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Everything posted by (PSN)Sentiel

  1. Many years ago, against my better judgement, I bought the Chroma Prime Accessory Pack for the Impetus Prime Syandana. It looks great, has good materials and channels, but most importantly, it only occupied one side of my Warframe's back leaving the other side for my primary weapon. It looked great together with a gun and used to be my most worn Syandana on majority of my Warframes. I used past tense there because I had to remove it since the last major update due to its sudden displacement, as reported here. I use it to hide Static Reactor Prime Sigil behind it, so the change in the Syandana's placement was immediately obvious to me. As such, I was considering making a post reporting this but decided against it because I'm convinced DE doesn't care. I already reported issues with Prime accessories in the past and got ignored. I expected DE to address complaints around items you actually have to pay money for but they did nothing. Heck, I even tried raising a support ticket but ended up being sent to the forum, from where I was sent to raise a support ticket. Absolute incompetence. This is why I'm happy to see someone else report this problem instead. Hopefully it will get fixed but I already moved on and now have most Warframes without a Syandana.
  2. I admit I know next to nothing about cars. My analogy was supposed to point out the fact that Gauss can't handle uneven terrain and loses a lot of time and momentum having to navigate it, whereas Volt doesn't have this issue but won't perform as well on long and mostly flat terrain. I suppose we're trying to say the same thing. Personally, I prefer Volt because he can buff and support his team through various means. Gauss might be the fastest from his group but that just means he has to wait on the extraction for everyone else.
  3. Hold your dragons there buddy. I sad I don't need it, I didn't say I don't want it. I want Chroma to go full Giga Flare but DE doesn't have the balls. I grew up on Final Fantasy. If a dragon can't vomit ridiculously gigantic logic and physics defying beam of death and destruction then it's not a proper dragon.
  4. For the love of Lotus please remove the nauseating recoil from Gammacor Incarnon. I use beam weapons so I don't get motion sickness from the recoil and the Incarnon mode has recoil comparable to a Archgun. As for the rest, Soma and Paris lack anything unique outside of their augments. Mitter needs more ammo. Lex needs a different transformation animation. The current one looks stupid. Vasto also lacks anything unique. The auto hip fire is nothing new nor interesting. It just turns into a Pandero. All melee is generally boring. I'd expect something like Dark Splitsword switching between dual sword or heavy sword.
  5. I'm a Volt main so I probably shouldn't say this but they should've kept Loki as a starter frame. With Loki, you get the usual three RPG archetypes. Fighter (Excalibur), Caster (Mag), and Rogue (Loki). Volt and Mag are both casters and even though they're both different they are too similar to be both there. They also limit the options for starting players. When I started, Volt was described as a "alternative to gunplay" which he isn't because you don't have enough energy to spam his abilities when you start and when you do have enough energy you've also progressed so much his abilities won't do any meaningful damage. Loki would fit that description more because he can sneak past enemies or assassinate them, but similarly to Volt, you wouldn't have enough energy as a newbie to just sneak past everything. It would be a safety net at best.
  6. There's three issues with visual location of the Demolisher in Disruption. 1. The red arrow is too small and nearly impossible to notice with everything happening on the screen in Warframe, even if you tone down visual effects as much as possible. 2. One of the Conduits using red colour makes it easy to mistake it for the Demolisher or the red arrow, especially if it's highlighted when it's in use or it's key is available. 3. Even once the Demolisher is found, the icon showing its location is confusing if the Demolisher is off screen and often points to silly angles, like the ceiling, instead of leading you to the side of the screen the Demolisher is the closest to. This is coming from someone who has impaired hearing and would like to love Disruption but can't.
  7. I tried that with Ceramic Dagger, Caustacyst, Sancti Magistar, and a few others and it was horrible. Not only was it impossible to see what's happening, it's not applicable to all bosses, and some have weird hitboxes (TFO mainly).
  8. If I had a mod slot left to use, I would use it for a parkour mod instead of Rush. We have to cover a lot of vertical ground and those really shine there.
  9. You're comparing a formula one to a rally car. Whoever is faster depends on the racing track.
  10. I wasn't there myself but I believe Loki was replaced by Volt...for whatever reason.
  11. I was under the impression that the 50% DR we got to Shields was applied to enemies as well. Honestly, I wouldn't mind if enemies got the same shields like the Arbitration Drones and some DR on top of it. It would make modding specifically to tackle them worth it and Corpus wouldn't be such a joke.
