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Everything posted by _Anise_

  1. Because 1) I don't enjoy the playstyle of running around spamming her #1 before I kill stuff, its like an extra step that doubles the time my weapons take to clear rooms 2) equilibrium synergies really well with her #1 like almost auto include ? but now frees up a mod slot for something else. 3) I actually like her 4th ability, pared with xatas whisper and tenet tetra with bouncy bullets mod which xatas makes repeatedly hit the crit enabled target = fun! (this is what the game is about right?) 4) dethcube is a consistant source of energy generation (it works I never run out of energy and I spam skills all day) "deth 🧊 " only has to get 10 kill assists for a 100% chance at dropping an energy orb, it can also be built for 100% status (verglas) and AOE with either electric or gas? while "any sentinel" can generating energy orbs is via duplex bond it specifically requires a companion to kill a target for 50% chance, so just NUKING an entire room with a warframe you might not see any energy drop at all from duplex I don't always use the Synth mods either but when I did it was mostly for Cirtrines passive, again don't run equilibrium but agree it can be used here, but I am not sure what argument you are trying to make here, there are viable alternative energy economies ? yeah I know and its why I don't keep her #1 ability tldr dethcube for consistency / overkill energy generation? and if I am being completely honest I don't even have to run that, zenurick + arcane energize with any companion build is enough for me to make do without her first ability tldr tldr it is fun for me and that is the whole point of being able to build things in different ways ? ok sounds like their might been a misunderstanding, I didn't have energy economy issues, I just disliked her play style surrounding the energy economy enough to want to remove it and that finally made her fun to play for me.
  2. basically the subsume from Qorvex, except Qorvex version lasts 60 seconds base line and effects all enemies that walk into the area and it deals damage also adds status and it covers 2 areas at the same time, and you can put this on ANY warframe... Oh god nyx has it bad lol yeah I did find this at the str level I have + corrosive projection was good at taking difficult targets BUT I found more than once a single cast would strip defenses ... then defenses would mysteriously be back a second later and I would have to cast it again, it seems bugged ? I just cheesed jackal steel path with it having some efficiency but i feel like maybe I need a higher pool / energy battery or higher efficiency, it seems pretty solid for steelpath with the exception of units that can turn it off I did just a few hours ago feed my only Kullervo into helminth for this ability, though I personally don't count teleporting as increasing movement speed, there are also mods that teleport on heavy attack that have been around a while but outside of the teleports you are still super slow moving, I did however find a glitch where you can enable sliding while in her bubble that made it less painful but I still think it could use it being adjusted to make stacking speed modifiers not useless! the wiki says Dispatch Overdrive works but its at cost of breaking a weapon build and needing to keep heavy attacking to keep this up, it has no mention of molt, interesting though honestly , I could replace her #1 I am literally wiping rooms with my gun / melee, I don't need some npc with a 3000% damage buff that I can't tell if its even killing stuff / helping me or not, I did kinda work on the enemy mechs which might have been awesome but they always break out after a few seconds. I could replace her 2 its only a defense strip, my cat does defense strip better than this skill. I could replace her 3, I can get the same effect with a radiation based aoe weapon her 4 is the only thing I see if value, the only thing that stands out since it provides her with flat damage immunity, I dont even need the break effect or the buff from this its kinda a shame most of her kit is easily overshadowed by other stuff and none of it seems to have any synergies ? why? I can get energy and health orbs from dethcube with energy generator and synth set (that allows any frame to collect health orbs at max health) The companion build will supply ample amounts of energy / orbs and if you still need more energy add in duplex bond, this makes her 1 completely replaceable imo edit: you can even add mystic bond if you need even more energy economy from your companion, allowing you to keep 4 intact for juicy red crits, also you can disagree but I am not wrong when I say It's a build I don't hate, because it's for my own enjoyment and I have fun playing her this way.
