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Posts posted by .Tabris

  1. So, just to straighten things up with Exalted Blade:


    Syndicate Mods, Weapon Exclusive mods and Covert Lethality -> will NOT work


    Things like Pressure Point, Spoiled Strike, Fury, Berserker, Life Strike, Jagged Edge (and similar), Molten Strike (and similar), True Steel, Organ Shatter, Chanelling mods (?) -> WILL work.


    Check? (  )

  2. all this buff/nerf cycle have no point at all ...


    all this "unintended" talk have no sense at all ...


    it's a god damn game ! we are expected to make this kinds of combos and whatnots and what for again ? End Game content.


    my point is, we don't really have to be experts up until Jupiter, but by Neptune,Eris, Pluto, we are supposed to be good players (not to mention high level infinite missions). in early game we barely need much more than our poorly modded weapons. I know I didn't. Things got serious on mission level 30+, that's when I learned to mod.


    anyways, these combos work to countermeasure the -clearly- broken enemy scale algorithm .... End Game = Bullet Sponges ? really ? you sure ? we wouldn't even need Covert Lethality-esque mods if it weren't for this issue.


    the thing about "not using any particular weapon" the devs always say.... gee, really, I dare them to make a viable weapon build, or any build without certain mods, Hornet Srike, Serration, Pressure Point, the elemental mods... I mean, really, we all end up with pretty similar builds to go up against bullet sponges.


    what gets me every time is: why wouldn't they "fix" the enemy scaling issue ?

  3. See the little signs close to the numbers ? That's Polarity. Should you match the mod with the slot it will cost less capacity points. For ex, if it's a "D" polarity costing 10, if you match it will only consume 5 points.


    If you match the Stance polarity it will give you double those points. So, if you equip Shimmering Blight instead of Bleeding Willow You'll get 10 capacity points, 5 being extra.


    There's a think called Forma, but let's leave it for now. ; )

  4. Hi,


    Lose Melee Prowess, the bonus is much to small to make a real difference. Things like Virulent Scourge, Vicious Frost, Voltaic Strike and Volcanic Edge are waaaaay better: they give 60% status plus 60% elemental dmg. Combine 2 or more, optimal results.


    You also need Spoiled Strike; with Berserker and Fury the side effect of losing some speed will barely be noticed, if at all.


    For end game content you'll need Life Strike, no doubt.


    About the stance, well, it isn't "bad" to have a red number, but it will give you less Capacity Points, so ... Guess that, if you can get a Shimmering Blight the better ....


    Anyways, that's how a run my melees.


    Hope I helped

  5. Modded in a "right" way this can the one of the best end game skills.


    Rage+Life Strike and Radial Blind + Exalted Blade kept me well and running in a T4 Survival, while reviving my partners.


    I mean, it's a really good skill that has to work with build and his other abilities (especially R. Blind).


    Some experience with his play style also helps, as the choosing of elemental combos, speed, synd mods .... 

  6. hm... I always get a Manic to show on high level Grineer missions. They usually show up close to the missions end; say if it's a spy, they tned to show after you've got all three datas, or after you've sabotaged / deceived the terminal.


    But yes, raids are good, bit hard maybe, depending on your load out ...

  7. A good secondary is one that compliments your primary. What primary(s) are you using?

     pretty much this ...


    sporting a sniper or a bow ? AkSomati / DexFuris should work


    carring a shotgun or an assault rifle ? Lex, Marelok, any hard hitting secondary should work


    My personal favorite is the Lex P, especially since the buff

  8. If it was an alert then you only have to stay for 10 minutes.




    This !


    I've found myself on a 10 min Survival Alert.


    The guys just woun't leave !!! I kept telling them "let's go, we won't get anything anymore!", but I could not trigger the timer to end the mission alone.... 20 mins trying to explain the Alert thing to them, to no avail. Had to abandon the mission .... 


    Not to mention Excavations with 5 Excavators in place .... sad ...


    I know new gamers are new gamers, I was one and will always be should a new game arrives (doh), but I always listen to what others have to say.


    So, new comers, I'm not saying you guys should do what older gamers tell you to do, like an order, but please, please, just listen to what we say and give a little consideration.

