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Everything posted by _Anise_

  1. is there any proof that stynax deluxe change was a result of player feedback? In Devstream 177, they showcased his concept art and Blender model, and in the following Devstream 178 they presented his final in-game model, the first thing mentioned was the option to turn off the tassels. I am struggling to find evidence that this adjustment was solely based on player input or if it was a decision they arrived at independently because the option existed on release. Anyway, this seems to be veering off-topic into a semantic argument. Let me rephrase: There is no precedent, to my knowledge, for DE significantly altering a Warframe's core aesthetic design solely based on player feedback is there?
  2. Were the tassels altered in response to player outrage, or were they introduced as a toggle feature? Regardless, I believe that equating nipple tassels, which are a cosmetic item, to a part of someone's body is not a fair comparison.
  3. I recently enjoyed watching a heartwarming Warframe stream featuring a host who exuded kindness, courtesy, and warmth. The host encouraged viewers to share their fashion creations, with some showcasing stunning jade-themed designs. It was a truly delightful experience to witness her appreciation for players' "cute" Jade fashions. I understand the reasons behind their silence on the matter. It seems that most people fall into two main groups: those who are either indifferent or genuinely fond of Jade. For Digital Extremes to address the concerns of the discontent minority, they would need to either acknowledge fault or stand firm in their decision. Both options risk validating the vocal dissatisfied minority, potentially sparking further resistance against a creative choice that falls within their artistic freedom. Moreover, it could establish a precedent for players influencing future design decisions.
  4. If the initial design reflects the developer's vision and they alter it based on player feedback, wouldn't that essentially compromise their artistic integrity to cater to player demands? something like a gore filter might be in a game from day one to get passed by regional censorship which I agree is a compromise of integrity too but a necessary one. the game may otherwise not exist in certain regions or platforms otherwise. There are several frames that I either find unappealing in terms of their appearance or mechanics, so I simply choose not to play them. I keep them for collection purposes. In this situation, I believe it's similar; she is still new and attractive, and everyone wants to have her, even if they don't truly connect with her, I feel this is where a lot of the feedback is coming from. I tried to make an analogy with Hildryn but it was dismissed by different people as false equivalents, whataboutisms or just a disingenuous argument, but you see reasonable so maybe I will ask for your take, some women could have trauma related to the men/masculine form, they may be uncomfortable with how Hildryn looks, should it be addressed by adding toggle that turns off her muscle and makes her petite? (my answer is obviously no) I don't think its a disingenuous argument and while not the exact same thing I do see parallels between the two examples, what do you think? It's comforting to have someone who appears understanding and supportive, even if we may not see eye to eye. I don't want you to feel alone in your perspective. I've experienced similar sentiments when others accused me of being insincere.
  5. I appreciate and agree with the sentiment. Indeed, neither option is necessary; it ultimately comes down to DE's decision. hypothetically If they ever opt to include a flat belly option, I would hope they execute it in a lore-friendly permanent way to the player in a way that adds depth to the story, rather than indulging in some kind of superficial baby cosmetic toggle some are pushing for.
  6. then this basically equates the issue to, there needs to be a content warning on buying the warframe for plat and OP can have a refund rather than we change how the game works to appease them? (I almost included that as part of my original reply but cut it because I thought it was getting too long)
  7. I understand your viewpoint, and I really do sympathize with individuals who have gone through the loss of a child. given the sensitive themes the story, displaying a warning, I have yet to see anyone start a thread talking about how the story made them feel uncomfortable given that it directly plays with themes of a miscarriage, why do you suppose that is? the story actually seems well received most the feedback seems focused on the frame design. In my view, it feels improbable that an individual who has faced traumatic pregnancy-related experiences would overlook the disclaimer, participate in a quest involving such themes, and then suddenly object upon encountering the warframe? If they wanted to skip the quest and buy her you can see her belly in the preview but a warning would be welcome here too
  8. so you're going to make the assumption that people are closed minded and use that assumption dismiss their arguments ..., I feel like what you want is an echo chamber which might be the norm for social media but not a discussion forum? I am willing to listen but I haven't heard any compelling arguments that don't boil down to "I don't like how it looks" or "I makes me/other feel comfortable" I don't really get what you are trying to say here, this isn't a team deathmatch game like COD or fortnite, where ironman and characters from the boys show up, this is a narrative driven game like a movie with shooty bits in between, artistic integrity applies especially since the visuals and the story are intertwined. if they add spiderman as a warframe maybe I would agree. (khora does not count!)
  9. Based on my observations, individuals seeking a "belly toggle" (I will referee to as "model swap" for clarity, as the core part of a mesh cannot be simply switched off like a light or a decorative element) appear to seek a controlled debate where their logic can easily prevail. They gravitate towards arguments that fit neatly within predetermined boundaries and avoid examples like hidryn's bulkiness. When discussions veer towards examples like that and cite artistic integrity, it tends to conflict with their established views on the ideal approach usually leading them to dismiss the entire argument. To date, I have not come across a compelling argument that doesn't essentially reduce to straightforward statements such as "I dislike her appearance" or "I don't feel comfortable playing her." The reality is that individuals are not obligated to play as her; it's as simple as that.
  10. While I understand and respect everyone's feelings, I can't help but wonder why, if she is truly passionate about this subject as you mentioned, she isn't here expressing her thoughts herself. Additionally, I'm curious about what aspect of pregnancy she finds traumatizing. Wouldn't the desire to have the 'baby' removed from the skin be the truly traumatic part that would resonate with people? Moreover, has she explored adjusting her playstyle to better suit her preferences? For example, she could refrain from playing as Jade, avoid games featuring Jade, or choose to play solo to address her concerns. Perhaps she could consider opening a support ticket to explain her situation and inquire about a refund.
