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  1. Playing on an iPad mini 6. I did not recall having this issue when I was using the Beta. If I get into any dialog boxes, I cannot leave the associated menu. Checking my inbox leaves me stuck on the inbox screen. I cannot back out of it. Looking at the invasion, I was checking what is at Saturn and was placed into the pick a side dialog. Tapping outside of the corpus vs grineer area had me launching the mission with whatever side of the screen I touched. I had to quit and force close as I'm not quite sure how anyone in the squad will deal with my glitching UI. I'll see if I can get my switch joy cons to pair with my mini 6 and hope that is a better experience, but the touch UI itself seems broken to me at the moment. *edit* I tried the area for the menu icon and did not get any response from the game. I do not see the menu icon once I go into a dialog box.
  2. I wasn't quite sure how the rewards would be distributed since account linking nukes the iOS account. I created an iOS account via the Warframe app and got stuck in some settings dialog. I had to close the app and it still did not let me out of the dialog. In the meantime, I went to the website and linked my accounts. Now I can get into Warframe, but no day 1 rewards.
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