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Posts posted by TearsOfTomorrow

  1. 39 minutes ago, Zelmen said:

    An overflow system. Have a rank 30 frame? all XP from that frame is split with unranked equipment. Have only a pet that need to rank up? 100% xp to the pet. 

    This is actually very easy to implement, so I'm honestly baffled we don't already have it. It would be such a simple, yet oh so effective qol improvement. And it wouldn't even interfere with focus, because you can code it to be like "overflow Affinity goes to equipment that needs to be ranked: if you have lens equipped it goes to focus instead", it's a banal if clause.

  2. 57 minutes ago, XaoGarrent said:

    He's right and you know it.

    Oh, why yes, yes indeed, you're absolutely right, Warframe is the worst game ever made, it sucks under any possible point of view, it is terribile, it is offensive, its developers are nothing but evil jackals sent by China to steal our money.

    So why, pray tell, are you or OP still here? Leave already: we, the blind sheeple, are already corrupted beyond salvation, but you, the few enlightened chosen ones, can still save yourselves!

    Oh but wait, you cannot leave: if you did, you could no longer fish for cheap attention by filling a forum with random complaints, outlandish claims and insulting comparisons. And a life without cheap internet attention just isn't worth living, now is it?

  3. Yeah, that bothered me about the Octavia quest too, and in general about any situation where the Corpus have stuff you want: why would they try and keep that stuff from you, when they could just sell it to you for a million credits?

    ... Gameplay-wise I kinda answered my own question, but it still makes no sense fluff-wise.

  4. 11 minutes ago, ssxtriki said:

    Well imagine how the prices would drop even lower if they add Auction House in the game, 

    the ppl who want AH are just ignorant, have zero knowledge of economics , math and how AH work in games in general.

    Which was exactly my point.

  5. Serious question: is this mod really worth the credits/ducats/endo, from a strictly mechanical standpoint?

    I mean don't get me wrong, I do see the huge boost in power this gives snipers... But my issue here is that, in my experience, a properly modded Rubico/Vectis/Lanka already can kill an Eidolon in a handful of shots, and literally anything else in one shot. So realistically, is there any kind of content against which the added power provided by this mod is actually going to make a significant, game-changing difference?

  6. 20 minutes ago, XaoGarrent said:

    WHERE they put the actual stats

    The Meganium dilemma!

    But yeah, while I do like the Corinth a lot (look and sound wise it's my fav primary), I certainly see its limits, and honestly can't fathom why they didn't just go ahead and make it a full crit weapon. I mean it's not like there is a scarcity of status shotguns anyway.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Drachnyn said:

    "Stalker" is not much better of a name in that regard.

    I can condone that because it accurately describes what he does. He swore his life to hunting down the Tenno from the shadows and that's what he does, so that's what he's named. 

    Going by that logic, Violence swore to... Be violent? How is that different from literally everybody else in this game? It's just ridiculous, it's a random word and nothing more.

  8. 15 minutes ago, General-Pacman said:

    (apart from the Acolytes, wich we dont have a clue where they came from

    Speaking of, am I the only one who feels the acolytes drag Stalker down as a character? Think about it: firstly, just by existing they cheapen his gimmick of "a dark, evil knock-off of the warframes with immense powers", because now he's no longer the only one with that gimmick.

    And secondly, just by existing they make Stalker come off as a complete dork and a loser,  simply because the story here is "Stalker would associate with a bunch of emo kids who go by aliases such as VIOLENCE and MALICE".

    Bloody hell.

  9. 2 hours ago, Canach said:
    • Vitality & Gladiator Resolve for Health
    • Steel Fiber & Gladiator Aegis for Armor

    Gladiator mods do nothing for Chroma's gameplan and, given how his 3 works, he doesn't need armor mods at all. What I recommend you do is run Vitality and Adaptation to stay alive, and no armor mods: run duration mods instead.

    I also am not sure HA is that good for energy  production against Eidolons.

  10. 7 minutes ago, MPonder said:

    First video has a horrible build,

    I honestly don't get it. I mean, that's the whole gimmick with Ashinogi Tenno, isn't it? He'll make videos in which he'll explain, with a lot of details and a lot of intelligent arguments, how a warframe works... And then he'll include a build which is not only bad, but also directly contradicts the points he himself had made in the video up to that point. In some cases it gets so blatant it really feels like he's just trolling: what's the point of doing that? I guess intentionally pissing people off is his way to create "controversy" and thus keep people watching, but... Meh, it just seems dumb to me. Either way, I'd never recommend his videos to someone who needs to learn.

  11. 15 hours ago, (PS4)Apoleon_amarr said:

    keeping his 2 and 3 active at all time with a decente range

    This is ALMOST true. OP has specified they play solo, so yeah, they do need 2 and 3 up all the time, but they don't need range as they only have to buff themselves.

