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Everything posted by _Anise_

  1. right now she is a one button pony, her 1 and 4 are both bad, all she can do is activate 3 press 2 none stop and have "big sheild" if it wasn't for helminth allowing overwriting one of her abilities to give her some variety I don't think I would play her at all I always overwrite her 1 because it hate it, her 4 has some niche uses to let you run around uncontested as operator.. I wouldn't even mind if it was a compromise, an augment to delete her CC/energy from 4 to give her real flight and regular weapons / abilities.
  2. When FOV shifts happen such as teleporting or activating certain abilities they do a temporary change to the field of view for effect. (such as heavy attack teleport) Honestly this strains my eyes, feels disorientating, nauseating and constantly having this effect going off back to back is headache inducing. This probably considered motion sickness? Anyway would it be possible to get a option to disable FOV shifts?
  3. It should work the same way as Jades "Glory" weapon, this would allow hildryn a whole new ability in her pointless #1 slot would really mix up how she plays a bunch. also Balefire should do more? be reworked to have some kind of scaling based on how much shields its eating or she regenerated or something because basically it's 💩 also her 4 should grant actual flight similar to Jades, I see no reason why not
  4. In the sense that its game stopping? no not all of the time, in that I think it detracts from the fun of the game? some of the times yes!
  5. so there is a thing in the game now that makes it so only one Jade can spawn at at time? no I didn't think so. no you only choose to interpret my dislike of the mechanic that way, its not an exaggeration, its called highlighting what I feel can be issues with the mechanic. I don't want to give up mod or gem slot, though I might use dig dog once companions 2.0 part 2 rolls around if they are updated to be as good as their sentinel counterparts. I am not disputing counters to those exist I am saying none of them add anything meaningful to the fun or flow of gameplay in my opinion I am saying the path of least resistance is just playing a warframe that can completely ignore the jade mechanic and players will take the path of least resistance!
  6. not only "dodge" run or shoot them and yes they did, I dont know what that statement has to do with the part you quoted that isn't any kind of exaggeration its exactly how you deal with them, I guess you could also go operator but really is that what we are doing in warframe in 2024 getting out of gameplay, dropping KPM to deal with this new mechanic they added, no matter how you deal with them it kills the flow of gameplay. and I seem people claim the whole purpose of this was to prevent afk but on paper does NOT work when warframes that can negate it exist. also people undeplay mechanics when they white knight
  7. I never "got" her survival cool-down, talking without the augement! in extremely difficult content I just forced me to hide in a operator until the CD ran out so I didn't instantly die
  8. when I forma my whatever and there isn't enough capacity it just yonks all the mods and I hate it! so yeah I will sign up for an "unleveling mod ability" which auto un-levels mods when you don't have capacity
  9. maybe make the voice selection unlinked from the skin too
  10. I think it was infested! which emphasizes my point, under the right circumstances things can insta-kill you which people were making out to be a simple "just dodge", IMO we need less situations where things can "just kill you" catching you in a cc or with a shields generally pants down situation. so my point being that Jade light just adds another one of these "I guess I just die" situations in the right circumstances. now to counter it, I think this ability might be more "fun" if dread mirror could look up? also it were considered a projectile, then vazarin can absorbe it with guardian shell, xaku and other sources of evasion suddenly become useful against it, (I also think most forms of CC should also work against the beam) but no the only things you are allowed todo are... move out of it's way shoot it if it isn't line of sighting you (which should not be possible IMO) or play one of the Warframes that completely and passively negates it.
  11. this just happened to me in a sortie, I was doing spy as ivara solo, I never craft energy pizza I was just charging my energy up from zenurick while moving between spy targets unstealthed (because you don't accumulate energy over time in stealth) I was parkour/dodging and out of nowhere I hear *pshw clink* then Ivara keeled over dead before I could do ANYTHING, I didn't get to react, I did take a screenshot, I wish I had recorded video tbh. tldr the hooks kill you, if they couldn't they don't belong in warframe at all, which doesn't change they are annoying and can lead to situations like above but this is entely focusing too much off topic. if the jadelight has already been activated and you go operator it will continue to pound your warframe until the duration of jade light ends, I have seen this happen often enough unless there was a recent change I am unaware of?
