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  1. To the developer who changed the name of the post this has nothing to do with primed fire storm, it happens without it and I know that for sure because I don’t even have the mod
  2. I turned it into a YouTube video then uploaded it to my channel (which before now was only used for viewing YouTube), this is proof of the bug
  3. I have a video showcasing this, both in mission and in the simulacrum, where you can clearly see the damage occurring, but idk how to show the devs or post it on here
  4. When bullet jumping forward and looking downward at around a 45* angle while shooting the Acceltra you can make your character move just as fast as the travel speed for Acceltra bullets, and rather than stagger you they do direct damage to you. I was on a level 10 mission with harrow prime and I use a build that gives me 4k armor with parasitic armor and 1k health and after much testing it does indeed damage you, likely killing anyone without such absurd armor. Please fix this video proof
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