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Posts posted by Rekkou

  1. 2 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Vile Slanders said:

    You just have to have the last petty word, don't you? If it'll shut you up, post whatever you want to post after this. I'm through with trying to rationalize with you. And if you really want a straight answer, then here you go: yes, you are insufferably stupid. I can almost see you in a ridiculous looking blond toupee and sporting a Cheetos-orange skin tone, you're that mentally stunted. Self-righteous ignorance is your shield, so go revel in your inadequacy somewhere far away from me.

    Seriously, if I was a troll, I could've carried this on all week and made a lulz farm out of you.

    Might just troll next time and i won't even bother. Troll is annoying, but honest instead of pretentious and self righteous like you.

  2. 19 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Vile Slanders said:


    So you're old and mature, is that why you're so insisting to force your own opinion and just calling out people who won't abide to you as immature? pretty sure you're also trying to indirectly calling me stupid.

    Well, that explains a lot now, I'm not dealing with average players, i'm dealing with bitter oldman, forcing his ideals to anyone disagreeing while refusing any change


  3. Just now, (Xbox One)Vile Slanders said:

    Are you aware of your own hypocrisy, or did someone just wake up on the wrong side of the bed?

    Hey, you're the one resorting to personal attacks. If rationalizing a feasible utility for Hydroid is beyond your faculties, then maybe you shouldn't be flinging your attitude around in this megathread. Reddit exists for reason you know.

    I'm pretty sure i am simply minding my own business before someone started pushing their own opinion and in the ends gets more salty than the person being pushed. Guess, you shouldn't push if you're not ready to be pushed back. Let's just call this your karma, a lesson of life for you. Because if you're still planning to shove your opinion to someone else, even after me, there will be more complain to come. If the reworks is "done"  but Hydroid is still bad, people would still complain and another reworks will be coming.

    Well, hope you enjoy your next opponent.

  4. 9 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Vile Slanders said:


    Yeah, you made it clear your problem is anyone who might change what you like.

    Despite wanting change, i'm not in any allusion that DE will follow any of my ideas, in previous reworks case, DE responds to negative feedback and handled it on their own. A short negative feedback is evidently the most efficient form of feedback in this case.

  5. Just now, (PS4)Maddriver1 said:

    That's not what he's doing. He's spitballing ideas that could work, just as you are/were. You're making it seem like he's shoving his concepts down your throat.

    Except that he did, if he isn't then he won't be replying to me in the first place. He'll be minding his own feedback and not bothering anyone else.

  6. 1 minute ago, (Xbox One)Vile Slanders said:


    If you prefer everything as it is without doing any effort to change anything to improve your own game, that's your call. The purpose of forum is to gather feedback to change and improve the game and all players have the right to voice their desired change. If you hate change that much then you shouldn't be here because nothing you said will stop people from wanting change.

  7. 3 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

    HOT OFF THE PRESS (not literally we don't have a press):

    Since the last Hotfix and now a lot of changes are being proposed and tested.

    Things change quickly so this is just our goal - not confirmed for tomorrow yet - but it's where our heads are at and what we are trying to get in:
    Visually we want to get PBR done on Hydroid.
    We have increased his base energy pool.
    We want Tempest Barrage to have better Audio feedback on its charging.
    We want Undertow to have better possible damage scaling over time and as of a couple of minutes ago we are experimenting with squadmates being able to shoot into the puddle to damage submerged enemies. Since this is a recent experiment be prepared that it might not work out quickly or work out at all!

    Stay tuned for the Update Notes!


    No change planned for Tentacle Swarm? And please mind that some people prefer playing solo, sitting in a puddle while other players are doing the rest shouldn't be the best way to play Hydroid

  8. First you need to went through a process called retopology


    The result will be a lower poly model that will be used to project your high poly model

    Second, you have to unwrap the UV of your low poly model


    Then you have to bake high poly model details to your low poly model, this is called normal mapping


    After that you follow the texturing guide here




  9. Tempest Barrage : The additional duration is quite nice

    Tidal Surge : Only QoL and synergy? no any other buffs?

    Undertow : This ability seems the one that changed the most. It's much more practical and it's pretty fun to drag the enemies to you. Not sure if it's actually anymore useful though

    Tentacle Swarm : This is the one that i still don't get, what is exactly the purpose of this ability? It doesn't do much damage. As CC, it will grab and swings enemies around making them much harder to hit. And charged Tempest Barrage now can match Tentacle Swarm's duration while pinning enemies to the ground. So as CC, Tempest Barrage is much better ability than Tentacle Swarm. And please don't say Pilfering Swarm, it's just depressing when an ultimate ability devolve into a mere farming tool. Can the tentacles at the very least hold enemies still instead of flailing them around?

