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Everything posted by (PSN)Sentiel

  1. This depends on a weapon but it's generally best to mod for both Critical and Status. Debuffing the enemy with Corrosive and/or Viral will enhance the damage your Crits do, so it's best to have both. Naturally, not all weapons can do that, in which case you're forced to focus only on one aspect.
  2. So, I took a break from Warframe and returned for the Whispers update, dusted off my Nyx and looked completely flabbergasted at her 200% Strength. "What the frost was I thinking?!" I removed all her Crimson Shades, changed her modding, and went for 130% Strength instead. A lot of Bile and other resources wasted. Then I went into a mission, ran into this bug and I was like: "Oh, saryn, that's why I had 200% Strength!"
  3. I might be able shed some light to this issue. When DE reworked how Armor and Armor stripping abilities work, they screwed up something with Nyx that they tried to resolve since then but failed. Your best bet is to use more Strength than needed and the Armor strip suddenly becomes more reliable. At least that works for me and basically made the issue nonexistent.
  4. This. Out of my 5 runs this week, three had Saryn in them. Saryn! One had Saryn and Mirage... She was always killing enemies so far away we didn't even see them, getting into the circle was out of the question for them. Neither of them realized they are the reason why the mission takes so long and when I told them they got toxic and accused me I don't know how to play the game.
  5. I'm always for a new Incarnon. I like the mechanic itself but I mostly like that I have more modding freedom thanks to the high Riven dispo. Since DE gives only 0.5 Dispo to new weapons, I stopped looking forward to new weapons.
  6. Veldt Incarnon when? Just imagine the Void weirdness on this with that beautiful sound. 🥵
  7. Neither of them are. Miter is the only I struggle to charge but that could be just me and my bad aim.
  8. Imagine throwing that at the enemies like:but then
  9. I hate Wisp for her haste mote that ruins my ammo economy but if I would blacklist her in some way I might as well switch to Solo lol
  10. Bloat?! What Bloat?! Ok, I admit I don't do Kahl stuff because it is beyond annoying, but I still need a few dozen shards to be happy and now I also want a few dozen Emerald shards on top of that. I need Netracells to give 5 Shards a week and maybe I'll have enough in 2026.
  11. What the hell that looks ridiculous. We have effects intensity slider but turning that down diminishes everything. We need a slider specifically for similar screen obstructing effects only. Heck, they shouldn't even be this bad in the first place.
  12. I use Merulina exclusively with Gloom for being basically unkillable. I'm lazy lol
  13. I hate BAD Khora. Bad Khora uses her Strangledome and doesn't kill the enemies in it. Which is mega annoying in modes where killing enemies is your objective. Yarelli is great, just struggles on old maps because Merulina gets stuck a lot.
  14. Thank you very much for this explanation. You made me give Inaros another chance!
  15. I'm gonna need some examples of that CC because I find all of his abilities to be absolutely horrible and useless. As for being tanky. How's Qorvex holding? That Armor is MASSIVE and has shields too.
  16. I have a weirdly opposite experience. What happens is that my weapons show their current CD to be red and 1.2 lower. As if comparing builds. My guess is this is because the game turns off Tenacious Bond as soon as I enter weapon modding screen. This would suggest that it's not ally active and working fine, we just can't see it. The Reinforced Bond, which raises your fire rate by 60% behaves the same way.
  17. I thought so as well, especially since Tennokai has only 15% chance to trigger (30% with Dreamer's Wrath), but with Disciple's Merit, you have guaranteed Tennokai on every fourth melee hit. It doesn't decay and shows you the number of hits as a buff among your other buffs. With Disciple's Merit, I can use Heavy Attack more effectively and efficiently then with maximum obtainable Heavy Attack Efficiency. The three normal melee hits between the Tennokais aren't slowing me down at all, especially since you have to use normal melee to build your combo anyway.
  18. I only went very quickly over the Kubrow guide, as I'm mainly a Kubrow user, and I have to say the guide is amazing and very in depth. That said, I noticed your basic mods are outdated. Things like Pack Leader, Health, Shield, and Armor mods have been changed in their values and sometimes in their functions as well.
  19. After experimenting with various elements and status effects, I noticed that Gas and Blast are extremely visually obstructing when they trigger (Blast's explosion) and in Gas' case also after it persists as a status effect on the enemy, regardless of my available settings. Putting them on a rapid fire weapon results in FPS drops (mainly in case of Blast) and near zero visibility of the affected enemy and their close surroundings (mainly the case of Gas). If you use a weapon that spreads, like Nukor, Ocucor, and the like, the visual effects can fill most of your screen and completely obstruct your view. I would like to ask for the visual effects of Blast to be reduced in size to prevent it from obstructing the view of the enemy, which makes precise aiming for weakspots challenging if not outright impossible, and for Gas' status effect to be made transparent with the light around the enemy refracting, similarly like you can see during a gas leak or in summer heat. We have something similar for Limbo's Rift already.
  20. This has been the case since Smite Infusion was changed into AoE buff. The same applies to Saryn's Venom Dose. Both of which are also quite visible on your weapon and visually obstructing the players view if applied to their Sentinel. Curiously, Volt's Shock Trooper doesn't have any of these issues.
  21. I have a lot of things I'd like to see in Warframe which are unrealistic expectations because they're related to reworking the existing stuff. For example connecting the various content islands. I'll instead pick my number one actually possible wish, which is either Tenet or Incarnon Opticor with a hold trigger function. I love Opticor but I can't use it for more than one mission because it's trigger type is extremely annoying to use on a controller without any macro or something similar. I don't care about it's stats as long as it's viable to use, neither does bother me to charge the Incarnon transformation, but the desired end result is a Opticor where I can just hold the trigger and it unleashes a continuous massive beam of death.
  22. I generally don't see a reason for Heavy Efficiency to exist at all now that we have Tennokai. Kullervo might be the sole exception but then again he can build up the combo with his abilities, so he goes from 0 to max combo effortlessly and extremely quickly.
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