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  1. My question is how to access Duviri? I feel really stupied now but after completeing the quest and reading about I still do not find it. Pls help Thank You in advance
  2. Actually shows I don't own any but it sure took standings, I think... You may be right in it never went through. Have to build up to 100k and try again. Thx for the reply!
  3. Right, but this is what I don't understand. There's no unvailed or vailed riven that I can attach to any companion or their weapons. Why does it not show where it fits like for other rivens? BTW PC user here
  4. So I bought a companion riven from CS and now I can't find it anywhere (mods etc.). How do I know which companion weapon it fits. I have most of them but lacking a few but don't want to just buy unless I know. None of my current companion weapons show a riven. What am I not understanding?
  5. Just played with random players and was asked to share a Octavia song. I would happily do so but messed up how to do it. Now I remember but can I find this player from previous in game chat somehow? Can't remember his/her in game user name...
  6. So kind of embarrasing but this is the first one I can't pass. Tried Limbo, Titiania and a lot of other WF but I keep dying or not fast enough. Can you recommend a WF and build?
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