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  1. could you share a clip/explain more about it? I never had this problem
  2. dante nerf reminds me of those videos where one breaks the phone of another person and gives them a different phone as prank like they just broke his knees and gave him a wheelchair instead no one asked or complained abt how "strong" he was its actually crazy how he got nerfed for being too much hyped (literally just got released that week) he's getting LOS checked twice (first weapons/abilities then tragedy) I uninstalled the game like lol. Are you really telling me it took 3months to release a "new" gamemode which is basically just randomized loadout vs bullet sponges that onetap with no new rewards at all, 8 augments and a warframe which was pretty fun to use and directly got nerfed?? is that what we waited 3months for
  3. It literally is an issue of the map, how are u blaming the players for playing it that way when it is possible to do so
  4. This doesn't always happen, and if that was the issue then they could've just made it so he must mark enemies by hitting them with his own weapons/abilities much how hydroid's passive puts a permanent mark on enemies that allows full strip on them los is not and will never be a good solution
  5. It does NOT make sense for tragedy. You need to hit enemies with dark verse or weapons which means they must be in your los to setup his tragedy. The problem however is that now you get a los checked twice, first when setting up the dots and then a second time when using tragedy. This makes it really wonky to use. The only logical nerf I would think of is that they'd nerf the base damage of tragedy. Meanwhile 6.5k base slash damage could be considered a lot in normal starchart, it really is nothing in steel path
  6. no... but that's the logic they went with for making overguard weak to void idk😭😭
  7. the fact they made overguard weak to void so we'd have to swap to operator but then nerfed zenurik against them is crazy lol
  8. If they really wanted to nerf his 4 badly, they should've just reduced its base damage instead of giving it LOS. Imagine spreading slash proccs everywhere on enemies with noctua/weapons and they happen to end up somewhere hiding, the ult won't even work on them so it's just wasted or will be pretty inconsistent. Also I bet it doesn't even hit enemies standing behind other enemies. Atp this ability is ctrl c ctrl v expedite suffering with a higher multiplier
  9. Nah the spawns are indeed stupidly low compared to other SP missions, I was getting more than than him but not a lot
  10. "I'm really fed up. I played 20 rounds of disruption and got all the blueprints, systems, and machines of Dante. But when I finished the run, I was given only one blueprint and two systems. It's really disgusting." I honestly don't understand how stuff like this happens and how everyone's fine with it. It's not even an extremely rare bug, stuff like this happens frequently. And who is to blame? The player. People will just defend the developers when this is straight up disrespectful. No compensation or anything is given either which should be imo, but no we're just expected to redo it all
  11. Nebu4

    Daily gifts

    Honestly I feel like the 75% also depends on your region I got it like 2 times over 4years when people from other regions get like two a month
  12. Yeah that's the problem, it's based off the host. If you use any sort of speedy warframe like gauss, yareli grendel you will hit the door before it opens which makes it feel so jank because you get a full stop. I hadn't brought up friendship doors but yeah those are superannoying as well. The only situation I find it logical to keep them is at rescue missions
  13. I feel like these are pointless? I don't know but the tiles tend to be already loaded before reaching those doors. I feel like they're just obstructing the smooth gameplay especially since they're based off the host's ping.
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