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Posts posted by Rekkou

  1. On 31/5/2017 at 3:14 AM, fredaven said:

    maybe. basically this one is a gamble since the idea is to "replace" the old nova helmet/skin (and maybe just have the old helmet included like excal).

    So financially its a really dumb idea generally. But I'm overall not happy with nova (and the sales agree) so I felt it was worht it for her.

    On frost It might be that I make a standalone helmet like I did on rhino. Or Ill do the same for frost as Im doing for nova. Not 100% on either option atm.

    After this is done the idea is to rework the scylla syanadana into something that gets accepted and then start loki. Thats the idea atleast. After that we'll see.



    Have you talked about this to DE? I'm actually thinking to do the opposite, adding full skin to my old helmets. Not very confident they will agree to that.

  2. Mastery fodder or not, whether i like it or not i always maxed them by playing it normally. For better or worse, it will at least gives me variety with my play time.

    I've seen people with Rank 30 weapons without any kill at all, they literally never use the weapon and leveling them just by exp farming. If these people complain about getting burnt out, they basically brought it upon themselves.

  3. 31 minutes ago, PETI258 said:

    Rivens are a huge area and none of them can cover all the weapons at once so that would give them space to do things different.
    Focus is the same to max everything right now you need more then a year to farm that 100k every day.
    And the specific weapons may result different daily challenges what we have never seen before.

    Maybe, but if the end the creators only covers rivens from time to time or focus from time to time, you can only goes so far until it'll be repetitive anyway. And it'll be the viewers who got burnt out watching the creators doing the same thing over and over.

    And the weapons you demand are something that DE have to constantly make themselves and are basically provided for free. In case you don't know, DE didn't make their money by the amount of people playing the game or by the amount of videos made by youtubers. So this is the least likely to happen

  4. 42 minutes ago, Volkovyi said:

    I would like to point out the original Oberon has not received PBR treatment as of yet, and that may be why not only Oberon but his Immortal skin as well seem stark in contrast to the new PBR'd materials of the Prime.

    Standard Oberon actually got PBR update when Oberon Prime got released

  5. How are those related? You said the problem is content creators are having difficulty creating new content because bigger creators already cover them. So even if the new contents you demand exists then the problem will still exist because the bigger creators will also cover them, giving no exclusivity to smaller creators anyway.

    If content creators want to win in youtube, then they should rely on their own creativity and charm rather than relying on content provided by DE.

  6. I think people are also forgetting something else here, Latron Prime. Yeah, they're both different but they still fill the same niche that is marksman rifle. Sybaris P has double crit chance, lower crit damage but higher base damage, more magazine capacity, faster reload speed and equal status.

  7. Get the first one, Latron Prime crit chance is just 15%. With Point Strike you will only get 37.5% but with the 1st riven mod, you should get at least 63% crit chance. The difference is 1 crit out of 3 shots and 2 crits out of 3 shots. On Latron Wraith it will be close to crit all the time.

    And the difference of damage between crit headshot and normal headshot for Latron can reach 10X. So crit is always more important to deal the highest damage.


  8. 1 hour ago, iMalicious said:

    I have but now he looks like he has half a face or something, if this was a human model it would be like you cut the head off where the nose was then put a hat on it totally disregarding the human model had eyes where as in warframe it's like it has nothing to even resemble a face or head and you're just putting a hat on half a head, idk just looks off to me. also I prefered limbo being more of a top hat wearer as it fit his style. If this ever got released to tennogen I'd be happy with just the skin.

    Except that's exactly what Limbo is. Did you never saw his idle animation where he removed his "hat"? The joke is that he never actually wears any hat because his "hat" is actually half of his head. And none of Limbo's helmets resembles face either, in fact too much resembling human "face" will make it more likely that a submission will be rejected.

  9. 1 hour ago, Padre_Akais said:


    Yes, it does because i was talking about theme relevance above all

    And so far all i see, the real risk of Harrow is that he will be played by pretentious people who will dismiss every feedback with "hurrdurr you just suck at headshot".

  10. For those who don't know, CP armor reduction stacks additively. Means if you have CP and enough power strength to at least reduce 35% armor. Then you can fully strip an armor in 2 cast

    Overall, I feel that Oberon is in much better place. But i'm still deeply disappointed. Seems like DE truly believe that Oberon is so good that every buffs needs to be accompanied with unnecessary counter weight...