  12. Aaaah! This explains why my team got angry when I openly celebrated getting a Tauforged. I thought we all get it.
  13. I can't answer that properly since I'm not a dev, but my guess would be because Chromatic Blade is an augment.
  14. I have no idea how to rework Oberon and while the ideas here are great on paper, if I ask myself if I would use this version of Oberon, the answer would still be 'No'. The main issue with Oberon is that he doesn't bring anything unique to the team that has any value. He can't outheal Wisp or wide area Gloom, which is a subsumable. His ability damage is poor. Armor strip is situational and unreliable. Terrify or Tharros Strike are subsumable and do a much better job. His lettuce grass is also unreliable and doesn't do much. Chirinka Pillars at least slow down the enemies. Area denial isn't much sought after in the first place. The Armor buff is pretty weak and generally not as useful as it once was. Overguard would serve Oberon and his team more than some Armor. The only good thing is Smite Infusion, which helps with Murmur and TFO but that's a subsumable...
  15. On day 3000, the login screen will play Ordis' banter "Get out there and make the Lotus proud!" and your account will be suspended until 2035.
  16. The weapons of the Larvaling/Candidate cycle as long you complete the mission until you get the one you want. If you don't pick any, the cycle refreshes and starts anew.
  17. The good and bad thing about Warframe is the constant power creep. I had a friend return to Warframe who left shortly after Kuva Liches were introduced. He hated them so much it made him leave. He went through the story (which almost made him quit again), eventually got himself a Laetum because he really liked Zariman, and realized he can ignore the years old Lich and a great majority of the things between the Lich and Zariman because what he got in Zariman was better then everything else released before. No need to grind for it unless you want something super specific or the Mastery. The one thing that utterly confused him was Duviri and I agree that it makes very little sense the way it has been implemented into the game. I hope my friend's experience will help you. Just focus on the story and the latest update.
  18. You got a Tauforged Shard, you don't deserve the 8k Endo that came with it. 😤
  19. Agreed. We have more and more vaulted frames and weapons so having four of them in Resurgence is much better than just two. I'd keep the rotation to have four frames per month though because I'm thinking about people who may not have the time to farm enough Aya and Relics to get all the things they want. They'll have double the things they can get so they need the time to get them.
  20. Since the change triggers after TNW the assets are all in the game. Also, since Narmer aren't a permanent presence in the Origin system, it would make sense for the hubs to return to their previous state. After all, nobody would want to keep reminders of their oppressors around. As for the open world areas, I would leave them as they are now, since cleaning up the huge Sentient debris doesn't make sense, but as stated above, these remnants need to be properly integrated into the location. If anything, the Sentient remains should be used to make new Eidolons.
  21. DE also did this for all other Forms types and also for Adapters, Catalysts, and Reactors. A very nice QoL change.
  22. Hold on, Chroma's 1, Spectral Scream, can do that. He can switch his elements during the mission. When it comes to reworking Chroma, I'd like for this theme to be fleshed out first. Is he supposed to be a dragon, a dragon hunter, a dragoon, or what? I mean, the whole pelt thing gives off the vibe like he's some sort of knight or a hunter who slayed a dragon and somehow uses that dragon's abilities as his own. It's weird but I'm okay with it as long as it works properly. If he's supposed to be more closely dragon related, then I want to see those claws in action, I want to fly, and I want the breath to spread destruction and mayhem, not this jalapeño sneeze he has now. I don't need Chroma to go Shin Godzilla but his dragon like abilities are lackluster. I'd be honestly happy if his 'rework' just changed the elemental cycling to Elemental Ward (cue is in the name) and for Effigy to provide Elemental Ward and Vex Armor effects around it. If we can go deeper down the rabbit hole then I'd like for the visual effects of his and Effigy's breaths to look better and give Effigy more range so it's breath can reach further. It doesn't need a damage increase since it would share Chroma's Vex Armor buffs at all times.
  23. I would say it needs a Riven to conserve slots and introduce Punch Through to it. High level enemies will shrug it off without abilities or Armor strip. With the 8 Mod slots, you take up the usual 6 for CC, CD, MS, DMG (Galvanized Shot), two elements (Corrosive or Viral), followed by Primed Heated Charge, and Sentient Surge. The problem is Ocucor's measly 11 starting damage, which makes getting the first kill to trigger the Galvanized Shot and Sentient Surge annoying, especially on high level. A Riven can help with this by adding some base damage, PT, and whatever else you'll need (CC in my case). Not only this buffs it once it gets rolling, but it makes it much easier to get the first kill and you don't have to rely on abilities or buffs as much. The Arcane description isn't well written. Basically what it does is status sharing, like Contagious Bond or Mecha Set does. Example: If you trigger 7 Corrosive stacks on an enemy and Electric, it will spread those 7 stacks around. You keep doing that until you hit 14 stacks for full Armour strip and as long as you keep hitting enemies so Status Duration doesn't run out, everything around you will be Armor stripped (while also enjoying other elemental effects).
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