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Everything posted by fo3nixz

  1. change Negation Swarm to grant overgaurd
  2. Maybe allow only one stat to be locked but make riven untradeable then.
  3. you sound burnt out, take a loooooooong break
  4. rip 11k Hildryn Prime before: after:
  5. this have been present since self damage removal in game
  6. ty. artemis bow and thunderbolt still causing self dmg
  7. the normals do they have more forma on than the tenet?
  8. higher u go into levels(1000's , and ez in circuit this) if it aint 100% its kinda pointless, 1% of a big number u dead
  9. you can always farm a toxin brama later, and change magnetic to toxin
  10. Heh? Did a few public sp levelcaps , If that's bad idk , most of the time people stay 10 rounds ez.
  11. ty, reworked plague star? and will there be a steelpath version?
  12. at least whe getting Catalyzing Shields with key nerf, it could have been worse
  13. usualy that comes with sentinel, it shuld be there
  14. weird that de still ties somethings to fps
  15. same range but taking 50% increased headshot damage instead of less armor.
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