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Everything posted by (PSN)Sentiel

  1. With the trigger accessibility change and Critical Precision augment, Tiberon Prime can dish out single target damage comparable to Incarnons. If you're looking for something with AoE potential then Tenet Glaxion is extremely good at clearing rooms while being ammo efficient, easy to use, and it will help your Energy economy with the Augment. Since it has innate Cold and a Progenitor bonus (I highly recommend Magnetic) it can be very versatile and easy to mod.
  2. I would very much like to also remove the passive from Sevagoth and Inaros, ideally without wasting a mod slot to do so.
  3. As far as I'm concerned, this is Volt's first Deluxe skin. His proto skin isn't a Deluxe, even DE admitted as much at one point (the same applies to Excalibur and Nyx), and his Sentient skin is just a part of the then popular New War related trend (which also affected Mesa). That said, I'm not excited for it because the picture makes me worry the materials and colour channels will be horrible and won't mix well with most of the existing accessories.
  4. The way I understand this mod is that it adds flat 1.2 CD to all your weapons. So a 2.0 CD weapon turn into a 3.2 CD weapon. Naturally, if you get above 100%.CC this 3.2 CD turns into a 6.4 CD. All in all it's a pretty strong and useful mod.
  5. Volt mains when Titania mains cry because they can't nuke Void Fissure at optimal efficiency by 10 seconds.
  6. After spending some time with Ember after her recent touchup, I believe the fact her Heat Meter is being reduced by Fire Blast is the her main problem. Building the heat and setting enemies on fire are both good mechanics but Fire Blast reducing your Heat Meter should be removed because you ideally want to use it for the CC, Armor strip, and healing/OG a lot, but you generally never want your Heat Meter to go down since it lowers your damage and DR. The reduced and capped energy drain now makes it very easy to be at max Heat for the whole mission and never worry about energy, so having an ability that reduces the Heat feels like it goes against the rest of her kit. While I don't enjoy her Fireball and usually subsume over it, when I tried to subsume over Fire Blast instead, Ember felt like a more complete and more fun to play frame.
  7. How and when did Ordis obtain his Sentinel body? I remember he had it all of a sudden during The New War but don't remember the game explaining it.
  8. While I fully agree, the Bile sources and costs per feeding are the root of the problem. Most of them are from extremely limited sources, like Duviri or Railjack (Aggristone, Ariette Scale, Enigma Gyrum), a single enemy type that appears only on one tile (Javlok Capacitor, Somatic Fibers), or are limited to a specific game mode or event (Vainthorn, Omega Isotope, Diluted Thermia). And then the costs. 3k Cryotic is absolutely insane. Lastly, Helminth doesn't accept all resources. I'm sitting on a gigantic pile of Cavia resources since that's where the endgame is right now but Helmith doesn't eat them. Make Stela, Necracoils, or Entrati Obols into a Bile resource and most of us will be set for a few years.
  9. Is this another Titania player complaining about Speed? Ah yes. I hope the wall paint tastes good.
  10. White energy on anything should have the owners creativity be rewarded by being always matchmaked with Limbo.
  11. Just got this from a clan mate so I figured I'll share. https://www.warframe.com/promocode 8264-A2D8-FB13-80F6
  12. I'm liking this, although I would put the suicide option on Mind Control. Perhaps as an augment because it can be quite powerful. That said, I would personally prefer to be able to Mind Control an enemy continuously so I don't have to look for a new enemy to control every minute or so. Let's say, press the ability again to refresh it and hold to cancel it. Chaos should make enemies think you're friendly, so they shouldn't attack you at all even if there are no other enemies around. You will still get hit by AoE, stray shots, and shots aimed at the rest of your team which just happen to hit you either due to movement or enemy inaccuracy. Psychic Bolts need better targeting and the effect should be permanent, just like the rest of stripping abilities. Absorb needs a total overhaul. Maybe even replace it with something else.
  13. As a Volt main, I'd love for the Electric Shield to be able to block Jade Light but it wouldn't be fair because no other ability can block it either. We should have the option to block it with defensive abilities, at least for defence targets.
