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Everything posted by _Anise_

  1. I don't agreee, after the rework it's still in the same usecases for me, if I am leveling anything, if I am running relics I ALWAYS use it because when the stars align I can get near enough void traces to upgrade a single relic in one run, same with steelpath it is a MUST USE because acolytes drop 2 which is sometimes 4 sometimes 8 steel essences it's too good not to use in those circumstances, no to mention it just randomly poops out argon crystals when you happen to be farming for them. Imo they need to make charm universal and give the smeeta a new niche, maybe new buffs, like overguard for itself and master or the nerfed unbuffed roar that is in helminth (none stacking with roar) or something...
  2. and as much as they are main stays, I run into a bunch of rev even got in a group with 3 of them! I still see some wukongs still even post nerf, a bunch of dante, some volts, a decent amount of octavia dispite her being lower played frame, for some reason I hardly run into mesa or saryn? I think maybe mesa isn't mobile enough to use her 4, saryn not sure why? maybe she also needs to be stationary for her spaws?
  3. it's good because it allows you to 7/8 the risk table and take any warframe you like to forfeit the last reward
  4. farm them from where? the main blueprint comes from the quest and the others come from the vent kids room/research at a clan dojo?
  5. I would say you would have a much better job at joining someone elses clan at first at least until you established and built a good amount of progress, this will allow you to instantly clone blueprints what if you are dedicated to your personal clan (which maybe more convienient) you need to goto the dojo and access a terminal to build rooms
  6. probably did the prequest or crafted the xoris or something?
  7. Time isn't an item but surely skipping it could be argued as an advantage? for example if you paid for dante day one you would have gotten 5 days of unhindered flawless play before he got butchered, wont be until maybe next week he is fixed proper
  8. so just confirming something here, I assumed this was any precept mod that was an ability that had conditions so anything that "does thing + deals damage" and a friend happen to mention that Assault Mode is a precept mod . . . like he just assumed that assault mode would meet the requirement for the mods description. so while I don't think this gives companions guarantied status while attacking I just thought I would point it out and just check to be sure. tldr:manifold bond does not apply status from assault mode does it?
  9. sorry closed for the weekend, see you monday
  10. please ensure this also works with nightmare no shields and Parasitic armor helminth, did I miss any? foreshadowing..
  11. please fix nezha not being able to cast warding halo on allied sentinels when using safeguard augment
  12. it's already this way on guns, you can't equip the crit mod and the corrupted crit mod at the same time.
  13. I link quoted in a response to someone who was having issues because of this exact bug and later clicking the link said permission denied, I was bumping the original thread (but respectfully) only once every week to keep visibility, Issue had been around long enough I had accumulated a fair amount of bumps I am certain it isn't that, it's easily reproducible, Nezha with the safeguard augment can cast halo on any kind of companion except sentinels, Gara can sill cast her DR on anything including sentinels. maybe I should try that thing that one player did and instead of spending money on plat, buy an add on the warframe reddit to ask them to fix it 😄 I feel like this bug is going reported and unnoticed
  14. tell me if this would be a good/bad idea, how about overguard resisting a CC eats a percentage of the overguard? so its actually like it becomes a resource and has a cost for protecting the bearer from a CC?
  15. only you and the other members of the fun police 😅
  16. Nezhas warding halo hasn't been able to be cast on sentinels since december, I can't believe they would fix his new spear augemnt this fast and his warding halo is still broken! I am getting fedup of trying to ask them to fix it, I have posted on the bug reports forum where my post was deleted, I posted in dante bugs section, I responded on other threads, I have messaged Pablo on twitter, I posted on other social media platforms. Why can't I cast warding halo on my sentinel anymore?? T_T
  17. yeah seems to be a new one they updated, you win the points! though I dont know why they now have two different distinctive looking finisher effects
  18. I watched a streamer literally call him unplayable several times! while I dont think he is unplable I agree that the nerfs were kneejerk. the "trinity of nerf" was, does it automate gameplay, is it disruptive to squad play or is it dominant, I dont think it automates, disruptive because its a dps frame or because overguard? there are other overguard frames and dominant... well people are going to be playing the shiny new warframe right?
  19. The Dante nerf patch name has to be Warframe: Dante Unbound Warframe: Dante Slightly Bound
  20. you got my upvote for this alone, DE are great are making ok stuff unfun or straight up unusable!, example I doubt anyone will EVER subsume eclipse ever again, you need over a 300% str build to make it as good as garuda's passive lol and no one is using it for DR thats 2 frames in a row I have little to no interest in playing now and I'm not sure their is any point in feeding this to helminth is because the subsume sucks! I litrally seen them nerf stuff while ignoring stuff that does almost the exact same thing!
  21. I tried my archron blender build on them, it did work better but have to say gruzzlings still took longer to kill than archrons
  22. why not? fun? to expand the capabilities of her kit
  23. give her an augment that lets her grenades give overguard instead of shields
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