    Overall, the reworks barely improve anything, it adds more QoL and synergy, but neither actually made the abilities anymore useful. I'll have to say it's very underwhelming. Hydroid is worse than Oberon, yet the reworks is also worse than Oberon's rework. I sincerely hope you guys do more follow up buffs.

  10. 19 minutes ago, KavasMasta said:

    in my opinion trying new weapons makes the game more fresh and fun there are many weapons like penta amprex flux rifle sybaris drakoon ect that look cool and pull people into them anyway

    And with Serration it's easier to use those weapons at their full potential instead of waiting and grinding until you have enough weapons first.

  11. 3 minutes ago, KavasMasta said:

    you are assuming that all the endo they passively get will automatically go into serration which i guarantee it doesn't also the credits at lower levels are nearly impossible to get

    btw its 20.9k endo and 1mil credits to max serration

    though we cant forget im also talking about point blank and hornet strike as well as pressure point which im sure makes it well over 60k endo and 3 mil credits

    Nope, i don't assume anything, getting Endo does not dictate gameplay nor obliged players to do anything else so assumption of new players behaviour is not needed at all. While your system will force them to get new weapons or warframes and you justify it because you assume that every players will do their game exactly as you did.

  12. Just now, KavasMasta said:

    the spoiler answers this


    I'd like to believe that when/if DE reads this they will strongly consider the cap also this can only benefit new players because since it automatically applies after mastery tests they dont need to farm endo to specifically use it on damage mods... which they would have to do anyway because no one under rank 8 had a maxed out serration mod (well until the endo system)

    The basic idea of Serration is that its progression is not tied to anything other than getting Endo, which can be gotten from any places even on mercury. Your system ties it to weapons, warframes, planets and mastery test. Yet you're trying to make it sounds like getting Endo for maxing Serration is something that new players can't do while it's the complete opposite.

  13. Just now, KavasMasta said:

    1 you get mastery from completing the star system which can basically get you to mastery 3 plus to get to the quests you need to get to mastery rank 5 rivens are already mastery locked.

    anywho (With this system all weapons and warframes are mandatory because it becomes required exp to progress.(this right here is completely uintrue because the mastery system damage would be caped at anywhere from 8 to 10 making only like 40 weapons -max- mandatory (if you only do weapons)

    weapons slots are already a problem other then the fact that all players should use the 50 starting play to buy weapon slots to start off the fact you can just cycle through weapons is a thing being the minimun slots is like 7 Solution to not buying weapon slots cycle and buy and sell the weapons. thats what i did back in the old days of warframe

    you're negative points already exist in the game without this change or look at the solutions 

    You're only suggesting hypothetical cap, if the system is implemented, no guarantee DE will apply the same cap. And it doesn't change the fact the basic system is bad, it forces players to keep acquiring new weapons or warframes to progress, instead of just using whatever they like.

    This system only favors you because you're already there with the help of Serration. Newer players have to repeat them without Serration. Not to mention this system will widen the gap between paying players and free players.

    Warframes have problems but your system will only amplify those problems.

  14. 8 minutes ago, KavasMasta said:

    you grind for endo at level 40 area places where mastery rank 1-7 can even get to

    besides everything you just said is a part of playing warframe anyway? i have to grind to get my Tigris prime

    in my opinion the later is much simpler because your doing more than one thing at once get resources not only for weapons for gear and warframes blueprints is a grind anyway plus playing the quests you're forced to get masteries anyway

    it would also define the damage for lower levels 

    basically you're cutting out the farm for the serration mod

    in fact it would make grinding easier since you don't have to worry about having not enough mod capacity for serration


    Except that people don't and shouldn't have to get weapons and warframes they don't like. With this system all weapons and warframes are mandatory because it becomes required exp to progress. Slots will also becomes a problem, and if you're gonna say that you can get 12-20 plats by trading, then you're just adding another layer of grind to your system. This system also widens the gap between paying players and free players.

    So far this systems negative points far outweighs the positive

  15. Not a good idea, Mastery ranks tied to weapons and warframe, getting warframe and weapons are tied to grinding. Progression based on mastery ranks means you're exponentially increasing the amount of grind required to progress.

    Serration -> Grind to get serration -> Grind for Endo

    Mastery based progression -> Grind to get blueprints -> Grind resources/parts -> waiting for craft -> Maxing it to lv 30

  16. 2 hours ago, tnccs215 said:

    You missed my point. Compare this rework to Oberon's, or Limbo's. Presentations at devstreams, even Developer Workshop Threads. Now, it was just a "oh yeah you're getting a reworked hydroid tomorrow", relatively soon after they mentioning they would gonna rework him next.

    It's the polar opposite to what I and most of the community are used to from DE.

    Yeah, it's quite suspicious. It's either they don't want to spoil the surprise, very confident about the reworks, or they just can't be bothered

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