.


    That being said, I do believe Excalibur and his abilities are quite good as they are. I, by no means, consider him, "just" a starter frame. He is well balanced and he does push you to try new strategies and mod combos for all of his abilities, to which I have to add, synergize like few frames do (in my humble opinion, of course). I manage to use all 4 of them, almost always, even going T4 Survival and Draco runs solo with just the right excitement of being challenging, but far from impossible or even hard.


    This game chance quite a lot. It's Warframe's best and worst quality. Some changes are for the better, others, visibly not, and some yet are quite confusing and make us question DE rational behind it. Still, this is a fun-as-hell game to play.


    All in all, Excal, as it is now, is a terrific frame, well balanced and quite nice to play under any circumstance.

  11. All this "not as intended" we get thrown all the time is shacking may confidence in DE. I mean, when EB came around, synd mods didn't quite work, so they changed it to work "as intended" (https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/479235-hotfix-1694/). And now they changed it back because it wasn't working "as intended"?

    Not sure about you guys, but I'm really confused .....

    Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy this game, since before Founders, and I'll probably play for a long time still. I just wish I could trust the Devs words a little more. I have this lingering feeling that every new update might "betray" me in some way .....


    Edit: the link, first post by Dev.


    Again, I agree that it makes no sense for EB to inherit effects from weapon specific mods, so I'm o.k with the changes.


    What I am not o.k with is DE going back and forth on their own words !!

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