    Here is what I do when playing Chroma Prime solo: Energy Siphon as aura, and of course Energizing Dash, are there to make up for the fact that you don't have a Trinity handy. Strength needs to be high (bare minimum of 200%, but the higher the better), and Duration also needs to be high so as to make you recast your 2 and your 3 less often, further mitigating energy issues. Efficiency is not THAT necessary but again, you have no Trinity, so try and avoid dumping it. Range can be dumped because, again, you're only buffing yourself, so yeah, max rank Narrow Minded should definitely be there.

    Lastly, make sure you slot in Vitality, Adaptation and, if you have it, Arcane Guardian. Then you basically stand in front of the enemies and let them hit you: as long as you remember to ALWAYS recast your 3 before it runs out (I really can't stress this enough, keeping your 3 permanently active is your top priority), you will soon reach a point where enemy attacks deal no damage to you, but yours deal enormous damage to them. As for your 2, using it with blue (ice) is generally considered the "meta" for the extra armor, but in my experience that is only true when playing in a team: when playing solo, I have found red (fire) to give better results, because you can use it as an emergency heal button: this gives you a way to stay alive early on (when you're still building up your bonuses) and also gives you an excuse to cast your 2 less often, further mitigating energy issues. Again, Chroma really is as his best with his cute little sister Trinity supporting him, so if you're going to play solo you'll need ways to make up for her absence.

    The end result is a tremendously sturdy tank with enormous damage potential: this is ideal for giant bosses such as Lephantis (but Infested have multiple ways to steal your energy, so watch out for that), Eidolons and the Ropalolyst, but even outside of those you're going to be a terror for missions that require killing a lot of enemies, like Sortie Exterminate, long runs in Survival etc. I regularly use such a Chroma for Arbitrations, and as long as the mission does not involve defending an objective (he doesn't really have the tools for that) he's absolutely unstoppable.

    I also personally find him really fun to play in such a solo juggernaut role, but then again, I just enjoy juggernaut-type characters in general.

  12. 5 minutes ago, (XB1)IMM0RTALBLUD said:




    hm ok people, i will spend.

    Look, lemme elaborate on that a bit. The issue with Garuda is that there are many, and I do mean MANY, mods that can help in unlocking her true potential... So naturally that means that you need to experiment a lot in order to find the configuration that works for you, but since many of said mods take a lot of space, you're not going to be able to experiment that well if you don't invest some forma.

    She needs Str, as everything she does scales off that: however, she doesn't really want to dump Dur nor Ran, as both denefit her one way or another. Gladiator mods might be a good idea on her because you cannot use blood rush on her claws, and then there is the Rage+Flow+Quick Thinking combo: Garuda is unarguably THE frame to go if you want to use that combo, her kit aligns so perfectly with it.

    So yeah, as you can see that's a lot of mod space. Without multiple forma you're not going to be able to fit everything, and even then you'll need to make a decision.

    In short, Garuda is a "high reward for high investment" kind of frame. She can reach a point where she's VERY good, but it's going to take a lot of effort for you to get there. Which, by the way, is the reason why so many people sleep on her: since other frames can achieve the same power level for a fraction of the investment, people just go for those and don't bother with Garuda. But if you're willing to put in that extra effort she'll prove very rewarding. 

    Wanna see some sample builds for reference?

  13. 4 hours ago, (PS4)BlitzKeir said:

    Depending on the Earth invasion's placement in the timeline, the Eidolons could be the remnants of her former body.

    That's what I'm trying to tell you: your idea doesn't work with the timeline.

    Natah and Erra were born before the sentients became sterile. The giant sentient wanted to destroy Cetus in order to acquire kuva, which he believed could cure him of his sterility: meaning, by the time the events in Cetus happened Natah and Erra had already been born. The trip back to Earth through the Void, which made the giant sentient sterile, did the same to all other sentients, including Natah herself, which was her main motivation for disobeying her father and adopting the Tenno (she really wanted children of her own).

    So the only way your idea can work is for Natah to BE the giant sentient... But even that doesn't work: we saw Natah's original form, and it's not that big. On top of that, Gara's lore explicitly states that she (the person that was made into the warframe? The operator? It's never clarified) was in love with the Unum, and so she chose to stay in Cetus and defend her against the attack. And in doing so she disobeyed the evacuation order ISSUED BY THE LOTUS. Yep. That's what the story actually says: disobeyed an order issued by the Lotus.

    This directly implies that, by the time the giant sentient showed up, Natah had already become the Lotus, and she had already taken the role as leader/minder of the Tenno. So again, your idea sounds cool but cannot work.

  14. 4 minutes ago, (PS4)BlitzKeir said:

    So... what are the chances the Orokin tore Natah from the core of that Sentient when Gara destroyed it?

    Literally zero, because we already know her whole family: her father is Hunhow, her Brother is Erra, and her mother is the currently unnamed sentient who's going to be the main force driving the New War. She and her brother were born to their parents before the sentients lost the ability to reproduce. Interestingly, even though Natah's mom is going to be the mastermind of the sentient bellic effort, Natah herself is the one who holds the title of queen among their race (and they still haven't explained to us how in the name of Rell could Palladino know that). I wonder it this little bit will be explained anytime soon.

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