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Everything posted by (PSN)Sentiel

  1. Funny seeing all then upvoted replies defending the current default capacity even though we have several weapons with increased capacity from Liches and Sisters. It was fine as long as it was unique to Paracesis but it should be a standard feature for all weapons now. Nemesis weapon will always be unique thanks to their optional progenitor element. For example, I've 5 Forma in my Kuva Brakk, replaced Jolt with Primed Convulsion and called it a day without even looking at the polarity, but my Prisma Angstrum with 9 Forma can't fit it in. Since Angstrum has more Forma in it, it should be able to fit whatever the hell I want it to as long as the polarity is correct. There is no valid reason why some weapons can do this and some can't. If you're defending this flawed system, you're entitled to your opinion but it doesn't change the fact that it is wrong.
  2. They have a effect duration and the effect is removed from the enemies completely as soon as you recast it.
  3. I can see where Pablo is coming from. If they expect a massive popularity spike after a rework like Wukong had then that's a unachievable goal. Even so, all of the precious reworks really helped the frames and made them significantly more popular, but never enough to reach the top (again, except for Wukong). Hydroid is quite fun and useful to have on your team now. He still has his stigma around him but that won't change anytime soon. I think that making the frame useful and relevant is enough. No need to aim for the top. As for Nyx, even with a rework, I cannot imagine her being among the top most used Warframes unless they abandon her theme. Unless DE goes overboard and make her explode enemy heads or force them to commit suicide then she will always be primarily a CC frame, which isn't in high demand.
  4. Originally, Zariman weapons used skins when transformed and DE removed that option. They missed a few skins with Incarnon Genesis. For example Paris Prime with the Abra skin keeps the Abra skin on the bow itself even after transformation. The quiver on your back does revert back to Paris Prime version though.
  5. If anything I'd like for Orbiter and Railjack to be somehow merged into a single ship. It feels strange to tangle Railjack behind Orbiter on a tether all the time while Railjack should be the superior vessel in all aspects.
  6. Inaccurate. Aside from the marketing gimmick mentioned already, it should refer to a Riven roll that pushes the weapons damage output to it's limits with no drawbacks. The ideal stats of such a Riven are individual based on the weapon it's intended for. This is often not taken into the account when someone claims they have a godroll. They'll try to sell a CC Riven for Pox which has base CC of 1% just because it has CC. Also, what is a godroll can depend on the what the user intends to do with the weapon. A good example is Latron. Imagine you have a CC, CD, MS, -Puncture Riven. To many people this will be a godroll because the negative is harmless on the first glance, but to many people it will be trash because Latron has two Incarnon evolutions which rely on Puncture. They might want to use these perks, which the Riven will make difficult of not outright prevent.
  7. DE tried to address this by changing her augment to increase the number of bolts to 9 but not only is that not enough they also didn't address another issues with the ability, such as duration and targeting. The bolts quite often hit the same enemy even though there are many enemies available. They also often ignore high threat enemies like Eximus and go for some fodder standing next to it instead. As for the duration, the stripping isn't permanent, so if the ability runs into the aforementioned targeting issues and you recast it, the already affected enemies have their defences returned. The combination of these two issues can be extremely aggravating. Imagine you have a dozen enemies among which are two Eximus. Naturally you want the Eximus to be stripped so you can kill them first or just faster. The first time you use Psychic Bolts it hits one of the Eximus but misses the other. You grind your teeth because the ability didn't do what you wanted and you wasted 50 Energy. You cast it again. The already affected Eximus returns to full strength and now the ability strips the other Eximus but misses the previous one. Absolutely hair pulling moment. No other stripping ability suffers this unreliability. I'd give the augment a AoE strip of base 3-5 meters around the affected enemy. Problem solved in an easy to do and implement way even with 6 bolts.
  8. I've been playing Warframe for over 1800 hours, as my PS5 claims, I'm LR3, and my second most used Warframe is Nyx. Whenever someone asked for a rework I jumped right in saying she's fine and went into detail explaining why that is. Perhaps I need someone to do that for me today because after the last update I feel like Nyx was powercrept out of the game, doesn't offer anything unique, and cannot effectively uphold her own theme. Being able to Mind Control an enemy to fight for you sounds amazing on paper but falls short in a game like Warframe. Even after boosting the said controlled enemy's damage by thousands of percent, which actually makes them easily kill their comrades, their poor accuracy, cowardly AI, and slow response time make them less useful then a Kubrow. There are niche uses like Ospreys which can then generate shields for you, but such cases are rare and you can use a faction summon for nearly all of them. Forcing enemies to expose their vulnerability was always highly valuable but it's been since given in some way or form to other Warframes as well. We even have one as a Helminth subsume ability, which also heals you. Since shields aren't nearly as effective in protecting enemies against us as is armor, we can disregard them and focus on armor, which can now be stripped by literally any frame as long as they have Corrosive damage and use Emerald Archon Shards, which enable full armor strip by overstacking Corrosion status. With the Eximus rework, Chaos lost its value because it no longer affects the high priority enemies that are actually dangerous. It won't make these enemies target their allies as a priority either because your team and companions still generate more threat and aggro. Lastly, turning into a invulnerable ball of doom is not only utterly pointless without the augment but even with it you're basically a budget Revenant with less mobility, whose augment at least protects the rest of his team. I know there are frames in worse state then Nyx, Limbo comes to mind first, and I don't know how to rework her, but as she is now in the current environment, her kit feels obsolete.
