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Everything posted by (PSN)Sentiel

  1. Echoes of Fibonacci The game will constantly play his voice lines dissing your Dojo, your Orbiter, and your fashion.
  2. I honestly think DE originally planned to connect all the separate content islands with Railjack, as they have shown during one of the past Dev Streams, where Railjack was supposed to be the bridge connecting many of these islands. Unfortunately, that never happened for some reason and it feels like that made DE gave up all efforts on this front.
  3. To be fair, picking the Keyglyphs is bugged in many ways. A lot of the time when I do a Netracell I don't see anyone having any Keyglyphs even if the whole thing is already ongoing when I join. They might have felt pressured to pick them all otherwise the mission couldn't be completed. That said, even if the last person dies, that's no reason for the host to leave. I don't understand the reasoning behind it. Honestly, permadeath modes shouldn't have hosts. The rest of the team shouldn't be punished by issues and bugs which often lead to loss of progress and time just because someone else ragequits.
  4. To some, Warframe is a game about efficiency. People generally want to do the objective asap because they have to grind it multiple times, so the less time they spend with it the better. That said, I've never met with the level of impatience you're describing. The worst I ever encountered were people leaving if we failed to defend even one objective in Archon Disruption. It doesn't fail the mission itself and it's a minor setback that takes a minute or two to rectify.
  5. Imagine you really like a standard Warframe, put 5 Archon Shards in it and some Umbra Forma, and then a Prime is released eventually. Naturally, you'll want to use the Prime since you liked the original Warframe, which means you'll have to repeat your investment. While we can remove the Shards, now for 30 Bile each, we can't do the same with the Umbra Forma. Depending on your activity in the game, Umbra Forma as well as Bile can be anything from extremely rare to quite common. There are players who enjoy Warframe but do not have the luxury of time to prepare enough Bile resources and especially Umbra Forma in advance. Getting 1-2 Umbra Forma can be quite time consuming by itself. For those who would consider such resources rare, I'd like to propose a option to transfer the Shards (free of Bile charge) and Umbra Forma from the normal Warframe to its Prime version. You can have Helminth consume the original Warframe as a 'payment'.
  6. I really didn't know this works. Heck, I assumed the orb is the same fancy decoration we see when we leave the old Deimos hub. Thanks!
  7. So this hypothetical Warframe would work as a status primer then? That sounds great! It would open up new ways to mod weapons only for basic elements. I believe Cedo's alt fire spreads all basic elemental effects, so it would become extremely powerful with this. Citrine mains would live this Warframe on their team as well, provided they can share the benefits from this passive. Archon mods and some of the new Archon Shards would become super useful and viable too.
  8. This is likely a bad idea especially if this would have to take into the account elemental status effects on the enemy triggered by teammates and companions. For example, a lot of the current meta weapons rely on Viral+Heat. If someone would introduce other base elements to the this, it could ruin the expected damage done by the weapon because Heat on the enemy would turn into Gas/Blast/Radiation. Personally, I rely on my companion to slow enemies with Cold and I'd hate if that Cold was turned into something else as well. There's just too many things that can cause this passive to screw things up imo.
  9. I'm looking for the optimal combination of Corrosive from mods and Viral from Nourish that can be used against all factions and bosses. Would it be generally more beneficial to use one Tauforged Emerald Shard to reduce enemy to armor to the absolute minimum allowed by Corrosion to be able to get the possible damage bonus provided by using Corrosive damage against armor (I'm using the word possible on purpose since there are armor types that are not weak to Corrosive), which would be further buffed by Viral status, or to use two Emerald Shards to fully armor strip the enemy and rely on Viral damage and Status as the main source of damage?
  10. I understand the frustration behind not being able to affect the boss with your abilities, especially if the said ability is the key theme of your Warframe or you rely on it for survivability. On the other hand, I wouldn't appreciate having a Kullervo one shot the boss with his ludicrous damage. I enjoy doing that and I'm sure others do as well, but it doesn't make for a good gameplay experience in the long run and for others as well.
  11. Verglas aside, modding my weapon for Corrosive and Blast does allow me to take advantage of repeated shield gating and become temporarily unkillable (for as long as I can keep shooting and hitting). It does allow me to just mindlessly wail at the enemy until either they die or my ammo runs out and I die. I love it.
  12. I'd like to be able to better understand the damage I'm dealing in order to improve my performance. When I'm fighting the current event boss, I always wonder if the damage I'm doing is good enough or if I'm holding the team back. For example, I know the boss is weak to Radiation, so I modded my weapons for Radiation and added Viral through Nourish. Yet it feels like I'm doing less damage then when I used Corrosive and Viral. That said, I don't believe this is the way to do it because it could promote a toxic competitive mentality. Even now, you'll meet people who will complain about the number of your kills during the mission complete screen.
  13. I don't even know where the cross save option is in the menu. Mind you, I don't have other Warframe accounts, so that's perhaps the reason I don't see it. That said, I have cross platform play turned off ever since this whole mess started because it makes the connection bad, slow, and disconnects me from the Warframe server occasionally.
  14. Could be. Unfortunately, I don't have enough Bile to play around with the shards to test the various combinations in order to determine what triggers this.
  15. If it was, I wouldn't be asking for it to be fixed. As you can see below, I have 4 Tauforged Azure Shards in my Volt, so the bonus should be 70% (30% default + 10% per Shard). My Zenith has no mods in it. Its default total damage is 30 of pure IPS. With the Violet Shard, it gets 9 Electric ⚡ damage added, which is the original 30% bonus from the Shard. The correct value should be around 51 if we take into the account the Azure Shards. It may work for you, but here's a proof there is something wrong with it anyway.
  16. Can you also fix the Violet shard secondary ⚡ buff to the Primary weapons based on the number of your slotted Crimson, Azure, or Violet shards (10% per shard) not applying?
  17. I struggle to utilise Tennokai because if I focus on Heavy Attacks, my existing builds don't need it at all, and if I try to go hybrid I keep worrying about my combo counter decay. I'd appreciate if we got a melee Arcane that would stop melee combo decay, like some of the Tenet melee weapons do innately.
  18. Energize for sure but I also cannot stress enough how good Avenger is. It adds flat 45% CC to all your weapons when you're hit. To elaborate, if you have a weapon with 20% CC and use a mod that adds 100% the result will be 40% CC, but Avenger will add flat 45% and you'll end up with 65% CC. Unless you're using Zariman weapons, this will always amp up your damage significantly.
  19. Considering how they are obtained (time gate) and what they cost (loss of the fused shards) they should provide better and stronger benefits or a straight combination of the existing benefits (choose one benefit from each used shard and combine them into one e.g.: +10 Ability Strength from Crimson and +25% Casting Speed from Amber), the latter which of could effectively double the amount of original benefits you can possibly stack. As for the new benefits, I expected things like Sprint Speed, resistance to stagger and knockdown, ability range increase, energy regen, etc. Actually strong and desirable options. Instead, they offer far less interesting benefits with limited or niche use, and furthermore, they only offer four options while the original shards each offer five options to choose from. The fused shards should have more not less!
  20. The title says it all. I was curious how is the additional Electricity element for primary weapons handled, hoping it would be somehow separate and work as an additional element for CO builds. Also, the bonus damage that should be added for every Azure, Crimson, or Violet shard doesn't work. I put the Violet shard on a Warframe with no other shards, and then put it on another Warframe with 4 Tauforged Azure shards and another with 2 normal Azure shards. In all cases, the weapon I had equipped, Zenith (no mods), got 9 Electric damaged added to its default 30.
  21. They fixed it so well the game servers died lol Can't log in now at all.
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