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  1. As the title says. Arbitration on Lua Defense. Host leaves after first 5 waves. After 10th wave floor doesn't break. However, defense target and part of enemies spawn/move to the lower floor. Proceed to fail the mission. Not sure if host migration played into it exactly, but that's a noteable thing that happened and can be part of the issue.
  2. I really wouldn't have minded those additional permanent weeklies to earn you less standing overall but so they wouldn't compromise a variety of regular weeklies we already have. It already adds up to overall tedium if they become recoverable as already mentioned since I really enjoyed the variety 5 weeklies provided (in addition to dailies and elite weeklies) even if those were weeklies that I didn't particularly enjoy, they were at least a nice change of pace.
  3. I double this. There was a post similar to this one some time ago, but nothing came out of it. Not many people are playing Caliban and that's probably the issue that this one goes without any attention for months, even though being able to see how and if your abilities function at all is pretty important.
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