  9. I'd rather wait and hope for a Incarnon/Tenet Opticor then invest my money to buy a controller that would help me resolve this. Thank you for the suggestion though. I honestly wasn't aware.
  10. I read the title and immediately imagined Grendel rolling up with a pink hair pigtails Operator head with a beard going full Kirby on the Grineer.
  11. Opticor release automatically. Being able to hold it like a bow would help a bit but it wouldn't make my original problem go away. Anyway, how can I write this macro on a PS5 and is using such a thing against Warframe EULA?
  12. Whenever this topic or new Tenet Weapons pop up I always say the same thing. OPTICOR! All I want is for it to have a charge/auto fire function. Either a normal held beam like many other weapons have, or the unique auto fire function Tenet Ferrox has. I love Opticor but the way it works is soooo annoying if you use it for a few missions.
  13. I'd appreciate if DE kindly didn't nerf things like Incarnons and Archon Shards since we have invested a lot of time and resources to obtain them and they became an integral part of our builds.
  14. That's correct if you're up to speed with everything Warframe has to offer and have time to do so. In such case, waiting for Qorvex Prime gives you an ample time to gather everything needed. However, not everyone has that amount of time and they do not have to be up to speed. Imagine someone who just discovered Sevagoth and absolutely falls in love with him. They invest their best Shards and several Umbra Forma into Sevagoth himself, his Shadow, and even the Claws. They have no idea when the Prime comes out (I don't know it either), so unless it's clearly advertised as the next Prime, they'll have no idea whether his Prime will arrive in a month or in a year. Even if they knew it, that knowledge shouldn't prevent them from investing into the normal Sevagoth and have fun with him just because his Prime release in six months or whatever, but if they do go into that investment, they won't be able to easily repeat it with the Prime, which they will want if course, so they won't be able to enjoy it as much. I hope that example makes sense.
  15. My guesstimate is around 50 assuming extremely high dispo and 2 stats plus a neg. Try the Ceramic Dagger. It has two relevant Incarnon perks, one adds 20 Initial Combo and the other adds 1 Initial Combo per Primary weapon kill up to 100. With a Riven that has at least 30 IC, Ready Steel, Covert Lethality, and Corrupt Charge, you can reach a permanent 220 combo (x12).
  16. As soon as the mode or difficulty has any beneficial additions, such as better drop chances, then it's not optional anymore. Everybody values their time so it's only natural for them to want to spend it efficiently and thus focus on the mode that allows them to do so. So, Steel Path already is the optimal way to play. To me, SP is the 'normal', because with SP I get more loot, Steel Essence which can be turned into Kuva, Ciphers, the weekly Teshin reward, then there's Arcanes, and Riven Slivers. There's no reason to do anything but SP at this point. There's no added difficulty either. The enemies are vastly more spongy but that's all. Their damage is irrelevant with the myriad of nearly unkillable or outright invulnerable frames at our disposal, which are accessible even to newbies. Wukong is right in the Dojo and they can always buy or be gifted the likes of Revenant Prime. You're set as long as you have means of killing the enemies, which are also easy to get either from your nemesis or by reaching Zariman. Even if someone can consider Acolytes as a challenge, the newbie can simply sacrifice one self revive to get rid of them if they can't handle them. The mission won't fail, there's no punishment aside from losing some affinity and a chance to get Arcane (which you can buy at max rank for 15p lol) and Steel Essence but the Acolyte leaves and you can finish your mission in peace. Even new players in clan all rush to reach SP (while trying to deal with a Lich or a Sister to get a SP viable weapon) because the normal Star Chart simply doesn't offer anything to them.
  17. You trivialise and rush all Spy missions (maybe except for Luna) with Wukong and the Helminth ability that instantly hacks consoles. Even so, when I feel brave and do a public Spy mission, half of the time people do what you describe, especially with totally unfit Warframe. We have a Air Support that freezes the alarm countdown for like 10 seconds which can help a lot but it's still occasionally not enough.
  18. It would be for the best to allow us to choose which buffs we want to be affected by in a menu. There are cases where it cannot be done or it would be very difficult to implement but I'm sure most of the buffs can be made into a toggle like this. Even if Speed would be limited to Volt himself as a faster and easier solution, which I'm fine with btw, it should still be able to affect NPCs. Being able to speed up drones in Plains and NPCs in Defection is priceless and it's nice to have other Warframes aside from Wisp to be able to do this.
  19. I'm sure Rebecca meant Primary and Secondary Adapters. She wasn't talking about the Melee Adapters. No sir!
  20. It's usually enough to fire off a few discs and wait while they clear the whole room. It might take a second or two but they are quite strong and efficient. I'd love to use Miter more if it only charged like Torid does...
  21. Not only is the bar quite overcrowded with buffs, it also constantly shifts around, so finding the correct buff you're looking for can take longer than desired, especially in such a fast paced game.
  22. I originally misunderstood the lore and thought Albrecht is the husband of the Entrati Grandmother, so when Loid repeatedly calls Albrecht his (as in "my Albrecht") it made no sense to me at all and all I could think about was this old meme. Then, someone kindly explained the whole lore bit to me here, so now I know Albrecht is from the other side of the Entrati family, so his relationship with Loid makes more sense, instead of it being Albrecht cheating on Grandma with Loid. I played the whole quest under this incorrect assumption and let me tell you it made the experience quite funny. The whole time, I wanted to go to Grandma and tell her they're making out in her basement and have her go there whoop their butts and show them the real Indifference.
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