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Everything posted by MrLance17

  1. Over the years, DE has released countless build pieces from the various factions from Warframe's vast universe. With these, players have built marvels, from caverns to mech warriors to cyberpunk cities. But all this time, there's always been just this one meditation music playing throughout the Dojo. The introduction of the Drydock in the Empyrean update was the first time a new theme was introduced to a room, and I can't put into words here how much the Drydock's theme conveys and does for the room. It's awesome. But we can do more, and it won't be hard to implement. Remember... these? https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/warframe/images/e/ed/Somachord-0.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/220?cb=20171223173948 Somachord Tones. Once you scan them all they become useless to you. But what if you could donate your completed Somachord Tones to the Dojo and then re-scan them? Or maybe subsequent scans of completed Tones will yield a universal resource that you can donate to the Tenno Lab for unlocking Somachord tracks for the Dojo? This would be a godsend for breathing life into otherwise empty Dojos since Dojo NPCs aren't being implemented (and I can imagine why). It'll be fun, and more activities for the Dojo by porting what's already in the Orbiter in.
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