  12. brief delay if you notice it hit you in the back then sure, I guess.
  13. In steal path without bringing jade light into it AT ALL, yes I have been double hooked more than once and instantly died, to avoid it by rolling you would have to roll before you get hooked and hooks can come from range outside of your peripheral vision! there is also no diminishing return mechanic to prevent a second hook landing while you are hooked and if it happens back to back and kill you in seconds before you can go operator, I had this happen multiple times... also operator does NOT make your warframe immune to damage, if you happen to be channeling. high enough level a hook into a jade light can still potentially kill a frame. tldr Yes I have had issues with the "mortal kombat scorpion" like hooking in steelpath while running "mortal" frames, no I have not yet been hooked into a jade light yet, I just acknowledge the possibility. if it forces just a small percentage of players into playing stealth frames because they don't get targeted at all or forces them into rev because immortal, then in my opinion, no! it's not healthy for the game, it does not do "what it says on the tin" people can AFK they just use different frames or methods to do it? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I agree a little, it can be mitigated "some" and its in a better state then when it was first added, I remember being on spy dropping stealth at a console mid hacking and immediately having a jade light touch down on me from the next room over!! they fixed that so its not completely ridiculous but its also still not a fun mechanic in my opinion. I think would be more bearable if they could fix a lot of issues with it, again .. hitting you while in CC, top clipping low ceilings, Jades glory pistol being unable to hit the jade light at all for some reason? CC effecting the jade eximus unit should also be slowing the jade light etc, issues where it hits a player while activating life support (before you yell operator! deep archimedia has a no operator modifier!) but I guess in general we aren't allowed to activate life support without stealth or operator now? o.O again this ability having so many launch issues, the unit being mega present during the jade event, sets up some bias towards it being a bad ability which is amplified by current situations where you have multiple jades firing off beams while trying to play a cc focused frame or even any frame where a majority of the game ends up being dodging beams #not-fun that's the only one I played on the list and I did so to completion, beat Malenia, I never did the dlc though, I don't think elden ring remotely compares to warframe similar to what I told Quixer, death can sometimes happen in the blink of and eye and operator does not make your warframe immune while you are channeling, I think you take 90% reduced damage and jade light will kill a 3 million health Rhino, so .. that? I totally get that fun is subjective. Whenever I mention 'fun,' I'm just sharing my opinion. Just because fun is subjective doesn't mean my views or anyone else's aren't valid. also 'Bunch' is a vague term, and I wasn't trying to imply a majority or minority—just that there are definitely players who feel the same way. I use the "boss" mechanic example because there was this boss in wow where he had an effect similar to jade light that would almost kill you if it touched you, it allowed enough time for players to move but every single time this mechanic killed the entire raid because people kept getting hit and the healers couldn't keep up. Every attempt and there were many! most players except me and the tank died, we had the boss down to 10% tank died, I hit cooldowns and evasion tanked for a few percent until I died too, I don't think it was a bad mechanic it was actually fun for me despite everyone else being inept at dodging. A boss skill similar to jade light can be fun to me and add an interesting unique mechanic, but if I had to do that in wow for every 10 - 30 enemy it would get really old really fast and to do in in warframe where multiple jade can come along and have you having to spend 10 in every 15 seconds trying to avoid these beams can be really off putting.
  14. like I said in busy situations, where I am getting shot at, trying to manage my survival, my skills, my weapons, while I'm trying to parkour against incoming damage of level 300 sp enemies, it might not even be a beam aimed towards me but accidentally running into one off the back of a shield gate and having the dot mess up my day if the direct damage doesn't just instantly paste me. there is also the "awesome gameplay" mechanic where jade light can touchdown on your warframe while you are incapacitated and kill you without you being able to do anything about it and there are multiple ways you can be incapacitated and killed by jade light this way, the only one DE put specific work in to preventing was during execute animations which just magically turn off the enemy jade light xD (now do it for when a warframe is ragdolled, frozen, slowed, hooked, activating life support, reviving to name a few) I think its disingenuous to pretend there are NO issues at all with the jade light, it clearly has issues and it really isn't fun for a whole bunch of people. I'd rather JadeLight be gone but it can stay and will contribute to the downfall of fun and interesting warframe design, While I and others settle their feet on the mantle of overplayed frames, instead choosing to play some immortal frames so we don't have to deal or even think with this ridiculous enemy skill that should probably not exist outside of a boss fight.
