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Posts posted by T.A.K.A.I

  1. Não sei mais o que fazer pra esses problemas pararem de acontecer. Já adicionei no Firewall do windows (pq eu não uso antivírus) todas as portas que o warframe usa, já limpei o cache DNS...esses problemas são muito incômodos, porque faz vc pensar que vai perder o progresso da missão, e isso faz com que vc tenha receio de entrar numa missão mais longa (eidolon, sobrevivência, circuito, etc.). Minha net é fibra ótica de 500mb, conectada diretamente pelo cabo, não wifi. Isso é muito frustrante.


    Será que tem a ver com o fato de que eu jogo no servidor norte americano? Porque no sul americano tem bem menos gente...Talvez seja problema de rota?!

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  2. Recently i've been having problem to do invasions. When i enter on any invasion, i don't enter on the correct...i don't know why or how, but the game send me to another map/invasion, so i need leave or do this invasion to reenter on that i want, and sometimes i need try and try until i can enter on the correct. To farm Mutagen Mass is boring and slow (to me, yes) and this bugs is difficulting it more.

    I don't know if this is happenning to more peoples and if have any solution now, i'm justing reporting.

  3. Hi, this is my first topic, so forgive me if I create this on wrong area. And forgive any error on my text. 

    I already has send one solicitation on suport too, but the solicitation was on portuguese...i don't know if they'll answer me, so i decided request help here too.

    Well, i already add at least 1 form on this sentinels/kubrow/MOA/kavat, so this should not be happening, right?

    I'm not getting move polarity (and possibly, can't add new/more forms too). I receive a error message ("The reconfiguration could not be completed. Your account has not been charged. Try again later."), but I try and try again, log off and log in, and nothing resolve.

    I don't need say that's boring so much, mainly if i can't add more forms. I need help urgently, please.

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