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  1. Whenever a game gets updated and a SteamInput config gets updated along with it: developers can either use Major Revision (aka: forcing everyone to use the updated config) or use a Minor Revision (only updating all existing configs but won't force anyone to use the new config). Major Revision is only use whenever the amount of changes related to Controller Inputs that will requires overhauling the entire config in the process. Minor Revision is only use when making very minor changes (like, adding one or two game actions that doesn't affect much, or very small fix. here's a quick example: Left 4 Dead 2's The Last Stand update uses Minor Revision to update the SIAPI system but ensures all existing configs to work. while No Man's Sky relies on Major Revision for every major content updates, thus: the whole config will need to be revised. for more info: https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/api/isteaminput#GetDeviceBindingRevision for Warfame's case, despite the change looking very minor...DE seems to misuse "Major Revision" to handle any changes.
  2. I'm gonna be very, very blunt here. your SteamInput implementation has gotten outdated over the years, and instead of trying to keep it up to date with Warframe's constant overhaults; it's been left in the dust for years. As Warframe continues changing the gameplay format overtime, the SteamInput implementation...which was intended for the older system from...i dunno; back in 2016-2017(?) it becomes jank and jankier overtime, it has gotten to the point that Game Actions starts to break and it's unplayable on Steam Deck without workaround... After hearing about the last major update FINALLY going back to Steam Input after two years of inactivity (keep in mind: DE originally wanted to remove it before user feedback told them why they shouldn't), I was finally hoping they would completely overhaul the entire config to be up to 2023 Warframe gameplay standards (like how No Man's Sky constantly keeps their SIAPI up to date), but instead: 1. Disabling XInput/PlayStation Input API in favor of SteamInput despite being borked/janky for years. 2. Still using the same old janky config system. 3. CTRL+C and CTRL+V'd newly added Controller Type configs, you can immediately tell by the Nintendo Switch and PlayStation configs. (Switch Controller's face butttons aren't mirrored for Menus and PlayStation's Touchpads are assigned as a D-PAD for Gameplay, where it was meant for Steam Controller in mind.) 4. Finally fixing Launcher action set, at least that's something. This isn't the way to go, and I argue that it'll get worse until serious addressment gets addressed. So please, either re-enable XInput/PlayStation Input API while you guys actually fix SteamInput implementation in the meantime, or remove SteamInput completely (like you guys originally planned to do so two years ago) and re-enable XInput/PlayStation Input API.
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