  3. you will be trying a LONG time, you are basically trying to lick your elbow because Warding halo is bugged (at least since December! god DE if this was an OP gun it would been hotfixed in days) and wont cast on sentinels at all, not allied ones, not even ones created by duplex bond !! please go bump and upvote that thread, thanks
  4. in a move to try keep warframe more interesting for me I have been cycling though different frames like crazy while doing netracels I kinda figured a Cirtine build that I don't hate which revolved around replacing her energy economy making her feel better! also discovered an alternative playstyle for wisp helped by the companion rework that I can RIP archrons to shreads using, there are a handful of frames I found I kinda like that work but don't feel great surviving hard content which got me thinking .. maybe I should try find some warframe that is or can be made functionally immortal, didn't require a lot of button presses to maintain like kill streak or high micro to becom nigh immortality and most importantly look good while doing it! (fem frame required) first thing I tried was Valkyr, knowing she had an immortality on her #4 while cool in theory is only immortal while melee with her talons and exalted melee has no arcane adapters = less fun, then I saw I had nyx prim sitting there no build or nothing ! I forced a potato in her potato slot, squeezed in a forma too but wasn't really sure how to build so threw a bunch of stuff together and ended up with something like 95% duration, 135% efficiency, 145% range 259% str (too much str maybe?) I drop in assimilate omg yes this is almost exactly the playstyle I was looking for, a fun lazy nothing can kill me so long as I keep energy economy ticking build but ....... why is the movement limitation 50% of her BASE speed? it makes her extremely frustrating to play having to just weld her to the spot, can't jump can't nothing just stand there moving slowly, no matter how many speed mods or effects you stack nothing makes this any faster at all! would it really break the game if it were 50% of her MAX speed ? that way you could helminth a speed spell like the on from nezha, dedicate mod capacity / slots to building for speed, "but but but you can't just mod for 200% speed to get 100% and be immune to everything that's op" I hear ya say ? well I took nyx out of a spin on steelpath and wow.. the amount of times I am just bubble up casually aoe a room down while moving slowly and suddenly BAM my energy instantly drops to 0 an pulls me out of immune, it's the same issue I had while trying to make ivara my goto, some enemies just omgwtfpwn you by stripping your energy and there isn't anything you can do about it. tldr would it be ok if Nyx got a 50% of MAX speed instead of base speed while using the assimilate augment ? she could still be welded to the floor
  5. so if the passive is useless maybe a companion with Synth mods (companion damage gives enemy 25% chance to drop health orbs) duplex bond 50% chance to drop an orb on companion kill, maybe even deathcube with those mods and energy generator (assists drop energy) and I can probably replace the energy economy on her 3 with something else (though sentinels wont attack if her 1 stealth them but the ones created by duplex should)
  6. then I need more explanation on how her kit works, here is what I figure ... 1:she basically only ever presses this to get a super short crit buff because she can't attack while invisible? hold is meh, so maybe she wants to build for duration? and power since it seems to scale with both? but even with insane investment into duration its hard to get this buff to last 20 seconds 2:fangs is just status on a button, its basically citrines 3 except you have to press it more ? though I am not sure how often it needs pressing ? the hold effect seems decent 3)yet another buff button, I can easily live without the energy economy on this, hold : what does this do ? right now I am clearing rooms of high level enemies with my latest melee weapon without heavy attack efficiency , I can see myself deleting this without any trouble 4)against high level enemies it just isn't doing a whole lot for me, the hold also seems decent though. so I figure she builds for str-duration and her playstyle is Go stealth to break stealth only for the crit status buff apply status to buff her 4 use 4 to kill enemies effected by status before crit runs out repeat ? does her 2 and 4 count as melee for arcanes / mods weapons etc? does she need a stat stick ? because .. I am killing enemies easier with my regular melee weapon by holding E than that whole above sequence! I might just go with roar or pillage over her 3 or something
  7. already know what I am going to remove probably her energy economy, I can add my own leaving that spot open for something more fun but two things 1)I really dont know what stats she wants to build for which would go some ways to helping me choose.... 2) not really sure what subsumes synergizes good with her kit ? also with her playstyle does she get to remain stealth indefinatly ?
  8. so basically they would have to fix lighting in the new zone (and future zones) in order to accommodate this suggestion ? which was the whole reason for the discussion about changing the ability .. " fix it to work with lights or change the ability to not interact with light" tldr if you want them to go to the effort of fixing the lighting then the ability does not need changing at all, It is not a balance issue.
  9. tbh de needs to decide what numbers they plan to mess with in the regular/helminth for hold/push then put it to a vote, fix the lighting yet again or go with x/y numbers and what others are being considered I wouldn't hate idea that damage defence being based around energy color, you mostly run with damage/survive as part of a build and wont really need to switch between them mid mission usually
  10. roar apples damage to EVERYTHING (and your party) and adds damage on top of our guns like the faction damage mods eclipse applies only to your weapons and is multiplicative so does not increase your weapons by as much making it 30% would make it unusable and not in line with what roar is doing at all!
  11. ah I see yeah I didn't realize ! ok you changed my mind !
  12. probably not but I feel like nerfs happen because youtubers make build videos
  13. I once ran it on wisp before I found out how good pillage was (removing defense way better than damage from eclypse) someone in a mission said "you know about this combo too" bahahha I would hardly think this combo was secret? wisp makes bullets shoot faster and eclipse makes them hit harder, it's hardly rocket science ! but I agree with the overall sentiment don't Nerf the defense!
  14. well what I figure they are trying to avoid here, is just one helminth that gives you 90% DR which on its own would be good pick but also buffs your guns too being a no brain auto pick! right ? you can get 75% strength from tao shards (shards you don't even need to make a build) add Molt augmented for another 60% , another 20% from focus I would say you can ramp into 300%+ ability strength without too much effort?
  15. that's the point in having such a low cap so it requires a LOT of investment to get that high and isn't as universally good for every warfame ?
