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  1. Same issue with a dual ocucor/glaive prime wield. Can't triger the glaive heavy explosion on time, because of the double tap. I get very inconsistent explosions and accuracy suffers hugely. I hope they fix it because it's annoying as hell.
  2. Hi all, recently I've been having problems with a bug that doesn't allow me to invite cross platform players. I'm running a windows 10 system and even though i can invite other windows users i can't do the same with other platforms and especially playstation ones. Whenever i try to invite them I get the message "player appears to be offline". When they inv me I get the message "Host not found". As you can see in the screenshot I can't invite the player Jamisachilldude5 ,who is on a playstation platform, but i can invite adamm007 who is a windows user. Edit : I got the same problem with a windows user too, although it's more prominent with players from other platforms.
  3. Yes, that was it. This game has so many small , hidden, details and functions that it's hard to figure everything out. Finding the info ,to begin with, is also a chore due to the overwhelming volume of raw input. In any case thanks for clarifying things out.
  4. Hello, I am a returning player and after running a few missions I noticed that the "Last mission results" in the "Options" menu doesn't show mission stats like damage dealt. In fact it shows nothing more than a blank screen.
  5. I suggest making Oberon's passive affect sentinels as well. It would be a minor, but useful ,quality of life change for those of us who like the frame but get nothing out of his passive because of using sentinels instead of pets.
  6. I would suggest making Oberon's passive ability affect sentinels as well. It's a minor quality of life change, for those of us who like the frame, but get nothing out of his passive because we use sentinels instead of pets.
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