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  1. As someone who has played genshin impact and warframe, on one hand, yes i understand why you guys are worried about the future premise of warframe due to the price of the heirloom skins and i do hope and have faith that this would only be a one time thing and would not be a habit. But on the other hand, i feel like the community is blowing this fiasco a bit out of proportion. From what i see, even after regal aya, DE is still far from some gacha game company and i feel like the team and reb still have some of that integrity in them that i dont see this problem ruining warframe's future.
  2. I feel like Duviri is the most they can do for this game when it comes to replayable content. We've been waiting for this sort of content in Warframe for years and it seems like the community is loving the addition. Finally everyone has something to play with for a longer period of time that won't go to waste, something novel that new players can enjoy and something that tests the skills of veterans. I wonder, what's next for Warframe, other than QoLs and overhauls?
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