  16. The only reason I don't currently subsume eclipse is I hate the standing in dark light thing and the unreliability jank of it all, its also the same reason I don't actually touch mirage! if I want damage reduction it needs to be reliable and work all of the time, I don't want to have to look around the environment to check and see if I am going to die or not! touch / hold seems to be the way to go tldr don't cap the helminth max damage reduction lower than the base version (starting it lower is fine) touch / hold! Thanks
  17. I disabled fog and ssao, things don't look too different / bad ,I will see how it goes! edit:already almost instantly the fans are starting to spinning slower, not completely silent but a vast improvement! thanks
  18. I kinda noticed that the new sanctum areas and missions seem to be more gpu taxing, that no other game or place on warframe (even just idling in the new hub) has my gpu fans kick up a gear I assume its possibly something todo with materials, reflective surfaces or something ? anyone know of any setting I can toggle to lower this ? I alrady turned down / off shadows and it dosn't seem to have made a difference in how audible gpu fans are
  19. I still think they should just make an augment that makes the broken surfboard into a fighting pet that gives her DR / immunity, her kit would still be boring but at least wouldn't be terrible to play and break everything !
  20. the forum says that you are a new account, do you perhaps have more than one account ? also you probably should have posted in players helping players section. if you are on the correct account you could always open a support ticket https://support.warframe.com/hc/en-us/articles/200039839-Contacting-Customer-Service
  21. I been playing citrine a little, and got to thinking that her #3 gem could have been a "pseudo exalted sentinel" no weapon/mods just works the way it currently does except ... could been push to summon as a smaller sentinel floating above / behind following Citrine with hold to throw out working like it currently does. for an ultra mobility focused game it would kinda makes loads of sense to have it this way?
  22. idk if this is possible but I love this tune and it kinda does not exist outside of this episode with background sound beeps, bells and crashes going on
  23. Having played her a bunch one thing I might change is removing or significantly lowering the cool down on her 3, once the immune window wears off what are you meant to do with damage output cut in half and no fallback to death for 20 seconds ? just go operator void and hide in a corner ? her 3 anti death mechanic basically functions similar to nezha's halo which also prevents death via an I-frame except his has two iframes, gives damage reduction and status immunity and can be spam cast back to back! I think if someone wanted they could maybe drop her 1 then use viral primer gun maybe substitute CC from somewhere (weapon sentinel companion operator etc)? that way you can always recast doom if you want to "spread" it ? though I am mostly happy with her base kit! I like your idea of a full caster build, tbh I kinda like Scourge (prime) for it's throw effect
  24. No 💩 ! 😅 I am not expressing that I am disappointed for jumping on this, it was fun it worked for a purpose, now it does not work well for that purpose! if anything I am just peeved that its such a trend with DE to make something cool and interesting then nerf it to the point that it is borderline useless. trst I am curious if you have any good examples of niche uses, any setups you would actually use in idk steelpath ? I was trying to think of some myself and maybe the 90% damage reduction frames could use this since they could be alive with no shields? like nezha but thought would i goto the trouble of setting up blast with an amber shard just todo this ? do they need this to fuction ? and both I think no. then I thought maybe a shield focused banshee could work because she can aoe blast the whole map but when she aoes her shields rechange anyway because she is taking no damage. I was even thinking maybe Hildryn but talked myself out of it, in 20 minutes of steelpath survival pillage and shieldgate are doing all the heavy lifting, there isn't breathing room for a trickle recharge.
  25. I tested this the other day in simulacrum before removing my amber shard from a few frames, testing a 50 shield warframe by building a 100% status / blast beam chaining weapon and held the beam on as shieldgate immunity was falling off, it wasn't 100% reliable method in the middle of 20x lvl120 corrupted heavy gunners to put the shields back up, about half the time it just killed me before anything happened! (edit:brief respite can put my shields to 100% in 1 button press constantly while I am still gating) if you mean top shields back up from like 20% to 70% this situation doesn't happen enough in 'end game warframe', you are either out of shields or have full shields (or in the rate case if you aren't getting hit they recharge on their own!) but the entire situation is handled much better by brief respite or arcane aegis which can happen at any shield state including during shield gate and makes you functionally immortal! if amber could maybe charge overshields, I might consider it useful and run 1 along with modding my companion for blast but I dont think it can ? tldr I disagree that amber shield charger is currently largely usable, I would say it has niche use cases at best, mostly being Hildryn due to her constantly steadily draining massive shields, but when you get high enough level even she falls back to being alive mostly thought pillage / shieldgates what they nerfed the crit one too ? :/ I knew it was going to get some change but I honestly thought maybe they would treat the cause instead of treating a symptom?, put a ICD or DR on the shield gate immunity not just nerf anything that interacts with it in a "unexpected" way one at a time... soo I guess we will be back to this disussion next time they make something shieldgate builds can exploit! now anything else they make EVER has to be designed around shield gate .. or NOT then nerfed afterwards I thought if your shields weren't full you got a limited shieldgate ? well with canalizing shields dageth has 50 shields, so 33% is 17 rounded up, with 3 copies of my companion running around doing blast even 50 is the blink of an eye, I probably link what I said above, it needs either diminishing returns so if you are gating back to back the immunity becomes shorter each time until it is 0 or an internal cooldown so you get 1 second of immunity then have to wait like 5 seconds before you can get it again and I just got to SDGDen post, yeah 100% that !
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