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  1. I'm not going to say you're wrong for enjoying Railjack, that's subjective and it would be ridiculous of me to do so, but I don't think it's an incorrect assumption that there are plenty of people who don't care much for Railjack. Even ignoring it's rocky launch, Railjack was one of the big contributing factors that got me to stop playing for 3 years (or however long). On top of burn out from other grinds (that have since improved! DE is willing to improve grind sometimes), the idea that this new game mode that I didn't really enjoy was required for main story progression kinda sucked. Like I'm good at it now, I have about as strong a Railjack config and intrinsic setup as you can get without just being maxed out, but the grind kinda sucks. I'm pretty much exclusively a solo player for a number of reasons (my computer is slow and I don't wanna deal with/put others through bad load times, I've dealt with more toxic community members than I care for, casual lgbt-phobia is still a huge issue largely unaddressed because it's hard to moderate a huge F2P game and I'm not super comfortable playing with strangers and risking some off color jokes ruining my night, frankly I don't want to learn the railjack multiplayer crew dynamic and expected roles and risk miscommunications there, etc), but I've gotten pretty consistent at my solo clear times. I can clear a void storm mission in Veil Proxima in between 10-15 minutes depending on the specific objectives and potential mishaps. But that's an average of 12-13 minutes per run, and an optimized 10 minutes per single roll chance at Sevagoth is still unfortunate. Let's say I get each part in the wiki-expected 10 A-rotation rolls, 2 of each part for my own Sevagoth and for Helminth, but none of those drops overlap. That's 60 Veil Proxima Void Storm missions at a hypothetical 10 minutes each (more like 13) for 600 minutes, 10 hours of grind. As far as Warframe goes, that's not That Bad. But I've done dozens of Railjack runs, and I've only ever gotten a single Neuroptics, still hunting for the second. The wiki "guaranteed" number for a single piece is 65 ± 21 runs, a worst-case scenario of hypothetically 86. 86 runs times my average of 13 minutes is 1118 minutes. 18 and a half hours. In a game mode I don't like, for a character I do like. I'm obviously not asking for them to remove or gut Railjack, or even make the pity system like dead easy (like Citrine's isn't especially easy and her currency is guaranteed). I'd just like an option to eventually cash out. Even if they removed the grind keeping me in Railjack, some people will still love the mission type and will faithfully run it for all their relics. Hell, it's probably the best passive credit, relic, and endo farm in the game (a single Axi relic being exchanged for 0-3 new ones PLUS some Neo relics is crazy). But I'd just like my last Sevagoth part.
  2. Hi, I'd like to request that a soft pity system is added to Warframe to facilitate the purchasing of parts for Sevagoth, Epitaph, and the Nautilus sentinel. (I say "soft" because of my proposed currency, which is NOT a guaranteed one like Citrine's) My suggestion is to have them purchasable from Ergo Glast (like the Tenet Melees), using Corrupted Holokeys (also, like the Tenet Melees). Perhaps the flavor is that his corpus crews have picked up fragments of the blueprint data on their missions across open space and are willing to part with them in exchange for something valuable to their own cause. Signed, an unwilling railjack veteran.
  3. Before you two continue to argue on my post, irrelevant to the change suggestions I made, I just want to point out that the beauty of the Helminth system is that it is personal to everyone. If you like Lantern, toss Spellbind. If you like Spellbind, toss lantern. Neither choice is wrong as long as it's the choice you prefer. Meta be damned, it's a game, as long as you're making the decisions necessary to have fun that's all that matters. (And also, I'd like to point out, I like both abilities! I actually don't helminth on Titania!)
  4. As the title suggests, all I'd like is for the Wolf Sledge (a melee that as far as I can tell functions almost identically to glaives) to have access to the mods with the "Thrown Melee" tag. I don't think this would me meta shattering, because it's heavy attack explosion proc is Blast (a notoriously bad disliked element). I'd just like it to perform consistently compared to other weapons I plan on throwing all the time. I'd like to send more enemies into orbit.
