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Posts posted by .Tabris

  1. You guys do realize that:


    a) Mister Salad V is completely infested controlled, because if he isn't he's a ...


    b) Tenno. Those who survive the mindless infestation become Tenno, like Mister Hayden all those light years back ....


    And, since he's CLEARLY NOT supporting us, I'm more than inclined to the a) alternative.


    Not to mention all the warframes dismantling he did on Jupiter ... Valkyr and Zanuka, anyone ?


    Gee, this guy is bad news. 



    EDIT: and we'll have to deal with Tyl not loosing his research should Salad wins ... 

  2. First off I'm a HUGE fan of old Exacl. Damn, have been playing this since I started Warframe, especially his tiddy golden-trimmed suit. Anyways, enough fanboying ...


    I'm also particularly fond of meleeing, and I did get lots of fun from Radial Blind stealth kill bonus (up until when they nerfed the Stun phase bonus anyway).


    But yeah, old pal needs a little rework. I say this based on the comment about abilities; tied with Excal as my favorite is Volt, and yes, I do manage to use every one of his skills, almost every time. For me, they're all useful, even if Shock doesn't scale well into high levels, we still get that nifty stun.


    Here's where my suggestion comes: Slash Dash should inherit the melee weapon stats. I guess Hysteria does this, no ?

    That would put on par with end game levels and, it would be dependable on the player's mod layout. I mean, I for one would approve this. Also, I think the same "melee mod status" solution for Radial Javelin would be quite nice too !


    Radial Blind has this new Augment mod now... Haven't tried, but seems nice. Still, what they should do is bring back the Stealth Bonus dmg DURING the stun phase too. The skill is still good, but it was a no-brainer before, now it's just ... awkward.


    As for "Superjump" ... yeah, here's a skill slot they should do something about, and I mean, something completely different. Not a "rework", but something truly new.


    Ah well, these are my thoughts ...


    Tnks for reading guys




    EDIT: and yeah, he completely lacks any "fire arm" skill. So much for "versatility" (thinking about Volt's Electric Shield, gosh, that works !)

  3. [...] though I stubbornly won't equip a melee as it just seems out of theme for the frame and I will make it work [...]


    hahahahahahaha, that's why I only equip a Redeemer on her ! even my blade shoots ! lol

  4. I guess we're supposed to use as many aspects of the game as we can, specially on higher levels. Melee is very viable, but you may need to take a shot depending on the situation.


    As is the other way around; while running a Survival map with a melee-less Mesa (for the health boost), I kept finding myself at situations were a two or tree quick swings would be better than running-aiming-gunning ... I changed the health boost for a melee as soon as the mission ended.


    I mean, keep an alternative by your side all the times, be it a gun or a blade.

  5. [...]

    Now if you want me to say you'll be soloing T4 for 1h, then that's a no. 20 mins? Walk in a park. I doubted it myself until I tried it. 



    Just described a run I did yesterday night.


    I guess, as we read lots of times, it's about "how" you want to play. I, for one, rejoice playing a lightning fast -- voltaic blades swirling -- non-stop all over the place -- blur of a frame.  The speed, button pushing, energy, time and sorroundings management is thrilling !


    Anyways, enough of that, hehe.


    Built a Valkyr the other day. Still leveling up to test her full melee capabilities

  6. After the Radial Blind nerf I switched to a Speed Volt build.


    For my play style it works wonders actually !


    I usually cast an Electric Shiled to keep the rangers at bay, and hack/slash melee units close to me, before moving to the far away targets.

  7. The LoS on Radial Javelin and Radial Blind is ok, makes sense, kinda works, anyways .... 


    What completely broke RB was the removal of the stealth multiplayer. It made melee'ing with Excal perfect. But now, we must wait for he initial stun to end to get the bonus ? This makes no sense! And it doesn't even work most of the times ...

  8. Hi,


    Going for a major melee build myself, and I'd sure like some insights:


    I've been playing Excalibur Melee for quite some time now, with the Radial Blind + x4 multiplier bonus damage. Have nothing to complain so far.


    Anyways, I've been thinking about Loki's Invisibility, but I've never played a Loki though.


    So, here's the question: as far as melee damage output and utility goes, which one fares best? Ex or Loki ?



  9. gosh... this is so annoying... wonder if the guys at DE read these foruns ... At least some kind of feedback would be nice, if only to let as know that they know there is a problem ...

    such a nice game, but this issue surely is a letdown...


    i'll try the test again tomorrow and let you know

  10. Just bug-failed the test .... this 24 hours cap is reaaally annoying. Not to mention I had to do the Rank 3 test twice too (melee button wound't work ...)

    Anyway, do you guys think that if I climb on top of a pillar this would work? Waiting, without attacking the infested I mean ... ?

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