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Everything posted by _Anise_

  1. if you watch asmongold reacting to the new elden frame.. I mean soul frame demo (it's a hard watch, he isn't kind) he constantly bashes on it, every time a sword swings there are huge bright sunbeams and he keeps asking "why" so it seems to be a trend crossed over into that game too. though honestly I am fan of using darker energy colors to mitigate some of the brighter effects. while green laser beams that do 3 million damage target me!
  2. the fact Pablo said Inaros was getting a "light rework" and they made him amazing sets my expectations high for trinity and nyx "light reworks" I expect almost every ability to be tuned in some way
  3. Sorry this isn't the freshest in my mind but I recall emotional things packed into the early stories, one particularly memorable scene is lotus carrying the operator? doing the trails up in the mountains, none of that really vibes the typical tactical game in my mind?
  4. they could put some work into making adaption stack with his passive, even if it was a 50% head start but still capped at 90% and give double duration, then you could use adaption to augment his passive but still use it stand alone if you didn't really want to go all in on an adaption build. Though one change that was more or less confirmed 1 button summed all three of the lethal progeny which can be seen in the teaser clip.
  5. as a nyx main can you defend her skills? what you like about them? this is my c2 from a casual nyx player... her mindcontrol is fun if a bit gimmicky and having to pump the target to enable the multiplier feels janky bolts is ok I guess, who dosn't want an armor strip ? I honestly don't fully remember how this works. chaos I don't get how its any better than an aoe rad proc? which I can get aoe for free from my sentinel constantly and it has a visual indicator. I actually like her #4 though it suffers a bit, you can take it to hard enough content where it will get instantly wiped, the movement restriction makes it feel horrible, slightly alleviated with the augment but still not great yes her and trinity are getting "light" reworks
  6. this alone makes it worth using over the base or vandal versions
  7. pretty sure what they are talking about is she was making a reference to this song, in jest!
  8. I am really hoping infested liches come with a new companion type similar to hounds which I think they "kept hush" for sisters
  9. they showed a short clip and it can be deduced that he now summons all 3 "dudes" in 1 press now
  10. already confirmed at tennocon, also trinity :3
  11. Her chaos feels lack, and its not just because of special units like eximus there is literally no graphical indicator that casting it did anything at all! (other than they shoot each other) the aument does have at least a area indicator that last all but 2 seconds and is probably not worth using. it's relatively expensive for it's short duration / range. basically a glorified rad proc but worse because it cant spread with spread mechanics. in comparison my companion can sit there and aoe rad proc for free every few seconds ! with a visual indicator and it's not using a warframe skill slot, requires no energy and does the same as chaos unless I missed something?
  12. So the one on the far left is Trinity, then CYTE-09, mag, volt and the far right is Nyx?
  13. well the word "proto" genrally short for prototype comes from the Greek word "prōtos," which means "first" and the protoframes likely some early/alternative incarnation of warframe,
  14. they just fixed a bug today where the units could beam you without being alerted, hopefully that makes them less annoying
  15. well my other question, at time of writing you seem to have enough % played/kills/assists to suggest you leveled her and never touched her again, you do like Jade?
  16. you personally acquired and leveled jade to 30, do you have any personal traumas preventing you from playing her or do you just think she looked dumb?
  17. I wanted to make this same post, I assumed Ordis would remain at Larunda relay just without the other rewards, why didn't he stay at Larunda relay? main reasons I don't want to use drifter camp ... Kharl and his cronies moved in and I just don't want them here. The orbiter section is constantly leaking, it should have sunk by now (yes I hate the constant leaking enough to not want to use it) please stop using the drifter camp as a dumping ground for npcs you can't think anywhere else to place.
  18. don't most inaros players run arcane grace? he needs some form of health restore to make him work! I would say that aegis is basically her version of grace and you could probably do it on that alone if you really wanted. most of the time she will only ever need to activate her #3 channeled ability and spam her #2 which fully restores her shields and grants overshield
  19. shields are her energy! build for shields Arcane aegis (shield damage gives recharge) and arcane barrier (damage fully restores) spam pillage, add guardian to your sentinel (when you run out of shields you instantly restore 100% shields) maybe add shield charger too though I don't think its necessary she wont ever run out of shields, you could probably afk on top of the hijack at that point and it will keep going till extract. if you don't have those arcanes today is the last day to get them from the event, goodluck
  20. Thanks for the bump, I guess the reason would be similar to why arcane blessing exists, you could want to build for shields but not have enough space to fit shields in with mods you want to run, it would essentially be using the arcane slot as flex to get the stats. alternatively you could just really like pumping up your shield stats on Hildryn for example, 1200 more shields on her maybe fun/attractive to some.
  21. I don't think it's a strawman because I have observed other suggestions that accommodate a phobia dismissed a few times, In my opinion it feels like regardless of valid points made the topic always comes back to requesting the same toggle that directly edits her base model hence the "beating a dead horse", Though I do appreciate your willingness to consider alternative viewpoints instead of immediately dismissing them.
  22. I feel like this sub-topic is beating a dead horse at this point, some are asking for a toggle, to change her core design which is not ok and probably straight up entitlement, though I did see a fun suggestion someone else posted, which was a toggle that makes jade appear as the default excal, if players were truly arguing this for phobia then they would happily take that compromise. but no players don't want that, they want to have their cake and eat it, has to be a jade waifu or nothing! implication of stalker daddy does not align with their whims 🤣 (just to be clear I am not saying this is everyone) the even is going away yes, but the event equates to a vendor that sells you arcanes, you will still be able to go to uranus and play ascension to get Jade which is basically the same thing you just won't have the random alerts or special event vendor items.
  23. I suggested this elsewhere but I think it would be fun if hard cast CC ate percentile chunks of overguard per cast and passive ccs slowly ate a much smaller percentile amount of overguard away per tick. this could probably go some way to elevate it feeling like CC frames are completely ineffective when the eximus units roll out
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