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Everything posted by shockwave311

  1. It drops from containers in Zariman Xaku is the best at it. Other than that, Limbo's 4 and Equinox 4 should also be able to break containers For Equinox, activate 4, kill enemy, reactivate 4. I heard Dante is also good for breaking containers using his 3 Mod them all max range Besides containers at Zariman, you are guaranteed 1 every Netracell run (no limits) Overall I just find it very miserable to get if you dont have warframes that can break containers fast. If you can complete Netracells fast solo, then I suppose its a fine alternative
  2. You nerf Nezha and Dante but leave other frames overused for a long time, untouched.
  3. It doesnt matter how much you buff him, LoS is so clunky in this game. Unless you guys make LoS feel good or remove LoS requirement all together, consider LoS-required abilities as awful to use I dont think anybody would be complaining this much if LoS wasnt so bad
  4. Back to the topic regarding Thermal Sunder, where do you see these players? I only see them for low level missions or just outside steel path in general. In that case, if Thermal Sunder is nerfed, players will always look for alternatives. As they always do. Personally I use Equinox. Its just slower but no need for Helminth or anything. Nothing wrong with frames having the best Helminth. At least at this point. Valkyr Warcry, Banshee Silence, Sevagoth Gloom, Grendel Nourish, Rhino Roar......etc Its impossible to balance regular star chart at this point.
  5. No I dont play him anymore ever since his Prime came out. I liked playing him when no one was playing him. I am just that kind of guy I play something else now. Like Ash invisibility and his useful passive (its why I use him over Loki), or just Zephyr's 3 that gives her true invincibility like Revenant as long as you dont get melee'd. Probably others I am forgetting about. People keep using Revenant anyway because he is the simplest way to not die in high level content. Some people just wanna chill. Crazy huh Its the same logic why everyone uses Titania. Oh look she's a fast frame and can fly! So they build her instead of experimenting with other frames. You're literally the biased and most delusional one here. One shot??? is that why you are complaining about Rev being deadweight in Circuit? Face it, you are complaining because everybody keeps using Mesmer Skin ONLY, you wouldnt call them deadweights if they actually one shot an entire room of enemies. His 1 needs time to spread through enemies anyway For people like that, it doesnt matter what they play if not Revenant. They'll always be "deadweights" because not everyone wants to do research and just want to have fun
  6. Ah yes, the frame that doesnt do anything if you dont play the game is somehow braindead and uninteractive? Revenant encourages people to actually play by moving around and use their weapons for once. Revenant was implemented before Steel Path was a thing, and during the era where LITERALLY EVERYONE used Saryn, Volt, Mirage...etc. And if bored, play something like max range Frost, Ember..etc. You dont hate Revenant because he is braindead, but rather you hate him because he doesnt help you like Wisp does. And not every frame has to be like Wisp. If they are playing the game (unlike AFK Wukong clone playstyle before nerf), that is ENOUGH in my books. Period.
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