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Everything posted by _Anise_

  1. I think her 4 has partial line of sight, as in if you can see the enemy on screen they get hit ?
  2. it just seems weird to me that his 2 eats up all of his shields to give a buff his 4 makes him immune but absorbs damage to make another buff ..... Why isn't there a glaring synergy that wants exist here between those two abilities.. I'm talking about having his #4 make his #2 not eat shield but give the full buff as if it did, while also counting the amount of damage #2 would have done to shields as "damage absorbed" to scale the crit buff from his #4 so basically you go 4, 2 get crit, haste and not lose shields ? it just seems like one of those design things you look at and think why does it not already just work this way ?
  3. tbh I want to use it just for the damage reduction, they said it would be capped at 90% and didn't mention what the helminth cap would be just curious what number people think the DR has to be at for it to be usable ? should I half 90% and add 7% ? 52% ?
  4. It was stupid change but Orokin called it, its now has worse damage than Roar because they don't do the same thing
  5. I can't believe this ! someone on the official feedback thread responded with exactly that saying weeks ago it should be 30% to be in line with roar though I found my response to that was incorrect partially but ... roar applies damage to E V E R Y T H I N G? warframe abilities, allies ? I just dont even know what DE is thinking anymore, if we can't have a hellminth system dont bother
  6. also I dont need viral from nourish all my weapons are already built for viral meaning I would need to rebuild them then using those same weapons on every other warframe would mean having to put nourish, Wyrd Scythes on everything or run a panzer....
  7. sorry it seemed to have gone over my head, I guess that makes sense! also I wanted to like harrow but actually hate the Thurible skill, it feels stopping everything to wind up a childs toy so it can keep going to the point where If I ever revisit him I would probably drop it and get my energy elsewhere, but it probably wouldn't be nourish, it still needs a source of energy to amplify and ( I think ) its overrated. come to think of it maybe the last time I tried him was before helminth was a thing I can't quite remember but that defiantly opens up some more options for him. though the "meta" is to replace his chains with pillage, I might actually enjoy having nullstar or the reworked eclypse for the defense portion over Thurible to double down on his tanky overshields but I mean with his haste roar might just be better because it double dips then get armor strip from a companion if needed... anyway my tldr: someone got mad at me for replacing #1 on citrine and I used companions / energize for my economy even at 75% efficiency I have no issues, people will get their energy elsewhere if they want to replace warframes energy genrating abilities ? all nerfing nourish does is give us less fun things to play around with in helminth which already has a LOAD of fluff that isn't ever worth taking edit: a though is like ... "it's popular and powerful skill so that's bad" vs "it's popular but terrible compared to the main version then it's aok in our books _/" why ?
  8. I was quoting a streamer I watched the live reaction to the devsteam, though I don't know why players put such high value on nourish being OP when you can get a free energy economy from focus, arcanes, companions, some weapons even .. (and to a lesser extent from mods) then do it ? peoples will should be greater than mindlessly following the meta ? then the nourish usage numbers go down, consequently they don't need to nerf it? hypothitically tomorrow 99% of players subsume cloak arrow over octavia stealth because they hate crouch spam, do DE say "well maybe we should address how stealth works on Octavia" or do they go "lets nerf the range on stealth arrow"
  9. Djinns whole thing was the "self revive" that alll of the sentinels can do now ? I kinda stopped using it
  10. I find mindcontrol funny, I have played games where I have leveled a classes JUST to get access to this ability to do fun jank like throw people off cliffs or steal powerful buffs but in warframe it just don't fit, can even subsume this ability but dont because having that one extra ally out there dealing 5000% damage and not even knowing if its doing anything does not help while you are able to wipe out literal rooms! and can even get things like specters! which are just better? there probably is stuff that could do to make mindcontrol interesting just looking at the new decoy augment, Im probably going to try it where I don't actually use or plan to use nyx subsume
  11. I will play devils advocate... what advantage could you get from loyal being able to jump on k-drive in the middle of a mission ? it's not faster, it doesn't give you more maneuverability if anything you get less so why put the extra work and potential bugs into making this a press / hold ability ? when you could just augment to have companion drive and augment off for regular k-drive? also considering without the augment you can still "get off" the k-drive...
  12. when I first heard about Voruna before they announced any of the abilities players were theorizing what they wanted her to be and most people wanted yet another enrage hack and slash frame, I thought back then she should summon wolves! augment that summons wolves gets more vote
  13. I didn't realize her absorb scales draining energy, How I was playing her was just basically putting absorb up and (mostly) leaving it up, using dispensor over 1 to enable slide and sliding everywhere then using her bolts to armor strip where needed and kinda ignoring her chaos because I can wipe rooms without needing it (yeah I am probably doing it wrong)
  14. Banshee ? literally a one trick pony that got slightly worse when universal enemy radar became a thing
  15. her 4 can be really fun if you stack a lot of range, I planned to replace snares allowing Muerlina to cast them instead (if it works) and its an expensive ability baseline to cast try dual ichor incanon with her 4th and it will make a mushroom cloud of toxic those "were" level 165 (steel path) corrupted heavy gunner
  16. it has evergreen, you can farm the archron mods to sell, they sell pretty well too
  17. I agree with the opening sentiment, he dosn't necessarily need to be a viral spreader or aoe room nuker but he can still get a rework also he does not have to be king just fun, 3/4 of his kit is on wisps #2 a bunch of people suggesting he get the ability to disguise himself as other warframes or enemies something that I would actually play him a bit more for just for fun, he is the trickster aferall ?
