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Everything posted by _Anise_

  1. there is also honestly a LOT of fluff in the helminth system, did it really need 4 different abilities that generate energy ? who is looking for energy economy from it and taking nerfed duration dispensor, lycath's hunt where the only effect is to drop health / energy (+ ammo) when they can take nourish/fractured blast for extra free damage with viral / bleed while also making energy / health? same with group up there are a bunch of different "grouping like" tools like more choice than you would realistically need but again some shine though as obvious choices and others have weird limitations like larva range nerf, does -4 meters really make a difference to the balance? I have seen people suggest to not use it because other skills have unnerfed range like ensnare just giving effectivly the same thing and 30 meters before modding with no nerf there are several different decoy like abilities in there though they do all have slightly different utility tldr I kinda agree with the topic, the problem wasn't nourish its lack of other compelling alternatives, which could be achieved either by putting more interesting different abilities from the same warframes in or by buffing base versions of theses helminth abilities (without augments) in the case of dispensor maybe it zaps nearby enemies with electricity (and remove the pointless duration nerf that exists for no reason) so it becomes it's own little soft cc shock mote ? then maybe it dosn't look so bad compared to its alternatives ?
  2. I agree it would basically just be cosmetic, though maybe it could be a vial rush type situation ? I had a lot of fun with dagath so I would love to see some augments for her at some point
  3. you really think so ? if they wanted there isn't any reason why they couldn't have made that a "hold" ability on her #4 since her survivability is on 3
  4. this was my exact thought process aswell ! 2, 3 and 4 are set in stone basically making #1 the only viable skill to replace, which might be ok since you can use other weapons and even another book with him ! but it would suck if it also meant disabling the "passive" I also wonder if it synergizes with Helios scans
  5. how does it work ? if its just scanning targets for existing I like it (free status chance?) but if its requiring the book be out in order to get the scans then not so much
  6. its understandable ? at this point people are fed up of the Khal mission? how many times can you run this exact mission with the exact same loadout not even been able to choose something simple like weapons and for the exact same reward? I did this mode to get the main rewards and have been ignoring it ever since. its better to have this be a place you go that you do once to get stynax and move on? I mean its not exactly fortuna or something
  7. they should have made the puddle his "slide animation" (or dodge) as for someone who got Inaros from the quest leveled and instantly fed him into the blender then got his prime leveled and never touched it again, the rework dosn't sound bad, the new kit on paper looks more inspired than some recent warframe kits and I have seen people calling this rework "sand saryn"
  8. which is usually the point where it is too late ? I forced myself to run Duviri the other day having not played it for several months because one of my fave frames popped up so I jumped on it before realizing all the weapons it gave me were ass, also realized why I hated random loadouts, one tenno god rolled and was carrying the whole group, I was bored out of my skull. tldr random loadouts here is duviri all over again ? I thought they said you could use two of your netracells to unlock it but could only do it once per week ?
  9. I peeked at statistics, I don't even play Yareli and I have around the same percentage usage for her as you, so it kinda looks like you don't play her either ? but "she is perfectly fine, trust me" I think most people would agree Merulina perfectly usable in openworld content which is content that was specifically designed for K-drive but even then she still has to drop her defense to archwing between objectives are you talking about people basically calling Yarelli perfect while also asking DE to address limitations and fix the plethora of bugs with kdrive ? funny that ^^
  10. it shows the DR counter on the combat video they posted, it would also only be logical that while active it gave you DR otherwise it would be turning her #2 into another copy of her #1 for what reason ?
  11. I don't think the nerf will be that hard, they said they expect post nerf it will still be top 5 and if it went out of top 7 they would look adjusting it again
  12. I might be wrong but in the video it looked like it was just casting the one snare, but it did seem to be consistently cast on the enemy nearest Yareli, its short enough cd that you're always going to have at least one in CC up the blades are good passive damage ability for anything charging at her, and even with your pet casting the bubble you can still only have 15 out at any one time (I assume) ? I will be replacing the bubbles
  13. I didn't know that, then most likely they aren't' going to port the animations to give her an augment to allow primary on kdrive then !! (the post original post I was responding to) I suggested this before, I feel like if it were that simple they would have done it ? I think so, I think that was the point in the kdrive? it's casting the 1 to allow you to free it up without giving up any of the kit and it being a passive removed everything people complained about it! also you got my vote for style using hydroids! its just a shame she has no synergies with water like effects
  14. there is no reason why they don't just do that baseline? some mission types be like "shutguns only, sucks you be you k-drive Yareli enjoyers" and if there are pistol like shutguns they dont count
  15. just as a movement tool? idk it was just hypothetical to see how much you value kdrive on its own without the artificial synergies they created to try force her onto kdrive like skills that root her if she is on foot, a buff that falls if (used to be) instantly when she would stop moving by casting anything and basically tying her survival to it.
