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Posts posted by Rekkou

  1. Nothing really, the set balance is faulty. Best if you do not use the full sets, treat them as alternative mods with small extra effect and use only what you need.

    You might want to grab Hunter Munitions, it's basically a better version of vigilante effects packed into a single mod

  2. So what happens if the fix and updates only pleases player base A but hated by player base B?

    What happens if the necessary fix is in fact a nerf to popular broken warframe or weapons?

    If other players paid more than you, how do you feel if their fix and updates are prioritized over yours? 


  3. 1 minute ago, DeMonkey said:

    Limits the market, limits the audience and subsequently hits the devs revenue.

    Star Wars BF2 is currently rated 'teen' meaning its pretty freely purchaseable. Lets face it, its Star Wars, it's going to be aimed at younger people.

    You take that kids game and slap a big old 'M' rating on it and you find that it's not as freely accessible for youth. Parents are also less likely to buy the game for their kids when the kid is unable to purchase it for themself.

    Perhaps it isn't the best solution, but revenue will take a hit, and thats all EA really care about.

    Knowing EA, the outcome will be worse because they will just find a way to make the adults pay more to compensate the loss.

  4. No idea why people keep resorting to "gambling" to stop lootbox. It won't, like alcohol or smoking, lootbox being classified as gambling will only locked them from children or teens, not adults

    The worst thing to happen if loot box is classified as "gambling" is that the game ESRB rating will bumped to M. And warframe is already rated M due to blood and gore violence.

  5. 2 minutes ago, YandereWaifu said:

    im guessing you dont know how the vigilante effect works in its entirety, as it also affects non crits meaning any non crit weapon shot can now crit, any crit becomes an orange crit and any orange crit becomes a red crit (thats if the effect happens but it goes off pretty often for me with just 1 or 2 vigilante mods), the best thing would be to run a combo of mods from both sets, eg vigilante armaments + hunter munitions personally i recommend it on the torid, its an OP combo 

    I'm guessing you never try them or haven't check the wiki recently. Vigilante effect does not work on normal hit

  6. Both triggers on critical hit but there are few differences between them:

    • 30% chance for 200% damage vs 30% chance for 245% armor ignoring damage.
    • 6 mod slots vs 1 mod slot
    • Ineffective build vs Effective build
    • Can't even think of what weapon can benefits from these mods vs Good on any weapons with good crit chance.

    Vigilante mods are not just weak or bad but it's faulty. It's only usable on crit weapons but require 4 slots on your weapon, while crit weapons require 6 obligatory mods. Base damage, Multi shot, 2 elemental, 2 crit mods. You can try with only 4 mods, but you'll only get 20% chance which isn't much at all.  If you want to use the full sets, you'll need Riven mod with at least 3 obligatory stats. 

    Fix suggestion :

    1. Like Gladiator mods, change vigilante mods so they are geared toward crit modding. This will allow them to replace crit mods required by crit weapons. Vigilante Supplies/Fervor/Offense should be replaced by +100% Crit chance and +90% crit damage to replace the obligatory crit mods. 
    2. Change vigilante effect to give additive crit chance. Full set will give you +30% crit chance. This will make Vigilante effect becomes the opposite to the Hunter munitions, this will allow non-crit weapons like Tiberon, Dera, or Boltor Prime to be able to reach decent crit chance.


  7. 7 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

    If they were available all the time they would be worth less to those who want them.

    You mean it's worth more to those who want to sell them. Many players want the primes simply because they want to play with them instead of profiting from them. These players shouldn't get the end of the stick for the sake of profiting players. 

  8. Avoid contemporary references, pop culture, and 'meta'. While we have fun with this during holiday times your goal should be something that fits with the Warframe universe as it is.  Your entry cannot contain elements from copyrighted works, reference to other IP’s, or make use of any images or material that you do not own.

    Pretty sure meme count as those

  9. I think they probably ran out of idea. Kavat and Exalted Whip, those are basically 2 separate mechanics that are now integrated as abilities. Her 1 probably will be a quick whip lash, while her other ability is probably buff for the kavat. So If my guess is correct, Khora will be a warframe with 2 melees and 2 companions but no real ability

  10. I'll admit i'm not fan of Operator combat, because i feel that they're too weak and detached to your warframe combat. Back then, DE kind of describing focus as some sort of avatar state that will boost your warframe performance even more. That got me really excited, but unfortunately when it comes out, even though you still get some passives that helps improve your combat, focus is still pretty far from that. And current Focus 2.0 is like the opposite of that because operator combat is completely detached from your warframe and you only get small passives for your warframe.

    So why don't we try to merge all of them? Same with Focus 1.0 there will focus gauge that will fill up over time. Once it's fully charged you can hold the focus button and you will enter a "fusion state" for limited duration. In this state, you'll still fight as warframe but operators abilities are now merged into the warframe.

    • All Operator passives are now applicable on warframe
    • All attacks will deal extra void damage.
    • Bullet jump becomes Void Dash
    • Crouching will allow you to use Void mode as well.
    • Melee charge attacks or slide attacks are now imbued with Void Blast

    I believe this will be a good balance or compromise, because it will not make operator mode obsolete because you can't use the fusion state anytime/all the time. People who doesn't want/like to use operator now will also have the incentive to invest on focus.

  11. Well it's not a game, it's a market. It's common for people to spend more money for more profits. Is it considered pay to win if some shops pays for advertisement while the other shops didn't? And there is actually no guarantee they'll gain more trades, so paying also puts you at risk of loss. The cost basically also cuts their platinum gain. Free users might gain less but they definitely lose nothing.

  12. Prioritize energy efficiency with streamline and fleeting expertise, because it's the real game changer when it comes to energy. If you ran out of energy without any efficiency, 1 energy orb means you can only immediately use your 1st ability. But with 50% or 75%, 1 orb means you can immediately use your 2-4, depending on your warframes, it can be a lifesaver. This also means energy siphon will replenish the energy you need 4x faster.

  13. What interests me most in PoE updates are the Vigilante mods. Their set effects will give you chance to "upgrade" your damage to a higher crit. normal ->crit, crit-> orange crit. This is quite game changing to me because it will allow some weapons like Boltor Prime, Dera Vandal, Tiberon to be a crit weapon. However though, their individual stats are not very appealing to use, especially Vigilante Pursuit and Supplies. Having to use mods that can be replaced by sentinels mods feels like wasting mod slots. Only Vigilante Armament or Vigilante Offense, that feel worthy to use. And mind that secondary has Augur Accord that adds +90% damage. 

    Equipping the whole sets basically give you +30% chance to crit, but considering that you will be using 3 mods slots on your weapon that does not really improve your combat capability. It seems like using these mods will weaken your weapon more than improving it. And mind that, crit weapons that benefits these mods most, require at least 6 obligatory mods. 

    So i feel that to make Vigilante mods more compelling to use, some change needs to be made

    Change Vigilante Pursuit from enemy radar to sprint speed. There other stats, but sprint speed is still relevant with pursuit naming.

    Please change at least 2 mods (possibly supplies and fervor) for the weapons into crit chance/crit damage mods, but make it weaker than Point Strike and Vital sense. This is so that the mods are still viable on crit weapons, and the mods can help the set effect to be more potent.

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