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  1. SP Ropo is quite easy with Madurai and your favorite rad sniper And yet yesterday I matched with a few Ember Primes doing rando stuff. Ember is very powerful the way her kit works now.
  2. SP Circuit, Disruption, Cascade can quickly reach LVL cap. The game doesn't have an extract at 5 mentality; it has a "let's cry about something trivial" mentality.
  3. As someone with a Switch and PS5 account I'd hope so lol
  4. These 2 interactions were hardly game breaking ... don't know why they were patched. DE should realize doing this (being anti-fun) keeps players from enjoying anything they invest into. Helminth Charger has nothing going for it..it's 2 precepts are terrible (if proboscis pulled in a group of enemies it would be x1000 better) and the charge should deal a % of damage not tickle enemies. The Helios nerf makes no sense. At least leave some of these active for a few months to see if player usage goes way up (like pre-nerf wukong) and if they don't (because Smeeta/Panzer exist) then leave them as/is.
  5. I use mine as a bank. Every 3-4 months i'll beat it and get a good dopamine hit of rewards
  6. There is a bug with Regen that makes the glaives hit too much times. Unequip it and test the damage again.
  7. Helminth Charger granting free casts every 5 seconds is the most clutch companion in the game now lol
  8. This will probably get patched as it's multishot is being affected by Regen.
  9. Seems like a good direction to take not nerfing any incarnons. However some other weapons need some affection.
  10. Players who complain about Helene/Sedna/ESO nuking are playing wrong. You WANT a nuker (based on how affinity is accrued) unless you're one of those players who crave attention and hate when someone is nuking a node specifically for leveling.
  11. Index is perfectly fine for alot of players until they minmax Profit Taker runs.
  12. Archon sortie is a gear check. The archon itself can be easily taken down with felarx/kuva hek or other high pellet weapons (built for dmg and radiation) to bypass the attenuation. Pair with roar/madurai's 1 and they'll be 1-2 shotted.
  13. This must be one of the most tone deaf reactions I've seen from DE. The community literally wouldn't be so mad if you'd just release the skins without the padded regal aya/plat for a reasonable amount. Instead, you've chosen the greed road. Leaves a sour taste in my mouth. I've already cut back on how much time I play this game (you can look up how much hours I've spent its maybe over 10k) and if the new updates don't bring me back in, I'm probably done at this point.
  14. Does it have any other modifier (dragon key?)
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