  16. hypothetically if her damage reduction was always on aqua blades, would you still be opposed to this augment making merlina a companion ? if that was the case it'd be a none issue and probably most people would have already deleted merlina with helminth.
  17. it's not even that, I picked up k-drive in open world, I immediately loved it as a low MR noobie going into orb, struggling my way though this quest solo and it actually just giving me a kdrive like that after telling me I could go somewhere to craft one. I spent the rest of my open world leveling / grinds blasting around on my cool hoverboard, I even enjoyed powerless drifter getting one, wow my drifter (op) getting on a kdrive for the first time (why can't I still do this DE??? DE???) but something all those experiences had in common, they were openworld and I wasn't forced onto the kdrive or die and have half my weaponload out disabled I could get off at any time and not die, wasn't forced into not being able to rez etc ete etc, its the experience that makes the thing good
  18. np and sorry I shouldn't have put it in quotes, yeah they are similar and I think that stands even without the augment? they have have a smilar DR fuction, they both have a debuff target ability, both have an ultimate that is a CC and both have a mobility / passive damage thing just they are split between different abilities they kinda mirror each other as fire / water but differently, though I think Nezha kit has way more nuances where something from almost every ability interacts one way or another with the rest of his kit even before augments
  19. personally I think its a design thing, they can't fix Mirage lighting for one tile set its better to just change the ability, do you think they can fix every tileset in the game for a single k-drive warframe that has not been higher than 0.52% played ? while fixing (if even possible) could be a huge undertaking that may not even see that number increase ? if you put yourself in DE shoes you see why they might not fix this ? now if they went and did something crazy like allowing all tenno to deploy k-drive everywhere , then maybe they could maybe justify fixing kdrive for regular maps, but I don't see that happening for a number of reasons
  20. all she needed todo move and parkour like a normal frame except while being technically on a k-drive with none of the bugs, it boggles my mind that all the current yareli enjoyers would rather ask to be able to use k-drive mods on her
  21. I move fine on them too .. in open world zones the original "K-drive identity" they really shouldn't be used indoors because outdoors is K-drive identity, how it was intended to be used /S that is basically the argument they are trying to make but for Kdrive being yarelli's identity, how she was meant to be used... right ? well she has never been higher than 0.52% played so its kinda not normal for a frame to see so little play from inception I think ? and yeah it is a problem because they actually want to sell skins and prime access when that rolls around and you can't do that as well for a frame that no one plays, if optional augment makes more people play her why not ?
  22. can you do this on kdrive? this specific time index linked below, the whole section on movement is great btw
  23. I think it was a mistake on DE part to ever introduce her as a k-drive only frame, her kdrive should have always been a hold / push, they should have had the forsite to see forcing always on kdrive was a mistake. Nezha is also in top 2 of my most played frames, when i want to not die I always would take him, so yeah gimmi a slightly different female nezha please!! but I disagree with your assesement they are "the same" like almost all frames are the same if having a CC group for a 4 is the same as having an AOE stun for a 4 is "the same", Nezha kit is way more intricate and has a lot of little synergies like throwing his halo into speared enemies will duplicate it!
  24. this augment does not remove Merulina only changes how she works, so claims that her identity is being changed are wrong imo, if anything its reinforcing her identity because I will be resetting my helminths and using Yareli and Merulina together properly for the first time
  25. I subsumed over merulina with a few things but never found one I liked, I was considering putting toggle eclipse on this slot until I heard about the augment, the augment is even better because it lets me helminth off her 1 while still having access to a version of it, this makes her more interesting for me in two ways because it changes two of her more passive boring skills putting them on one and letting me experiment with a new subsume I already said I didn't like her deluxe skin but will have to hope it looks better in game, yeah 100% its taken her from a frame I mess around with now and again when I am board put her back on my radar !
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