  15. I feel like some people imply that without Jade Light, we're all just standing around doing nothing, which is pretty far from the truth. Honestly, Jade Light really affects how I play. Instead of having a smooth flow, when it's active, it turns my gameplay into this awkward mess where I’m just trying to dodge one thing while dealing with this enemy type. And let’s be real—sometimes the damage it deals is insane. In a busy situation It can accidenatlly clip you and take you out on the spot. The Jade Light can’t be killed with AoE, it can’t be targeted by abilities, and it isn’t affected by any form of crowd control. Even if the Jade Eximus is 90% slowed, this thing just keeps charging at full speed and can hit you in situations where you have no chance to react! yeah I hate it
  16. Honestly I post this out of necessity because I am going to get the new frame and need some relics and the guides are telling me do Apollo disruption and I'm having to open the wiki again because I can never remember how many I need to defend to get which rotation of reward and how many i have to intentionally fail.. I mean alternativly maybe if you get the max tier it should do like the relics and let you select a random reward (but from lower tiers instead) .. but I would just be happy if it told me what was going on!
  17. I was just thinking about this, why doesn't the game communicate to players the current reward tier? for example when you do a disruption just do a popup for each conduit defended Conduit defended : Current reward Tier B, Next reward Tier C. similarly on something like defense or survival when it gives you the reward say a relic just add below the relic Tier B Reward: Relic name. It would at least go some way into not needing the disruption wiki page open to interpret which reward tier players are getting for which wave and seems kinda like a no brainer in terms in formation that needs to be conveyed to the player. ps:maybe also change the icon of vaulted relics to indicate they are vaulted!
  18. its not very well thought through because, why would you want an effect that is a worst version of cold without freeze? though I don't think the idea's is entirely a lost cause, I really love the idea of wet surfaces from playing original sin, say if you had some warframe that could create "water" surfaces (not status) it could combo with elemental status on anything standing on it... an enemy standing in a water surface could take massively amplified electricity damage and spread that (aoe), cold status could turn the water to ice making anything that stands on it fall over (incapacitate), heat could make a steam cloud above the wet surface making anything inside take damage and unable to shoot out (effectively disarm), guess toxin would poison the surface and make anything standing on it stack viral (priming) water as a mod / status effect probably not, but a water frame able to wet surfaces packing synergies to different status efects with the surface? sure I could dig that.
  19. you already have the option to not receive player buffs!
  20. its a good point though as far as I know there aren't any sources of multiplicative multi-shot in the game? (not to say they can't add some) anyway to go back to the main topic, maybe it would be cool if the electric mote also gave ammo efficiency to offset the extra ammo hast buff ate. yeah if people think haste is an issue fix it with a buff instead of a nerf!
  21. If a weapon normally fires 1 shot per second and deals 100 damage per shot, it would do 260 DPS with 100% Multishot and a 30% Haste buff. On the other hand, with 130% Multishot, it would only hit 230 DPS. So, if Wisp's Haste buff were switched to a Multishot effect, it would be a nerf because Haste effectively 'double dips' with Multishot. At least when comparing Haste speed to Multishot in a vacuum, the Haste buff provides a more significant damage boost.
  22. groupfinder Warframe isn't an openworld game trying to preserve some sense of scale, the game is played from your orbiter, not having a group finder makes zero sense. Auctions current in game trading sucks, nothing will change my mind, AHs could be done, limited daily listings based on mastery, fixed lower prices, auction tax etc
  23. I thought Citrine's 3 had a beam at enemies for each of your and your allies weapons/attacks
  24. if you hold her 4 it cancels the rewind
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