  18. every 2 seconds, the gameplay clip is a must watch, they have her run upto a bunch of enemies and it casts on the enemy she directly approached a few times. though if you are nuking rooms with meta weapons its not going to be doing much! but in that case you probably wont need it anyway but if it snags an enemy ? bonus damage on the tooltip (wiki page) dosn't mention it stopping the timers but the wiki description states "and completely pauses the duration timers of Xaku's other abilities. " it could be argued that a helminth ability isn't technically one of Xaku's abilities, though its more likely they didn't want to (or think about) adjusting abilities in helminth to pause timers? edit:or it could be for balance issues, imagine being able to pause a dispensor The augment specifically says "Meurlina casts sea snares" so it should be adding that ability to Meurlina regardless, not casting it from yareli but you never know because bugframe haha xD yeah heading towards 2% maybe a bit optimistic, idk what i was thinking, she has been played less than hydroid every year that has stats for her ... but I think it could get her moving towards 1% at least? I honestly feel like her surviviability being tied to her kdrive leads people to play her on kdrive and go "that's not for me" and drop her like a hot potato, you can do other stuff like with shieldgate, armor stacking and adaption or even overwrite kdrive with something but I feel like it's not common for people to want to do that ? they want an ok survivable base that they can build on top of ! tldr I think people that give up on her might come back for the mod, there isn't a lot of cross over between masochists that will force kdrive and players that like cutesy stuff so I think given the theme it could push her towards 1% but I might be wrong ^^
  19. I dont get why dispensor from protea has reduced duration ? DE valued the energy generating abilities of it enough they saw fit to make it's duration shorter but you can just recast it, seems pointless plus there are beter abilities and ways of making energy
  20. they introduced more bugs, try pick up the new item on the eye seeking mission while on kdrive and it will land on the roof of the map way out of reach ! DE chose to put kdrive in openworld, just as they chose to add it to Yareli for indoor use and chose to make this augment to remove that restriction. original intentions don't matter if they did she wouldn't' have k-drive at all. what you said basically sounds like "I welcome you to play kdrive indoors, but I am a little sad you aren't able to use kdrive only in openworld as it was originally intended " it's not an argument that is going to hold up. right but the point is you don't have to spam it and with this augment? you can overwrite her #1 so you get to have your cake and eat it! before you suggest maybe overwriting it will stop meruline casting this ability, if I subsume xata over #1 will Merulina spam xata ? no augment specifically says she casts snares at people there is no stipulation snares has to be part of the kit. it might bring her usage to over 1% at least, maybe even towards 2% that would be over doubling her playrate ! I had long given up on her but plan to play her a bunch now!
  21. figured it would work this way, thanks for confirming
  22. I already have godlike weapons and warframe builds that can wipe maps and melt enemies but I will still farm at least one copy of every next new warframe, build the next incarnon weapon or prime weapon for the quirk that DE adds to the game. generally I will put ONE helminth on a frame that synergies with a build and leave that on, what if people do that with Nourish, what if they tank the effect of damage and energy restore by 70% and people just leave it and keep subsuming it, do they second pass and knock it down to 60% ? then 50% .. 40% until people stop using it ? at that point aren't they just unbalancing something negatively to make people not use it while making the game experience worse as a result? what if they buff roar ? we don;t want roar and nourish to be the only 2 abilities people use?, then put some good abilities In helminth, like Voruna for example, put in her stealth since no one is using her energy generator? OMG OP ?? but her stealth breaks on gunfire and melee but not ability cast, which is how and what people are currently using shade for! it would create a whole new build for some squish caster frames and be a place people wouldn't use roar / nourish. I also wonder how they are measuring it? because I was looking through helminth options thinking most of these are bad or situational stuff I just won't use and just threw nourish on a frame mostly for the damge procs because I didn't want another roar frame and wasn't building for high str and already had energy ecnomy and armor strip, then I never played that frame again, does that factor into their numbers or are they factoring in /played with that subsume ?
  23. I don't have a helminth on octavia or dagath and they feel just fine, the few places I actually used nourish were on a hgih energy economy quick thinking build to make a frame really tanky, worked but felt a bit boring and was still susceptible to high damage spikes and the other was on a saryn build someone recommended for the damage portion not the energy, none of this felt broken enough to justify nerfing. also on general topic this ability is already gutted by having the healing portion removed, how much more are they going to do to it ?
  24. is it even a problem? what is wrong with more people choosing something ? is it upsetting the balance of the game and braking something ? probably not its just the most appealing choice ? Pablo basically said "I dont want someone to come along and go, well I like this but its wrong to put this on because nourish is better" (said no one except Pablo) they are literally nerfing it not for balance but because more people choose it , the two are not the same, they can make less people choose it by providing compelling alternatives.
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