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Everything posted by (NSW)Mbek

  1. I can kinda understand what OP mean, I didn't feel the usual excitement, surprise, anticipation to see and experience what's next like on the previous main quests. The story is confusing as hell when you first play through it, making me lost track (and interest) of things midway through since nothing made any sense, until the very end, but at that point my reaction is just "Huh, that's it!?" I expected Duviri to be something more relevant and connected to the main plot than just a secluded looping parallel world prison created by Drifter's mind because of void shenanigan. As a set up for Drifter going to help us in the future it feels really lacking... unless the next update gonna be Drifter's journey to TNW. I feel they went too hard trying to present the story in a deep and complex manner, also it certainly doesn't help that our Warframe is getting sidelined, again.
  2. Oh, that spot... I remember my Kaithe switched to land mode there because I fly to close to the ground, then right as I jump back to fly mode I got knocked by a Wyrmling projectile, despawning my Kaithe, then I just jumped as Drifter in panic/confusion and managed to grab the Orowyrm lol
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