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Posts posted by Rekkou

  1. 3 hours ago, Nicococo said:

    Yeah it is. You just need to swap out the +Y to -Y in the tangent normal map swizzle. This is so the normal map works within the directX api. Also, the basic art guide says it uses mikktspace, which is essentially xnormal. In order to remove that seam you need to move the mirrored island over to the 0-1 UV space.

    I already did and it's still there. The seam won't be apparent on other renderer even on tennogen tool, and will only be visible in game under certain lighting condition. The main problem is that the only way to know is to have your items accepted. So it's not an issue that you can immediately notice and fix. That's why i just choose a way that can avoid the problem entirely.

    [removed image]

  2. 6 minutes ago, Nicococo said:

    I started preparing a slide show of sorts of how to do certain things in blender and it might not be too specific but hopefully itll help you out. Ive got to the part about baking out textures and blender is just not good at it. Im going to do this using xnormal. Just to let you know, Its also a free program and it works great.

    A bit warning that normals generated by xnormal isn't very compatible with evolution engine used by warframe. If you make mirrored mesh and UV, you will ended up with visible normal seam especially on the front of your helmet. If you have no other option, then make sure to wrap the front of your helmet as single non-mirrored UV

  3. 55 minutes ago, giovanniluca said:

    Slash, toxin, also condition overloed does not depend on capacitance.

    The what if instead of the damage cap the ultimate just had no duration?

    Not sure what you're really saying there, can you try making complete sentence?

    Anyway, i don't imply condition overload is dependent to capacitance, but both helps Discharge usefulness in general.

  4. Nobody is talking about capacitance? with Capacitance, Discharge offer both CC, survivability and if you're using melee with Condition Overload it basically will buff your melee damage as well. And the good thing about overshield is that, it doesn't count as ability buff. Sure, It's weaker than Iron Skin, Defy, Warcry, etc, but it won't go away if Nullifier touches the tip of your toe

    5 minutes ago, Hecro said:


    It won't take like more than a minute to write his descriptions while it will took months to rework Volt. No matter what you believe is correct, the one that is more likely to change is the easiest one to change.

  5. 1 hour ago, Biter. said:

    Oh wow, wasn't expecting a reply from the artist. Thanks for looking into it.

    P.S. Got the Zener skin today, keep up the good work! (Also like how you made sure it would go well with the Arrester haha).


    I've checked my files and the tint seems to be working fine here. But i'll try submitting new tint texture anyway and try cooperating with DE to fix the issue.

  6. Grinlok Wraith is probably a better bet, because well let's admit it, DE isn't likely to buff niche weapon like Grinlok. And unless they're doing Semi Auto 2.0, we won't see any significant buff. Power Creep variant is a better solution because it can give significant overall buff.

  7. Because this thread will probably be kicked to the off topics pretty soon, might as well be as off topic as possible.

    I don't get why people keep comparing Destiny to Warframe when the closest comparison would be borderlands

    Both are full paid games with paid DLC, warframes are F2P

    Both have characters with different subclasses, while warframe's characters/classes is completely different to each other

    Both have abilities that are basically 1 ability and 1 grenade, while warframes have 4 abilities and focus

    Both have passive skilltree, while warframe has mods

    Both have randomized weapons/loots with rarities, while warframes weapons are fixed but modable


  8. 38 minutes ago, TheErebus. said:

    Destiny started development in 2010, Warframe started development in 2012. Now if we're talking about Destiny 2, I'd argue that any similarities we see between the two has little to no relation to WF. Lets go through the image you shared. 

      Reveal hidden contents


    Starting from the right:
    You said the Titan looks like Rhino. In what way? That he's heavily armored? If that's the case then you can argue any game with a sci-fi element and features heavily armored suits took "inspiration" from WF. If you're talking about the stance he has, that's just a heavily generic stance that many games use with firearms. 
    The Hunter with the staff is Wukong, because he uses a staff. Really? I'd say that it's more of inspiration from the Monkey King. You know, the thing that Wukong is directly based off of.
    The Warlock is supposed to be Volt. In what way? I see almost nothing that says "volt" about him/her. 
    The floating Warlock is Titania. Just because he/she's floating? The Warlock had this since Destiny 1. I guess any character that floats from now on is "inspired" by WF. 
    The Hunter with the AR is mesa. Why? Because of her stance? I see barely any relation to Mesa. 
    As for the Titan with the shield, you just kinda gave up and just said he's Master Chief which I haven't played Halo in a long time so I've no idea if he ever used a shield.

