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Posts posted by Rekkou

  1. 1 minute ago, LightningAWG said:

    In case you missed it, the "flame" some people throw at DE is not because Tennogen Round 11 isn´t comming 2017. It is about DE not communicating with us how things go. A simple "We think we can release it early January if things go well" would be enough. People are looking forward for the stuff (me included) and the fact that nobody knows how far DE is with importing the stuff to their game isn´t helping.

    Didn't missed any at all, the flame caused by people assuming DE will release the tennogen at december, gets upset that they are wrong and constantly nags DE for answer that shouldn't be asked in the first place.

    And DE are often silent, do you think they always answers every single question on other forums and for some reason only choose to be silent here? And it turns out silence is the right option, look what happen here when someone tries to give an answer.

    Say whatever you want, not gonna waste my time here anymore

  2. 4 minutes ago, LightningAWG said:

    Where do they state that it is always a 3 month cycle? :P

    Just count the gap between each tennogen round yourself. 3 months gap for 2 years, that's more than a pattern, that's a schedule

    Why even trying to argue? i've given you all solid information. Nothing said here will change the schedule for this round or next rounds. All the constant nagging and rant here are all just a waste of time and i'm actually the only one here trying to help you all with closure.

    But turns out i'm the one wasting my time, i should've just stay quiet and let you all keep wasting your own time.


  3. 3 minutes ago, Zahnny said:

    "The accepted creations will be split into three batches that we hope to ship over the course of a month or so on PC."

    I'd go on about how they heavily implied it but I know you're not the type of person to even let me attempt that so have a nice day.

    Nope, they simply said there will be 3 batches within a month. They never said next month or this month. You made up that implication yourself.

  4. 1 hour ago, Zahnny said:

    I know this has gone over many peoples heads as of late but DE specifically stated there would be 3 batches so that we'd get some before 2018, then it became a constant game of "hush hush"

    A simple "We underestimated and we'll have to delay these until 2018" would have satisfied me and a lot of other people on this forum, but instead we are given the silent treatment which will annoy your fans. I could also understand a "We haven't said anything as we're unsure if we'll be able to ship these in time" but again, no word from DE.

    The only responce we've been given was by DE Taylor indicating that these skins were being worked on. We already knew this and it is incredibly vague as to what skins are being worked on. Is it batch 1? Or is it all of them?

    Misinfomation and purposeful vagueness is a very shady tactic if any other company were to do it. I love Warframe and DE I really do but I'm not prepared to give them a free pass simply because I love them.

    Read their post again, they never state that they will release the tennogen before 2018.

    For the last time, Tennogen follows 3 months cycle schedule. No matter how much or how often you ask, they won't release it until the scheduled release month.

    Silence? yes, but there is no misinformation here, no vagueness, no delay, no behind the scene drama. Nothing, everything simply follows its pre-determined schedule. People here are the one that made up wrong information based on their own assumption and gets disappointed when it doesn't come true.

  5. Am i really the only person who bother counting the time gap between of each round? Tennogen have 3 months cycle schedule, just like Prime access. It's never the next or few weeks after the round announcement. Round 11 release will be January, Round 12 deadline will February, Round 12 release will be April, Round 13 deadline is May, release is July. etc

  6. By the game design alone, any warframe can be used for any mission.

    Some missions are easier with certain warframes, some missions are harder with certain warframes. But there are no missions that are impossible to complete with or without certain warframes. Those are how missions were made. DE aren't going to make a mission that can only be completed by certain warframes.

    Most warframes are actually designed with balance of offense, defense, crowd control and utility. Not every warframe have them, but most of them will have enough that they can handle various situation.  Can't defend effectively, then kill more effectively. Can't survive enemies attack, then stop the enemies from attacking you. Can't stealth, then rush.

    And on top of all that we still have gears and focus that can compensate warframe weakness. Need extra damage? corrosive procs, Kavats, Madurai and Helios can help you. Need extra hand? just summon spectre or turrets. Need stealth but no Loki, Ash or Ivara? Shade and Kubrow can help you.

    So Yes, you can bring the same knife to every gunfight, because you're allowed to bring more than a knife to the gunfight.



  7. 3 minutes ago, PatternistSlave said:

    Pessimist =/= nihilist  Nothing changes if everyone does nothing.  Yeah.  Said I was more optimistic than you.  It's pretty tough not to be.

    Hmm, after considering your words, i changed my mind and want to support you. But by the same words, you made me realize that DE is even bigger optimist. So i will support them instead.

