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Posts posted by Blackister

  1. Everything you say is pointless.

    1: Saying most people don't know how to play the game is rude.
    2: Mastery Ranks mean nothing in warframe but just a level to unlock specific items and not any indicators of how good you are.
    3: If people are so "useless, bad at the game", why do you keep playing in pugs coop, create your own group by finding people you want so WE are not bothering you with your little rant about the community being so bad at the game.
    4: Hacked accounts / unfair use of boosted accounts are banned easly by DE, "2035" is not a meme but a real ban.

    I, myself a Veteran of warframe since 2013, i won't be there shouting everywhere that im a Veteran, saying im the best, that i deserve to be listened by DE and im better than others. A player MR5 or LR4 are not different, both are the same with different amount of hours into the game, respect both because they didn't do anything to you what so ever. Insulting others because your little ego got a hit because someone in pugs hurted you is not a reason to be rude and asking DE to do whatever you've asked.

    Warframe is a great game, DE gave us the possibility to play in coop and solo by the simple flip of an option, do it, i swear it will do you good. Have fun.

    Like someone said, asking Steve will not help. Steve and few other DE employee left Warframe Developpement team to create Soulframe.

    For 9-10 years i've met so many people in Warframe, so many different playstyle and not everyone play for the same objective, the same way or for the same reason. For me, i play to collect everything i can, to unlock everything so i can say "Yes, finally i finished the game for now", but for some its just farming plats or just having fun here and there...
    You in the other hand, you just want to be mean to others because you ego is huge, you feel like your way of doing is the best, that you are higher and better than others and if someone else is "bad", they deserve to be punished.

    Learn your lesson.


    • Like 9
  2. Merci, j'ai fait c'est " plan " sur paint " il était minuit - 1h du mat ^^, merci quand-même.


    Et s'il faut plus d'explication, demandé moi dans le jeu ou poser moi les questions ici.


    J'en et profiter pour faire quelque modif sur c'est plans du raid. "9h40 25/05/15 "

  3. Pendant quelque heure j'ai crées toutes les étapes pour le faire le raid en normale: voici les images (il y a quelque fautes mais bon je suis aller vite fait).



    Première étapehttps://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xtp1/t31.0-8/11062070_879626528768023_3547506872273722925_o.jpg


    Deuxième étapehttps://scontent-cdg2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xta1/t31.0-8/11313067_879626682101341_294678333807464965_o.jpg


    Deuxième étape partie 2 (rail)https://scontent-cdg2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/11143184_879626752101334_1456071445617631801_n.jpg?oh=47b60f495c5d7b99a8fcc83507dde691&oe=55C0C6A3


    Deuxième étape partie 3 (rail)https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/11202069_879626762101333_657246986462069446_n.jpg?oh=9277688f1bd6ca62a1543898b9db4e2e&oe=55F6A5C0&__gda__=1439190525_1af83d5e2cfdf65b7ad638dc0832cd42


    Troisième étapehttps://scontent-cdg2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xft1/t31.0-8/11109708_879626778767998_8528388567811795042_o.jpg


    Personnellement, je fais le raid avec 2 trinity (spam ou full durées) / 2 Loki (1 desarm / ou full duré aux choix) / 2 vauban / 1 mirage / 1 nova slow. Pour les auras il faut au moins 2 rajeunissement / 2 ou 4 siphon d'énergie / 2 ou 4 projection corrosif. Pour la ou le kubrow et sentinel (Shad et Huras sera très utile pour rester en vie (invisibilité). Il y a 4 coffres rare ( 3 avec 1 injecteur de détonite, 1 booster ( un schéma d'arme par fois ) / un autre coffre avec 50k crédits. bonne chasse !


    Voila Maintenant vous s'avez comment faire le raid!

  4. Maintenant je suis à 124 boss mort, toujours pas apparu , je commence a péter les plons 

  5. J'ai un Problème avec le harceleur, il ne pop pas bout de 42 boss morts et 69 vides fini. Je ne comprend , merci de me dire comment faire.

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