  14. Trinity is a frame forgotten by time. The game has changed and evolved to the point where her kit doesn't bring anything useful or unique. She needs a full rework, which I assume will be given to her either through 1999 or Heirloom. In the current state of the game, Overguard and damage prevention, especially to health, play a major role in our survival. They are easy to get (Secondary Fortifier, Dante spectre), reapply (many Warframe augments granting Overguard and Mesmer Shield), or continually regenerate (Dante, Citrine, and more). The ability to heal health is very niche now and is useful only to a few Warframes, which usually already have healing in their kit. Since shields have default 50% DR and automatically replenish, all you need to survive with most of the frames is Arcane Aegis and avoiding Toxon. With Helminth, healing health and shields, as well as gaining Overshields is also very easy. In this environment, a fully support frame, with basically no offensive abilities, is largely irrelevant. In order for Trinity to be viable she would have to have her kit changed to either provide Overguard, get offensive abilities, or provide beneficial buffs. Either way, she would just have to become another Dante, which isn't desirable and doesn't fit her theme but any other form or support will be overshadowed by the current support (and hybrid) frames like Citrine, Jade, Harrow, Wisp, and once again, Dante.
  15. To be fair, it probably isn't cloth anyway. The Repala Syandana behaves like cloth, so DE can make it look good but they likely decided they want Warframes to look the way they do in order to not lose their theme of being flesh-machine amalgams. So, flesh looking cloth textures, as you called it, seem pretty fitting all things considered.
  16. It's funny that the Warframe whose entire theme is air and flying sucks at flying and just levitates on fart power. I suppose it would be OP enabling Zephyr to fly like Jade while being able to use our normal weapons, but something being OP didn't stop DE before so I see no reason to hit the brakes now.
  17. Unless the topics are being merged or deleted, you'll find several of them, so yeah, there is a part of the community that feels weird and/or uncomfortable with bringing a pregnant looking woman (Warframe bilogy aside) to the combat zone.
  18. I'm absolutely loving it. I made a secondary and melee specifically to freeze as many enemies as I can before they die. This setup allows me to run Arcane Ice Storm and Primary Frostbite on nearly all frames and weapons while keeping their respective effects active at all times. The only issue is that Arcane Ice Storm triggers only when my abilities or weapons freeze an enemy. If my Sentinel or allies freeze the enemy instead, it makes it harder if not impossible to use Arcane Ice Storm. It conflicts with coop play and is absolutely useless if someone in my team has Frost.
  19. Try it with various elemental setups to make sure it's not related to Blast. I tried to replicate this on PS5 and my Overguard didn't budge.
  20. Does your companion have their default modded shields above 1200? Mine does and Reinforced Bond works well even if I provide Overguard through Dante or Pack Leader. However, as soon as my companion needs to receive a in-mission buff to get over the 1200 shields threshold, then it starts being unreliable, which I suspect is what you're experiencing.
  21. I like how Reb even proved it herself when she said she's happy with how well the community received Jade, yet there's a dozen of threads of people not liking her design and asking for a skin or a toggle because it makes them uncomfortable. They absolutely do not give a f, at least not about what is written here. Maybe if someone screams loud enough on Twitter.
  22. One of the issues with Archguns is that there is no content difficult enough to warrant their use, if they were as powerful as they should be. Maybe TFO at BEST, but everything else can be easily killed with normal weapons and we usually don't fight gigantic enemies like Eidolons or Ropalolyst where it would make sense for you to want to use a BFG.
  23. Your videos are from Simulacrum with paused AI. All Sentinels will stop attacking in these conditions. This shouldn't happen in normal missions. As for my builds, I use Verglas modded for either Cold+HM (if my frame can use Nourish), Viral+Slash or Blast. All use the new Rifle Elementalist mod. Either of these settings can easily kill most SP enemies. You can further improve it by using Duplex Bond, Contagious Bond, and other Bond mods which are usually situational, such as Momentous Bond and Astral Bond.
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