  5. Hi. I'm a huge fan of Titania, I've played her for a long time and Titania Prime is my go-to open world frame. I'm not going to claim she's flawless or perfect multi tool, but I like what she does. However, how she does it it a bit clunky and old (I mean, we can almost all agree at this point that tap to rotate abilities are slow and dated, while Titania wants to go fast.). I have 2 changes I'd like to suggest for her: Make her 2 a Tap-Hold, and allow her to Hold 4 to respawn razorflies. 1 - I like Spellbind. I never use the CC component, but it's a nice option. Being able to hold 1 and just be immune to statuses and stagger effects (cough Running into every wall cough) is nice. 2 - Tribute. Silly Tribute. Everyone loves to hate on Full Moon and Entangle, but I like Full Moon! Razorflies are important survival tools (drawing aggro) and making them tankier is great. Entangle, not so much. If you're in range with Titania long enough for the slow to matter, you need to Leave that range and start shooting. My Suggestion: make the tribute ghosts either give offensive buffs (tap) or defensive buffs (hold), and replace Entangle with an offensive buff (more status damage? idk, up to the discretion of the devs). Tap: grants Full Moon and the Entangle replacement. Hold: grants Thorns and Dust. Also, I think it would be more consistent if dust was a self-evasion buff, not an enemy in range accuracy debuff. Finally, for each buff active (the tap would be one buff, hold a second buff) grants 2 additional Razorfly slots (as opposed to 4 buffs currently with 1 slot each). Many other people have requested that you make the ranges and durations of these moddable, which I've wanted myself (having to refresh 4 buffs every two minutes is... haha... uh.......) BUT that can be saved for a major rework. I'm just going for a QoL bandaid. (Edit: I keep calling Full Moon an offensive buff because it actually does buff Razorfly/companion damage by an unmoddable 75%. This could be more impactful if razorflies scaled with enemy level, but in the end what I care about more is the Razorfly surviability buff. Like I said I'm a Full Moon stan!) 3 - Lantern isn't especially good, but it is actually pretty decent choke point CC, and I like it. If nothing else, it gives everyone a Helminth slot. Keep it as is. 4 - Her bread and butter, Razorwing. All I'd like to be changed is that when you hold 4, you respawn all razorflies. As it stands now you can do the same by exiting her Pixie form and re-entering it, which is slow and clunky and kinda interrupts her flow. I don't imagine these getting implemented since I'm just some rando, but I thought maybe putting these in the public eye might affect others' opinions :) Fight well tenno
  6. EDIT: It looks like I can't delete topics so, our group is full! Please don't send an invite if you're reading this later. Leaving text unedited otherwise for like, archival? idk EDIT 2 (final): WE GOT IT! We got the stinkin' brain case for the damn cube, and off an Intact relic at that. Shoutout to you crazy folks that joined me and stuck with me through 3 party drops and my potato load times. Semi-time sensitive, currently it is 8:00pm ET (UTC-5:00), I'll probably be on for a while. Looking for 3 players to open the vaulted Meso D4 Relic (CONTENTS; Common; Akjagara Prime Blueprint, Forma Blueprint, Orthos Prime Handle; Uncommon: Chroma Prime Chassis Blueprint, Lex Prime Blueprint; Rare: Dethcube Prime Cerebrum.), since Companions got buffed and this is the only part of Dethcube Prime I've been missing for a while. I can provide 3 players up to 4 relics each; I currently have a bit over 300 traces, I'd prefer if everyone came able to do up to 4 runs. For brevity, if you're willing, please DM me in game and I'll invite you directly. /w ApolloJetic (easy copy paste if you're on PC, sorry console players you'll have to type it out i think lol) I'll delete this once I've gotten enough players to join me. Hope to talk to you soon!
  7. My current clan has intermittent activity, like our current leader was on 30 days ago but it's a far cry from the next guy's (like 700 days), and while I could probably like snipe them right away and get new folks in, I don't wanna be "that person", the leader probably has a busy life and the clan is like 95% researched and the remaining stragglers that do play regularly are having a good enough time having access to the labs and dry dock without needing to worry about being AFK kicked. I'd probably just stick around and forget it or leave before trying to shake things up.
  8. This is sort of a reverse recruiting post. The Craigslist missed connections of recruiting posts. I never use the forums for anything, but I'm bored while waiting to trade, and I'm having no luck in recruiting chat, so I thought I'd try my luck here. A few weeks ago I saw people recruiting for the clan Orokin Fallen. I was semi-interested, but I'm in an old, dormant (dead) clan that let me afk for 3 years without kicking me, so I wasn't in a rush to jump ship. However, with the Abyss of Dagath update coming up, I'm not confident my clan will have people online to construct her tomb and whatever other steps will be necessary, so I wanted to poke some feelers at this new clan. Problem is, I haven't seen recruiters back in the chat, and asking in the chat has resulted in no responses, so I'm hoping someone on the forums are themselves IN the clan, or know someone who is. I'm not 100% ready to jump ship just yet, I'd like to ask a recruiter some questions about their clan/what kind of obligations may or not be expected of membership first. But if you see this, and you fit the bill or know someone who does, please ask them to DM me! Thanks for reading!
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