    My point is, your claim that Destiny 2 was "inspired" by Warframe is simply you making bare bones relations between the two with little to no substantiating evidence. This the same thing that has happened before when Destiny included swords into the game, someone made a thread about how it copied (or used "inspiration") Warframe where in reality it's just a trope that can be used in any game in any time. 


    We have more classes but I'd rather have smaller classes that work great and I'd use than a huge number that I won't ever touch. 

    Well i'll pick the one with class that is easily accessible and usable rather than the one where you have to play the whole thing again just to play different class. In warframe you can ignore 1 warframe and that's exactly what you won't get, In Destiny ignoring one class means ignoring the entire subclass it has. And wanting to use just 1 subclass means you have to start a whole new character just for it.

  9. 1 hour ago, -Pure said:


    If i have problem with only 1 of your points then i have the right to dispute that alone. Your other points doesn't at all miraculously justify the problem with your point. And aligatorno have dispute your other points, i don't see you arguing with him/her at all. You're calling me out for only focusing to one of your points, but you yourself refuse to argue with people who dispute your other points.

    1 hour ago, -Pure said:

    Skin gambling controversy? Are you talking about the 9 year olds that got their mothers credit cards and spent money on shady websites? Because there are legitimate websites for crate opening on CS:GO and DotA which not only have fair and set drop chances (you can even see them yourself) but they even allow easy ways to trade up bad skins for better ones at a reasonable cost. If you get addicted to opening cases the problem lies with you, not the game.

    No i'm talking about that one big scandal everyone have heard. If you haven't heard it then either you're playing ignorance so it helps your point or you haven't done proper research. Either way, It's a problem that won't exist if not facilitated in the first place. If you believe there's nothing wrong with it and justify it because you can get away by blaming the victims then you are clearly the most wrong one here.

    And if you didn't meant to include the market system then why mentioning and keep defending it? "Hey, let's improve the market, here are example of successful markets, but don't follow their method at all" Is that what you're really trying to say?. You keep saying people can't read properly but it's clear you're the one who can't write and argue properly.

    Lastly if it took you like 1 day just to reply, then i'll be taking my leave here because i refuse to be stuck here for days.

  10. Just now, AlphaPHENIX said:

    I would say the AkVasto instead sence it has a faster fire rate and reload. You are only loosing practically all your status chance and some of your crit, but it does have a high chance of dismemberment which is always usefull with a Nekros around.

    Besides, the eternal Slash vs Impact argument, I mean Slash can work against anything and Impact is only effective against shields so...

    If you're talking about Slash then Akmagnus is even better. It's not the slash damage that is good against anything but bleed procs. Akmagnus has much larger status chance than Akvasto, even if Akvasto has bigger slash damage, Akmagnus is still going to procs bleed damage more often. On top of that Akmagnus also have higher crit chance and damage, if you do head shot that procs both bleed and crits you can easily kill high level armored enemies because the bleed damage will ignore armor, multiplied by crit damage and multiplied again by 400%, not to mention a single bleed proc will do cause the damages 6 times. While Akvasto will struggle because slash damage alone against armored enemies only means reduced damage. Even without the bleed procs, Akmagnus still makes a better armor stripper, less armor = more damage.

  11. Just now, -Pure said:


    CSGO? the game with serious skin gambling controversy issue? And what is exactly you're suggesting then? because at the moment Warframe's steam market already free from keys, crate, battlepass, etc. If you don't want those to be in warframe then why making suggestion by using CSGO, DOTA, and PUBG as example?

    And yet another person who believes his points are so compelling that every people would agree to them just by reading their post. It's not, I've read it and that's why i disagree, you aren't going to make me agree by accusing me not reading your post.

    If you are planning to convince people you have a good point, you're not doing a very good job.

  12. I don't see what you mean by using steam market to its full potential. Being able to buy what you want directly without the need to gamble or anything else in between is already the best for all sides.

    Crate is anti-consumer as it forces players to gamble to get the skins they want. And based on the article bellows, the system employed by Valve is actually ripping off creators.


  13. 7 hours ago, VoidPunch said:

    Can you point out what it is that makes the second iteration's "eyes" more clear cut? I'm still making tweaks but I can't pin down what it is about the eyes... is it how thin they are in the original version? The original version was mostly a painting however.

    The reason the 2nd model looks different than the first is probably because the shading under the hood is gone. The "face" becomes unnaturally more visible and loses its mysterious/sinister feel. You might want to try another renderer tool with better shading, Tennogen tool isn't really good for presentation. Alternatively, you can add ambient occlusion or artificial shading.

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