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Posts posted by enemystand

  1. This bug happens when we are using Prowl and get another invisibility effect

    1.- using prowl look like

    2.- after accidentally using an invisibility arrow look like this

    3.-before hacking a console

    4.-after getting the invisibility effect of the parazon mod


    5.- a few seconds after getting the invisibility effect of the parazon mod


    to be honest the new prowl effect (after hotfix Empyrean: Ivara Prime 27.0.9) depending on the lighting of the tileset sometimes i can't see it well, i liked how it was before the hotfix

  2. 14 minutes ago, trst said:

    My build using a Zekti Cryophon still takes the same 2-3 shots to kill enemies in the Veil and crits are still one-shots as they were before the patch.

    Is the actual discrepancy here from people who were relying on Rhino/Wisp to buff the pilot?

    my build feel no diferent from before either, the same as your 1 shot on crit, and 2 or 3 hits to kill on non crits, maybe is because i don't have the zetki hyperstrike that i didn't notice more difference in damage, or the zetki shield buff +25% dmg when no shield put everything back to normal in my build, the increased in range for the cryophon seem to be false it look the same as before, unless the ui is not updated
    at first i was worried but then i remembered that i kill almost everything with the tycho seeker mk3

  3. engines:
    vidar 57.7km/h, lavan 29.5 km/h, zetki 40 km/h
    vidar 80 avionic, lavan 57 avionic, zetki 50 avionic


    vidar apoc 26.2%dmg
    zetki apoc 59.8%fr

    vidar carcinox 23.6%dmg
    zetki carcinox 59.9%fr

    vidar cryophon 59.5%dmg
    zetki cryophon 59.5%fr

    vidar pulsar 28.8%dmg
    zetki pulsar 58.7%fr

    vidar photor 26.4%dmg
    zetki photor 28.9%dmg

    zetki shield 289 +25%dmg when no shields, crafted this over the vidar or lavan that have over 700 shields because shield seem to be irrelevant and i wanted the bonus dmg

  4. 3 hours ago, realBiONiC said:

    Still have to see a red or yellow crate.

    Could we somehow collect all tiles where people found a red crate, that dropped the ephemera, in one spot?

    Like under this post?

    If you dont have a screenshot, try to descripe the tile in the best detail you can.

    That would be awesome.

    check the first page of this thread, OP compiled all there

    found another red one, got a captura scene


    • Like 1
  5. they are not useless, but it will take 9 days or more to research them on your dojo when you guys get the update (3 days for mk1, other 3 days for mk2 and 3 days for mk3),  you will need to use the base sigma for a while till you get enough mats to craft some mk1 or mk2 or mk3 that you get on a mission, depends on how far and fast you want to go without upgrading the ship on the first week of release

  6. 18 minutes ago, Cubewano said:

    congrats, i am both immensely envious of you for getting that thing to drop but also judging of you for also opening it alone, for shame

    there was nobody online of the people on my friendlist, i checked before destroying the crate (to try if they are lucky than me because i got a captura from the previous one, and also they could activate the navigation console for tactical retreat, which is not possible solo)

    the only antecedent of these rare chest droping capturas was the rare container on planet earth that drop capturas ,accidentally found about this when i found 1 rare crate on a capture mission while looking for plants for nightfall apothic, then i checked there are more of these and ignored it because i'm not interested in captura and hiding something in a rare container was nonsense.

    i hope they add this ephemera in some place more accessible, like a future boss or alert or nightwave or tactical event.

  7. the other already give you pretty good tips so i'm going to add a few more

    taking down crewship is your n°1 priority

    when you are ready to use the railjack to complete objectives, try to keep a distance of at least 5km or 5000 m to the grineer bases (missiles platform, hangar, galleon, etc) to avoid getting spammed by ramsleds, the limit is some number between 4000m and 5000m i still dont know which one need to test more, but i keep it safe in 5000m.

    if you are at slingshot distance you are also at ramsled distance, so when you get tactical 4, after destroying a crewship core teleport back to your ship and be ready to fight the potential invaders

  8. Im using Wisp with a Exergis, really good with the 3 motes even if they provide low bonus they are really useful and provide some more survival chances for weak frames, she sometimes cast breach surge and cc some enemies too.
    before using wisp i used octavia with was really good to cc enemies and sometimes kill them, but some hotfix ago she did nothing most of the time (dont cast skills) so i changed her for wisp, i don't know if she got fixed.

  9. I noticed that you need an amp that deal continuous damage to them, for example when i use the shwaak i can't destroy them, when i use my klamora i can always destroy them, but if i hit them with the secondary fire of my klamora amp which is a propa scaffold the wall get bugged and i can't destroy them, so it seem to be if you deal too much damage to them they get bugged

  10. i got mine in a node with the sentient ship, but it was an abnormal lucky run i got a broken war part and a shedu part and void hole. i haven't seen another since then. i don't know what mission will be the equivalent to the one with the sentient ship because it seem to be its own node

  11. 5 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    There are no elite crewships. Crewships are just crewships, Kosma, Gyre, Exo.

    Elites are only for the smaller ships where elite outriders drop zetki armament and components. Crewships always drop vidar and lavan armaments.

    Unless you've found a super rare crewship that isnt documented anywhere.


    the elite crewship is blue or gray and the normal one is orange or red

  12. it was never hard to farm, i ignored my last lich for a week but then baro bring pedestal prime and i got the motivation to remove my lich from neptune but i captured her before finishing all the nodes on that planet, with the release of the railjack i dont think i will create more lich for a while, im still missing some ephemeras but i got the feeling the corpus version of the lich will have the same ephemeras so i better farm the ephemeras along with new weapons

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