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  1. When I use furax wraith incarnon heavy slam in non-incarnon form to enter incarnon form, the passive that gives 90% efficiency works on that slam as host, but not as client.
  2. The "Tek" set mod's set bonus states "Mark a 12m zone every 15s that inflicts 200 damage/s to enemies". The mark does not show up in group play as client.
  3. Just gonna put these together here. . .
  4. The dante unbound "hotfix" notes stated that ruvox spikes can't trigger anymore on ragdolled enemies, because paired with some abilities it could insta-kill things. That's not the case. It can trigger on ragdolls, but it is inconsistent now. Sometimes not triggering on enemies that aren't cc-d in any way. Also the spiked enemies don't seem to get damaged by nearby slams. Additionally, I think the fix to the interaction that caused this change, should not be a nerf to the weapon. There are literally countless things in warframe that ragdoll enemies. Ruvox is a fun and niche weapon, but making spikes not triggering on ragdolls basically deletes the whole reason anyone would run this thing. I'm kindly asking you to review this change. Thank you.
  5. I went and tested ruvox after the nerf, it's horribly inconsistent now. Even on enemies that aren't cc-d in any way, no spike sometimes. Also if you slam attack near a spiked enemy, it doesn't seem to hit them. Please, DE. This will probably get buried because of dante's tragedy, but at least I tried. . .
  6. Is it not possible to fix this interaction instead of absolutely destroying an already mediocre, niche gimmick weapon?
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