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Everything posted by (PSN)Sentiel

  1. I quite enjoyed the fight and it forced me to completely change my load out and mods. That's a first in Warframe. That said, the amount of enemies is so huge and there's so much chaos I cannot imagine how bad this must be with a squad.
  2. Shouldn't Arcane Nullifier and Rolling Guard be enough to fight this? Arcane will prevent energy loss and even if you get nullified, you can roll and rebuff in your invincibility window. EDIT: Just tried it and it works really well. The Arcane won't prevent your abilities from being turned off and blocked but at least you don't lose energy. Rolling Guard plus shield gating give you a nice safety net. Still, I nearly died several times, it's absolute chaos, and I can't imagine how harder this must be with randoms rather than solo.
  3. Wally felt really different. That said, he's usually calm and playful, albeit in a evil way, but this time Wally felt generally furious with us for some reason. Also, it might be just my problem, but Wally had really jarringly bad facial animations and often made inhuman grimaces. My Operator looks normal mind you, so it's not because I made a hideous monster of a teenager on purpose (in the game at least).
  4. If we're talking default skins, colours aside, then it's Caliban for me. It's just so asymmetrical, random, and ugly. Xaku is very close there as well, but at least Xaku got a very nice Deluxe skin. If we're talking skins as well, then nothing is worse than my main Warframe Volt having two absolutely hideous, grotesque, unpleasing, disgusting, unattractive 'deluxe' skins.
  5. Opticor. The Incarnon Form would be a full auto/held version of the normal beam. It should also charge with reasonable ease, like the original Incarnon batch. The follow up batch (the 6th rotation) all suffer from horribly slow charging even after DE adjusted it.
  6. The round Necramechs are too squishy. I don't even know what they do because they die too quickly. I assume they shoot something but even on lvl 300 it's so feeble or inaccurate I haven't actually registered them as a threat.
  7. I find the enemy variety great but they're usually not very challenging. Something between Infested and Grineer. That said, when they swarm you in a Netracell fight, get the Overguard floating support and a Necramech pops out, it started to be pretty difficult and enjoyable. I'd say it's way better than Archon Hunts. It is true they lack some sort of ranged threat. A sniper or something that keeps its distance and can really hurt you. Then again, things like that don't really fit the theme of Murmur.
  8. Why not Chroma? We already have a dragon themed Warframe. This would fit Chroma more. That said, I don't think DE will want to bother doing a unique skeleton and animations for a tail.
  9. That's it! I'm taking my gemussy for a spin. I can't read something so enthusiastic and not be affected! That said, I can't wait for new helmets or a Deluxe skin.
  10. Haven't done this in a while but as you can see, no Riven mod was received upon mission completion.
  11. I now understand why a Chroma player was hating on me for using Styanax some time ago. Styanax steals enemy aggro so they didn't attack Chroma. ...wait...giving Chroma Overguard probably screws him up as well. Damn! I swear to Odin this is the ONLY game where buffing someone causes negative results.
  12. What I meant is that if others have a pet with Duplex Bond, it will affect you as well. I did some tests with my friend and it seems to be related to Prime Kubrow collar but it can be caused by other accessories as well.
  13. Warframe: Volt - Nourish replaced Shock - 4 Azure Shards for Armour - 1 Amber Shard for casting speed Primary: Paris Prime (Incarnon) Secondary: Ocucor Melee: Ceramic Dagger (Incarnon) Companion: Raksa Kubrow Setup: Volt self regenerates energy thanks to Nourish and Archon Stretch. Thanks to his high Armor from Archon Shards and mods (full Umbral set), this enables him to survive anything except for Toxin one shots, which can be still prevented with Electric Shield. Speed and Sentient Surge allow me to quickly move through the maps while constantly shooting and killing everything. I usually use Ocucor to clean trash mobs and switch to Paris for Eximus, bosses, and such. Acolytes, Archons, and similar get the dagger. The main reason why I use Paris Prime is because I can make it into a viable weapon and a stat stick for my Kubrow. It starts with 230%CC and 310%SC (it can go higher but then it stops being a viable weapon for me), which translates into 110%CC and 191%SC for my Kubrow. So, if and when it hits something, it will inflict massive double Slash proc on the enemy with the potential to kill even Acolytes. Another reason is for it to activate Tenacious Bond which raises CD on all my weapons by 1.2. Lastly, I can use it to heal myself thanks to Bhisaj-Bal. Tandem Bond increases my Dagger's Initial Combo by 6 whenever my Kubrow hits anything (this is achieved by negative combo duration), which already starts at 80 thanks to my mods. With the Gun and Blade Evolution, this makes the weapon retain max combo count after a few kills. This is used for healing through Life Strike and to kill anything I need dead asap. With additional bonuses from Vigorous Swap and Electric Shield, the daggers heavy attack and the subsequent AoE projectiles each deal millions of damage. It requires a few seconds of downtime between the attacks for the Initial Combo to recover though. I was trying to replicate what Kullervo can do but on Volt. So, it's a bit complicated and takes ages to setup but I'm super happy with this and often return to Warframe just to play with this particular load out.
  14. I do not have this issue on PS5 at all regardless of whether I have the AoE frame or someone else does. The only performance impacting issue is related to the Duplex Bond mod, which causes the game to frame freeze whenever it's triggered. It could be that the aforementioned AoE frames are using Duplex Bond and since the nuke ability is usually for 100 energy, when they nuke they also trigger the mod and it causes the issues you're experiencing.
  15. I have to agree here. Trinity's kit is pretty okay as it is, except for the horrendously short ability duration and somewhat user unfriendly manual targeting of her single target abilities. Both can be solved rather easily without a need for a full rework.
  16. I'm using Verglas with Punch Through. It often hits multiple enemies and it also does damage comparable with some of our own weapons.
  17. You're very much correct about this. For example, Gara and Nezha can provide amazing Damage Reduction but they have to manually aim at the desired target, whereas Citrine provides the same to everyone around her, so she is naturally more pleasant to use if providing DR is your goal.
  18. Styanax can provide energy, shields, overshields, takes away aggro, can grant Overguard and with it also status immunity, and can defence strip enemies. He can't heal others and can't protect things like Excavators or Defence Targets. However, he can grant Overguard to NPCs and companions. Is there any frame that provides the same or more?
  19. They allow it for Wisp, but even without the 'scarf', the skin is still very aesthetically pleasing thanks to it's design, materials, and colour channels. Most of the current Tennogen skins for Volt have material issues (they can look worn and used especially if you use white) and colour channel issues (weirdly chosen places for metals and such), with the Technoshock skin by Master Noob being one of the the best (I can't link the actual person because there's too many users with the same or similar name). My dream is to have a Volt skin by @HitsuSan. (Hopefully this is the right one). I own all of HitsuSan's skins and they're often the best, even better than the Deluxe skins.
  20. To be fair, this particular passive is showing DE's laziness and inability to make interesting passives. The armour per enemy in the gut should be a inherent part of the ability, especially since there is a augment mod that enhances it. I'd give Grendel the ability to resist knockdowns while standing on the ground as his passive. I think that was his original passive before the rework and it still makes sense to me since Grendel is akin to a sumo wrestler.
  21. I wouldn't mind if DE took a look at some of the obsolete and silly Passives, like Frost's or Inaros' for example. No need to make them OP, just tweak them a bit to make them actually useful.
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