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  1. nope, can't remember, what i remember is the titania always doing what they're supposed to do - collect crystals while the rest occasionally collect crystals and kill enemies but not chase kills, and i play mirror defense the day it dropped what i do remember nowadays is how 1 garuda in party = 3 others not doing anything in every mission
  2. you won't say that if you play in asia server sortie - garuda arbitration - garuda relic - garuda daily 5x steel path incursions - garuda miraculously they all seem to come from one particular country you're comparing a weapon with a max 11.95 range with 5 shots that have been SELECTIVELY nuked by DE in 2020, and again in 2022 with the ammo pickup changes and primary merciless ammo nerf, to a map-wide skill that can be endlessly spammed non-stop with garuda, with tons of audio and visual noise (at least the game respects the lower visual effects of allies, kind of) cool i can't remember the last time i see a player with a bramma or zarr since the last aoe nerf, while the usual garuda always somehow makes it into sessions watch the video again, 2 garudas and 1 titania all spamming the same skill - if this is ok, should DE unnerf aoe too?
  3. excuse me but how are we supposed to rack up headshot with the angstrum? extreme point blank?
  4. forgive me if i sound rude here but all players ask for almost 10 years is just simply for a more legible damage numbers, as in the enemy and crosshair do not get drowned from all the crazy amount of pop ups my suggestion is to make the numbers appear above the hp bar and in a straighter column to make it neater just... just whatever you do just make the numbers not drown the crosshair or enemy, please? or maybe time for a crosshair rework?
  5. So much salt for something so simple If only there was a simple solution, like letting people pick whatever weapon they want instead of forcing people to play a specific week, hmmm... But we couldn't have something so nice, could we?
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