  8. 1 hour ago, VoidPunch said:

    Ensure that you tell new players that mods are NOT consumables! This is a very common issue, where they do not use mods because they think the mod will go away after the mission is over.

    This brings back some old memories. Back then i don't even dare to equip abilities because i thought they are consumables.

    IMO, you need to prioritize how the game is monetized. Platinum, potatoes, and slots. Some who aren't used to F2P might think platinum is just a rare resources that they can get from playing the game. On the other hand some people are too used to F2P might think mods or even companions are 1 time use.

    I believe starting platinum should be the main priority, mistakes like selling your mods, weapons or even warframe can be mended with more grinding. But wasting your starting platinum on resources like neural sensors or morphics can't be undone. Some people might try again in new account, but other might simply left. 

    Yes, i know trading exist, but this is new players we're talking. The assumption of their behavior should be that they don't know anything instead of assuming them to jump into the game already knowing everything.

  9. 41 minutes ago, PatternistSlave said:

    So they actively sabotage their own game and remove anything people enjoy.  Good to know.

    Yep, been knowing it for years, and more will come and it will keep on coming. So you either redefine how you enjoy your game or quit. Feel free to argue, rant or insults, but in the end that's your final option. So might as well skip all the pointless arguments and decide now.

  10. 19 minutes ago, Sarge_Tarmus said:

    Oh yeah? Then what are we going to get next? Free exalted blade upon reaching the certain number on our melee combo counter? Radial blind finisher life steal? Or making the HArrow's first ability another finisher exoposer?

    You're making up something that doesn't even exist just to force your own point. What's next? aliens gonna invade our earth and enslaving us all just because your demand aren't met?

  11. 2 minutes ago, -Temp0- said:

    There's no real point using normal weapons instead of wraith/vandal/prime or whatever as it is. They are straight upgrades. No point in slapping strong riven on a weaker version, you will get exact stats if not worse of a +200 damage on a regular weapon as you would having +50% on a prime.

    And rivens as it is are pointless.


    And that is exactly the problem that proper Riven system can fix. Rivens were meant so that weaker weapons can gain more viability and usage, but at the moment it has potential to double dip the power creep.

  12. Well, this is something that i just noticed. Weapons and their variant have the same Riven disposition. Which means if weak weapons with strong disposition like Kogake got a powerful prime variant, the Kogake Prime will have the same strong disposition as Kogake. 

    Am i missing something or this is a very bad design? A lot of weapons have strong disposition because they are very weak, and the more recent prime tends to be stronger and stronger. That means weapons like Afuris prime, Tiberon Prime, Attica Prime are bound to be powerful and on top of that also having powerful rivens. 

    Vice versa, if the weapons have strong prime variants this will lead to weak disposition on the base weapon. In the future when Akstiletto Prime was vaulted, then new players with Akstiletto Riven will be stuck with weak weapons with weak riven. I just can't see fairness or balance with the current system.


    Proposed Solution :

    1. All Rivens will be set to default lowest value, like +70% damage & +30% multi shots
    2. Every weapons should have different dispositions even if they are the variants of a single weapon.
    3. Disposition now works as multiplier, the stronger the disposition, the stronger the multiplier 

    00000 : 5X

    0000- : 4X

    000--  : 3X

    00--- : 2X

    0---- : 1X

    Example :

    Afuris Riven : +70% damage & +30% multi shots

    Base Afuris (00000) = (+70% damage & +30% multi shots) x 5 = +350% damage & +150% multi shots

    Dex Furis (000--) = (+70% damage & +30% multi shots) x 3 = +210% damage & + 90% multi shots

    Afuris Prime (0----) = (+70% damage & +30% multi shots) X 1 = +70% damage & +30% multi shots

  13. 2 hours ago, [DE]DrewDev said:

    This is exactly it. 

    Sorry that wasn't clear to everyone. 

    But this can already be done even with damage cap. Damage cap only makes Discharge less useful against corpus or infested.

    Mass stunlock is caused by duration and range, damage actually has nothing to do with it. Can't Discharge be balanced simply with relevant stats? Did less damage, buff damage, duration too long, nerf duration, range too far, nerf range. No need for unnecessary work around like damage cap to achieve something that is actually very simple.

  14. If your boss is a female and you're a male and she told you what to do with your job, then i guess that makes you female? Each being or characters with genders have their own gender, their gender are theirs, your gender are yours. It changes if it actually changed, not because there is an external indirect influence.

    Saryn is a female operator controlled by male operator. Excalibur is a male warframe controlled by female operator.

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