  11. I'd settle with removing cast animation. Or like the other guy said, make it passively charge then press 1 to shoot. The ability should blend seamlessly when shooting but at the moment, the casting interrupts shooting and breaks the fluidity of her combat.

  12. Just now, Tesseract7777 said:

    I disagree that it is a stretch at all, in fact it is perfectly fitting, I don't see why you and so many others keep trying to claim that a headshot theme doesn't make sense for Harrow. 

    He's a Red Veil frame, and both of their ranged weapons are weapons where getting headshots is STRONGLY encouraged to get the most of their potential. Headshots are a part of stealth gameplay, especially in Warframe, and especially with the Red Veil, where it is a major part of there theme, whether you think it fits with stealth or not. 

    Also, just because something doesn't always guarantee stealth, doesn't mean it isn't considered an important part of stealth gameplay. 

    Headshot increases your damage, by the default it will be important to many things in warframe because warframe is a shooter game. But making it a core concept for a priest warframe when it's not presence on warframe like Mesa or Ivara will make it out of place.

  13. 6 hours ago, Jakorak said:

    I guess you either don't stealth, or you only use melee in your stealth. Headshots are bread and butter for those that want to stealth without being tied down to melee, and Red Veil's weapons (a dagger, a bow, and a crossbow) capitalize on that

    Silence and well stealth is the bread and butter and butter of stealth. Headshot alone does not guarantee silence nor stealth. Tying stealth to headshot is as much stretch as tying priest to headshot.

  14. 3 hours ago, That1Cactus said:

    Well either you are very horrible at getting headshots in general or your just complaining about a headshot bonus just to complain.

    Well you obviously bad at reading because i made it obvious i complain about theme relevance



  15. 3 minutes ago, (PS4)lagrue said:

    I'm ignoring you because you've made ridiculous statements like that "I lack creativity," basically trying to insult me - and you've stated multiple times I've "made a claim" - that's why I choose to ignore you.  All you've done is bait.  On that note I'd like to know why the heck I'm still getting notifications from you.  I'm not on the run - I just don't want to talk to YOU anymore.


    Well, then simply stop replying and move along, that's how ignoring works. If you keep replying i will reply back and you will get more notifications from me because that's how notification works.

  16. Just now, (PS4)lagrue said:

    Eh - you blatantly ignore the timing of it all - I wasn't the only one to think, but okay, continue to try to trash me :) Already said feel free to disagree. 

    Because that's irrelevant compared to how common and logical the choices are within the genre. You don't claim sci-fi ripping of other just because they both have space ships. Like you don't claim one medieval fantasy is ripping another just because both have dragons and elves.

  17. 4 minutes ago, (PS4)lagrue said:

    Yeah and there are tonnes of space games that don't show it. Hell even the Mass Effect games which half take place on a ship didn't always show it until this generation.  

     And OP - I never explicitly said it had to be copied... that was just the prevailing theory when it was added to the game - feel free to disagree.  Just coincidental it got added a month after everybody was making topics about how Destiny did it and they wanted WF to... if looks like a duck and quacks like a duck... 

    So your argument is that, warframe will off the hook if they are being lazy and put no effort improving your immersion? And in Mass Effect 1 the role is filled by Mako and in mass effect 2 and 3 they have a dedicated kodiak shuttle ship just to drop and extract you from battle. You have some creativity issue if you think landing ship require inspiration from another game just to exist.

  18. 50 minutes ago, (PS4)lagrue said:

    DE was undoubtedly inspired by other games along the line - most people feel the whole ship and landing sequence were copied from Destiny, since it came out a few months before DE put it in - maybe DE always intended it - but suspicious.

    Also the Orokin Void tileset is very much similar to Heaven in Diablo 3.  There's many other examples - but yeah, you'll find similarities - and maybe even blatant ripoffs of other games. 


    Why don't just put some logic into it. If your character travels from one planet to the other, then doesn't it means they will need some sort of ship? If warframe use teleporter people will only ended up saying they rip off star trek / stargate. So one or two other things are bound to be similar because it just have to and nothing is original. Not saying they won't deliberately take inspiration at some point, but there won't be anyone in game industry that is so uncreative that they will have to rip off anything from other game simply because they can't think about it for themselves. Even the Chinese who are making blatant rip off game can make something on their own. They just choose not to for easier profits.

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