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Posts posted by Knightross13

  1. I had a similar problem: I was playing solo and after finishing Phase 1 and after the Phase 2 outside area had finished loading I void dashed outside in operator form. After a few seconds I was 'killed' by an enemy and was transferred back into my Warframe, which was still inside the caves' transition area. Then I discovered the doors to the outside would not open for me and I was stuck inside.
    I left the game running and went to report the bug here and at some point I alt-tabbed back in to check if anything had changed and.. lol.. the Exploiter Orb was now stuck inside the caves with me somehow! I had one Thermia cannister left (I carry two from Phase 1 with me onto Phase 2. One with my Warframe and one with my operator (which is why I was outside alone with him to begin with. He was throwing a can at the Orb).) So I threw the 2nd cannister at him then went to see if I could go back into the Phase 1 area and see if there were any more cannisters left there. Although I could get back into that area no more cans were spawning but fortunately the 2 I had thrown at him were enough to send him into over-drive and so I did the ear ripping off cut-scene thing.
    After that the outside doors opened up for me but the Exploiter Orb wasn't anywhere to be seen outside, although I could still see its health bar. So I went back to the Phase 1 area and Zudd piped up with a bit of chatter about how, "It's down! Now's your chance!" (like she wants me to rip off its ear again. Which I had already done) but the its health bar had disappeared and it was nowhere in the Phase 1 area. So I went back up to the surface again and this time it did appear but it was already overheated and waiting for someone to trigger the cutscene (which, again, I had already done). But it just wouldn't trigger. No matter how much I violated its personal space. I was tapdancing on its head but.. nothing. So it got permanently stuck at that point.
    All in all that's quite a hefty amount of bugs there but it all started with that cursed closed door so I'm posting it here.


  2. I am quite enjoying the new system as it's been saving me a from *lot* of unecessary button-pressing mostly from not having to be constantly pressing the "equip melee/weapon" keys so much. I would quite often have my melee weapon out for Dispatch Overdrive and stealth-killing purposes but then would always be switching weapons when I came up to objectives/traps/sensors. Before the melee changes I would often switch to Operator to destroy the obstacle then switch back and found that to be a little faster and less annoying/fiddly than switching to a different weapon and back again. Now I can just shoot it without thinking about it. Easy.

    The thing I'm struggling with now though.. is that I really want that Dispatch Overdrive buff (and also the Exodia Brave energy regen)... Which requires that I be channeling to activate it. So the problem with with new system is that:
    1) Every time I switch in and out from my melee weapon the game cancels the channeling. Requiring me to reactivate it.

    2) If I decide to keep my melee equipped and use that and only that, then every time I do an aim glide (and I aim glide a *lot* for better jumping control, latching onto walls, etc.) then the channeling gets cancelled again.

    This is leading to a lot of extra fiddling and button-pressing trying to reactivate the channel *every* time and it's not always very clear to me if the channeling is even active or not (because of all the lights and FX going on). I feel like I'm guessing half the time whether or not it's even on.

    In any case a simple fix would be to have a toggle in the options menu to have channeling active until cancelled or something.

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