  11. I upvoted your comment, and while I respect your opinion, I personally find her playstyle to be quite engaging. There are numerous nuances to consider, such as strategically juggling her buffs for snapshotting power, tactically placing her 1 and detonating it in conjunction with her 4, the logical reasoning behind her armor strip ability which also enables her to revive ground companions or teammates, her healing ability makes her liked among some tanky characters. In my view, her 4 ability is reminiscent of Mesa's 4, but with a more interactive approach that allows for the utilization of her other skills without the assistance of the aimbot.
  12. I brought up the same point you were discussing, but in a different thread. Regardless of the team size, resources need to be divided to accommodate it. For instance, think of a real-world scenario where resources are split, It could be the between releasing 5 skins in a year or releasing 3 skins along with 1 jade skin to cater to both model variations. This resource allocation would be necessary each time a jade skin is created. It's refreshing to find someone with a perspective that I can align with. Those who feel uncomfortable with Jade have the straightforward option of not playing as Jade; it's as simple as that. Not every Warframe is designed to appeal to every individual, and players can choose to either go solo or exit a game upon encountering a Jade frame (a practice I personally follow when faced with a Limbo, as I prefer a more engaging gameplay experience). I do wish there had been a second frame released alongside Jade, or perhaps the option to collect/play as Stalker, providing players with alternative choices rather than solely expressing discontent over not wanting to engage with a "pregnant" Warframe. I made this point in the thread too "the design choices in Warframe, including various themes and visuals, are a direct reflection of the artistic vision of the game developers. While individual preferences may vary, I believe it important to respect the creative freedom and expression of the designers as they bring their unique ideas to life within the game. " It's always fine to inquire, and I'm willing to share my thoughts when they do. However, it's common for individuals to have already formed their opinions and may not be open to listening. Additionally, I don't foresee DE giving in, similar to their decisions not to provide gender options for warframes or release a petite Hildryn. Personally, I believe yielding to this pressure could potentially open the floodgates to a myriad of similar aesthetic complaints.
  13. this sounds like an argument for having warframe genders? do you suggest maybe (disgruntled) players would be happy with a "male jade" instead? but I get what you're saying you can handwave anything into existance with "space magic" (I mean the void)
  14. this made me realize something, there isn't a past version of the jade warframe that wasn't pregnant, so also from a lore standpoint it does not make sense giving her a flat form? though I will acknowledge I don't really know how lore friendly skin are.
  15. turning off the AI in simulacrum kinda turns off your sentinel AI too, don't believe me? leave enemy AI on and instead just toggle invulnerability on yourself and the sentinel and it will go ham I think they will attack altered enemies only? they will also activate damaging precepts, so dethcube possibly with one of the high damage sentinel weapon + vaporize, or digira with its aoe for status spreading could be nice. Moa also follow this tactic and won't attack while stealth by default but afaik the mod that makes a moa melee will make it attack in stealth one think I wonder (did not test) will the combat stealth grated from covert bond override a none attack stealth and make it attack?
  16. usually you convert one if it has an ephemera, sometime it has a 60% bonus elemental, that way converting you get the ephemera still and you can sell it then I guess if you really want have them show up to help you on missions or use them as defenders on railjack
  17. thanks, finally was able to get rid of my converted untradable adversary!
  18. I equate that sentiment to be like "we want overweight people to get more exercise and we will be doing that by putting an angry wasp in the room" sure they are going to get exercise but are they going to be happy? personally I would rather they deleted vacuum like mods to get people to move around than fire the deathstar every 30 seconds! it would be less annoying
  19. drop my 2c, this is just stuff I have seen and off the top of my head, the beams can and will hit you while you are ... activating life support (can not cancel) reviving hacking a (time limited) terminal! all while while the eximus unit isn't even known or in your line of sight! it spawns the beam in low high ceiling corridors that clip making it impossible to shoot can't be hit by abilities which extends to warframe exalted weapons !! so Glory from jade and Balefire Charger which are both technically weapons will NOT damage the beam I did some testing with nezha on SP and the beam was able to hyper charge his defense then burn through it killing him without activating a second iframe it was also able when activated at the correct time charge his defense to 3 million! the only other thing I have ever seen get his defenses that high was standing in orokin beams, they put the orokin beam weapon on an enemy o.O which would be cool if it were a boss fight but this is just a random thing a randomy enemy type can do and it happens every 30 seconds on a survival the powerlevel of this enemy is insane, the only other thing I have seen close was the heat beam on high level 100+ litch hunts but even that wasn't this powerful then I tried to control one with mindcontrol which might actually be a viable subsume now just because of this unit type, it is able to absolutely nuke enemies! if it wasn't enough the jade eximus also always seems to fire off 2 simultaneous beams, I dont know if they both go for the same player solo or not but if you're in a party be sure 2 people are getting hit a beam for every 1 jade unit around.
  20. I was hoping to finally complete Duplicate this week but didn't get a drop, I haven't even been able to get a complete one by farming it ever time it came up yet!
  21. I wish I had lavos to try, did you try it with / without the augment?
  22. agree 20x level 195 corrupted heavy gunners deleted in 3 seconds
  23. the purpose of this is so you can't make an account send your starter plat to an alt, make another account send your starter plat to an alt etc "unlimited money glitch" I don't remember how or if they convey you can't trade this starter plat or not, other than not being traded it can be used on whatever regular plat can be used on!
  24. I asked for a long time, I would like the option to vent converted liches out of the airlock (or at least donate them to the lotus like with unwanted kavat/kubrow) I sometimes play as stealth frames and I don't want my converted litches to ever show up, people just yelled at me for suggesting such a thing! "just don't die" shoo be gone pests! maybe not exactly what you are asking for but it's something I want and it might help? maybe they could even sell for kuva to lotus or something?
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