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Everything posted by _Anise_

  1. I have a pretty OP incarnon weapon that I dropped 7 forma on, I am stacking that with double haste buffs that let me unload an entire clip in seconds these "gruzzlings" without any armor just don't die, I spend most my time chasing and reloading what am I doing wrong?
  2. single round chambers? manual fire? sorry I am not a gun nerd. I was thinking of something like sniper rifles they are slow but their purpose is precision and hitting hard don't get me wrong I love putting a sniper on and noscoping stuff for fun but they are easily outshined by incarnon weapons and really only have niche uses now ?
  3. Melee influence is the only one I used, I considered duplicate but people did the numbers and said it work's weird and is not worth it, I kinda agree what is the point on only doubling a crit attacks after x seconds when that target is probably overkilled anyway ? I do think influence melee are superior in hard content to guns, No I am not sure influence is balance and I kinda worry DE will nerf it it some way. I enjoy how broken it feels, I would rather guns be buffed because DE does not know how to nerf something and keep it fun.
  4. I am sitting on a build that I don't want to talk about because I feel like DE will nerf it, it's already been nerfed once, can you guess what it is ?
  5. melee influence on electricity has 20% chance to apply electricity to everything within 20 meters of what the original electrical attack hits lets use xoris for example, on detinating has a 100% electrical effect, I am not sure how to read this but I think modded my explosion radius is I think 9 meters? so in theory if it hits someone on the 9 meter radius that can hit stuff 20 meters away from that location so it's hitting stuff within 29 meters? (ignoring LOS) when you throw it into a group say the proc happens on 5 guys out of 20 those 5 guys apply the effect to all 20 guys 5 times, when you throw it repeatedly into large enough groups they start to melt! the electric aoe thing near as I can figure? is also counted as an melee so when you pair that with xata whisper suddenly this thing becomes crazy! I have it on dual ichor incanon which leaves toxic patches everywhere ! aoe an entire room and dosn't need ammo, it feels counter to all the nerfs they were doing to AOE guns
  6. Guns were given arcane adapters because they were behind melee in hard content _/ Melee got better with hold to attack _/ Melee have been given arcane adaptors because ... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Melee are now vastly superior in hard content _/ why? ps:Guns with single chambers that need to be spammed still exist
  7. this looks ridiculous on Ivara, if she looks down the scope of any weapon her entire invisible model can be "seen" this is only going to get more ridiculous with stealth customization
  8. well of life make healing passive, damage to the target temporary buffs hp, bring her more in line with wisp while keeping her healing different / unique still energy vampire, how about at full energy it restore shields or creates overshield? fits with lore that shields can be used to power those escort missions so it should work inreverse too? link, should have scaling reflected damage similar to gara / octavia, or maybe ticks from it can just apply random status ? it would make her a LOT less painful if this thing had a higher base duration or automatically got refreshed when you cast blessing similar to gara 2 + 4 blessing DR could do with a longer duration, I agree with what Unstar said, she dosn't have anything fun to spam
  9. but what is happening is I am being knocked down, I am in SOLO I don't have a revive companion and while on the "last grasp" screen my warframe just stands back up as if someone walked over and revived me except there is no one ! this is happening back to back and on two different warframes that I tested
  10. I couldn't see any note about this, why is it happening ?
  11. this post reminded me, I had a post about how all warframes with access to overguard were male, it also wasn't about gender politics, I just wanted an overguard gurl ! and then I took hiatus, when I got back to warframe I had several quote message alerts from that thread that I never got to see! seems like the mods had since deleted the topic, can only assume it got heated in my absence. so yeah my contribution to the topic is there is no way outside of unlocking the horse and taking it to openworld for a female frame to generate their own overguard! no via companions, not via mods not via anything ! thats one thing male frames have advantage on so far.
  12. yeah no committee but the image above could have been thrown to a public vote for the top 4 its the public players they are trying to sell it to after all ?
  13. edit nevermind I forgot about the reset, I will save them
  14. whoever gave this skin the "OK" probably also responsible for having her on Kdrive ! should have one hundred percent have said #2 the sassy pink shell thing if they wanted to sell volume
  15. Ballistica, there are a bunch of variations of this weapon, I enjoy and would like to use it more, incarnon mode might make that happen?
  16. unplug your Ethernet for 30 seconds and then plug it back in, the game will continue and the troll wont be in your party anymore
  17. I have one amazing theme I made that uses the innertube, I am sad every time they remove it because my water theme looks great !
  18. or De could just make it so enemies you passed that are no longer scannable get auto added to the codex as completed ?
  19. I think this ship has sailed, everyone gave their feedback when this mode was new and a lot of people hated it, DE did nothing people posted countless suggestions such as having loadout reroll, they still did nothing! (except put your loadout on the navigation screen) people are begging for the diviri staging area to be pre-matchmaking and want to match up after they have chosen their loadout! the short of it is this mode rewards you for not collecting in a game about collecting, if you only own 3 warframes and a few weapons it will offer those options to you every single time!
  20. nope, it's getting changed because it is bugged with the new lighting though I think its a good change since the mechanic was always anti-fun jank. though I agree a LOT of Octavia's skills are just as jank and it would be nice to be able to have her play music I like instead of the same note over and over because it makes her skills work better
  21. I have a weapon built for say electricity and viral (it also has some slash and puncture) and have 105% status this guaranties every hit will proc one status, with a very slim chance at applying a second, right? but I wonder will it try proc them in turn alternating? or is it completely random? to the point where its possible to get bad rng and have it proc electricity back to back ?
  22. have you actually tried this ? its like trying to lick your elbow (try it) even on ivara with the ability to fly your stealth arrow first person it misses the sentinel sometimes when you fly directly into it, I think there is some jank with the hitbox, it would be far easier to just stack like 250% range and spam 6+ meter stealth fields everywhere meanwhile Nezha can't cast halo on sentinels because its broken ! #sadface
  23. tbh other than acolytes the only things I see ruin my day in stealth are energy drain and aoe specially on infested
  24. she is invisible for the duration of her #2 regardless of if she shoots or not
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