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Posts posted by Liam

  1. On 2020-05-28 at 8:17 AM, (XB1)EPOSSTYLE said:

    I'm just going to say it. This is not khora nor does it match her theme...failed! This is saryns skin...who is the curator at DE...this is tone def

    Meaning with a deluxe skin is it aint ment to "look like" a frame. Its about being a unique skin.

  2. Prime Acess is a "rare" thing, you either farm it or buy it, and since this is a fully free game, why cry over that a gene-masking is locked behind a 34€ pack? How do you think DE comes around by literally being a free2play game? They gotta earn money somehow. 


  3. 6 minutes ago, (XB1)toughdragon17 said:

    Dont use it your punished if you get a wrong answer and you have your 10 taken away and you half to grind for it again

    Yeah i figured, but the fact it wont tell you wich path you have already taken you end up prob going the same way over and over, sounds like something i will skip 🙂

    EDIT: Something half of the community would skip. 

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