  9. As much as I don't die of love for RNGesus, we do realize that, playing till you get that item/part/mod/bp/quest is actually -playing-, right ?


    I mean, this can be frustrating at times (it gets the best out of us, no doubt), but, honestly, should you have everything the games has to offer, and I mean, everything, exclusives, parts 99x all mods, all quests open, easier enemies (e,g. Bombards & Nullifiers), DE personnel access, f*&$#¨@ God Mode ON, how long would we play such a game ? Why do we even stop playing certain games ? If so, should we stick with the "1's" instead of buying <insert-game-name-here> 2, 3, 4, EX, Z, Super Especial Plus ..... I mean, since we dominate every nook and cranny, why bother play new, different games ?


    Anyways, Kepil, I do catch your drift; I had to do Uranus missions for a whole day and a half till the spirit-sentient-thingy finally appeared. But all the while, I was -playing-. Besides, there were lots of new, shiny things to test from U17.


    What I like about Warframe is it's always changing, it feels fresh and new with every major update.


    All I'm trying to say is: it is only a game (which I really like and am quite addicted to, alright), so let's play it !

  10. I'm really enjoying he new parkour 2.0. We're still adapting, it's true, but it feels fluid and fast, and quite manageable control-wise.


    I still do have some issues with the bunny hopping look of wall "running"(?). I liked the actual "run" better anyways ...


    I do believe it will be tuned and perfected over the next updates. (guess that's one of my favorite features of WF, it's always changing!)


    But yes ! Kudos for DE ! 

  11. +1


    I guess now we might even have enough content to make a "single-player-campaign-thing", especially since the lore in Hidden Messages, Stolen Dreams and Natah.


    I mean, It sure would be nice to replay these quests ... Gosh, I for one am procrastinating the start of "Hidden Messages" myself 'cause I won't be able to play it again (yeah, I'm weird that way ...)


    So, please, please DE, let us replay the quests!

  12. How strong i feel with excaliburs rework:



    Yeah !! My feelings exactly !! So much fun playing him !


    The only thing I would argue is the no-nikana no-dual swords bonus on EB, which is a bug, as we know anyways.


    Talking about Slash Dash; the targeting system seems to work somewhat like Ash's Blade Storm, take some time do line your targets close to your crosshair. I've manage to SD through roughly ten targets, ping-ponging then just like the archwing trailer (so cool). Also, I've notice Excal only hits enemies who were in his cone-shaped AOE at the time SD was cast; should any enemy walks in LOS as he is already dashing, such enemy wont get hit, no matter the proximity. (by the way, I had [100% range and 20% duration] or [50% range 120% duration], hit at times 1 enemy, at times a bunch of them, so it doesn't seemed affected by these stats...)


    As for Radial Javelin, man, efficiency: Costing 75, or 18~19 with max eff, recast it at will ! I manage to clear entire rooms, even with the 12 Javelins cast.


    As for survivability, mod him in a good way and play him with his pros and cons in mind and you should be fine. Doing a lvl 40 Corpus defense, I constantly found myself reviving my comrades; EB on, SD to get close, clearing the way, RJ, RB, revive with peace of mind.


    All in all, mod him right, play Excal as Excal, not as Valkyr, Frost, Loki, or whatever (this is the same for all the frames, they're f*&%$ng different! play differently) and you should be fine.


    His rework is fantastic, EB is a great skill (fixing the swords bonus will be nice), synergizes great with all of his abilities, a true swordsman frame indeed.

  13. Não tem uma resposta "direta" pra essa pergunta, mas para as outras, funciona assim:


    Rifle Amp (o mod de Aura) funciona em Rifles, Arcos e Lançadores, mas não funciona em Shotguns. Rifle Amp também afeta Snipers, mas como o bônus de dado do Dead Eye é maior e também afeta Arcos, melhor usar o último.


    Os Arcos podem ser equipados com mods de Rifle, como Speed Trigger, Serration, Metal Auger, Shred, etc, etc, etc, 


    Arcos usam os drops de munição de Sniper, mas o mod de ammo mutation é específico de Arco.


    Espero ter ajudado

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