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Posts posted by Alseiker

  1. Quote

    Just adding a damage multiplier feels kind of lame.

    The problem i face with giving him something else is that the majority of stuff i thought wouldn't fit his thematic, things like invulnerability seems almost broken in this kit, and Ash has invisibility in his smokescreen so having the same ability in two places feels kind of off. The good part of buffing primary and secondary dmg is that it rewards you for using those weapons and don't gives you the illusion of spam shuriken and blade storm is the way to go (maybe damage falloff would make it viable too).


    May just be me, but I'm quite "eh" about the exalted dagger concept.

    The exalted Dagger is more a workaround to make him don't lose his niche as assassin and make him viable to play with others melee weapons, but i guess that you could be right in that part.


    Besides the fact they likely wouldn't allow CL on it as they're moving it to the Parazon

    I Didn't know that.

  2. Quote

    What is the goal? Is there any?

    There is a goal, is repetitive and empty but is a goal. The goal is "we want to get X thing", we get driven by that goal to keep playing and we are going to keep playing until we get the idea of "I don't have any new thing we could be interested to have".

    This is not a competitive game, so you can't get driven by the goal of being better in X activity than your rivals when playing, you can't get the complexities of having to adapt to different outcomes and environments that you get in a competitive game, there is only a IA and RNG.

  3. Here ya go.

    Shuriken: mostly same, but it can marks the enemies they hit (like when you have 4 active and pass your mouse over the enemies).

    Smokescreen: same ability.

    Teleport (Now BladeStorm) : If are enemies marked in the map, it become active. When you press it, you teleport and kill every enemy like always (but only the marked one's).

    Blade Storm (Now Exalted Dagger)  you can use another weapon equipped and still use covert lethality in this dagger, when you kill x enemies with this you get buff with extra dmg in your primary and secondary.

    You are not going to oneshot a entire room (because Saryn and nuke frames exists), but this way can give you a more rewarding way of playing and doesn't categorize Ash as some kind of nukeframe.


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  4. Something that have been bother me since i started to play this game 1 year ago is the lack of indicators to some stuffs and abilities of some warframes, abilities and items in the game. Recently i have been thinking about two of those that i realized are kind of important to the base mechanic of those particular items, those are:

    Archgun Deployer Timer: Usually there are some people (maybe the 90% of the playerbase that unlocked that mechanic) that set a particular key to use this, but it bothers me that you can't actually see the time remained to deploy again the archgun outside of the Gear bar (I'm really sure that a Debuff Mark, like the one that does Arcane Trickery would be very helpful.

    Magus Nourish: I'm really sure that not everyone use this arcane to play thought the game, but i'm really sure that those who use it. would be very happy to get a indicator of how much health have been gained when operator mode or the time that it has been healing in seconds (like Arcane Trickery Debuff too).

    I would like to hear your thought in what are some game mechanics that you think really need a indicator.



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