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Posts posted by (PSN)Dream3r_W0lf6116

  1. The eidolons being nerfed was a nice changed but the over buff on the vomvalysts are getting stronger dayly, the codex says they only have 700 health but yet I delt 30k void damage to it just to get it into the blue phase and then another 15k to kill it, this needs to be fixed now, the insane dps they deal is insane, this is insane and is ruining eidolon hunts, they kill the lures in seconds 

  2. Idk why this started happening this week but half way through 3 hyrolists (spellings probably wrong) I would switch into my operator and be suck in the air in a random place and can't move from there, tried everything to fix this, unstuck command never works and needs to be fixed lol, self damaged myself to death and still goes to the same place completely stuck, plz fix this now it's ruining my solo tridolons runs 

  3. It hasn't been very many times but over the passed 3 weeks I have lost about 4 daily login rewards to the the fact that they don't pop up on time and thus I don't get the rewards, I think it was day 171 that I just lost right now and a few others now, plz can this be fixed soon, I'm worried about my 200 day rewards going missing also and that will be a big problem 

  4. This just got so much worse since the beginning of today, it keeps giving me permanent "network not responding" yet the fame is running fine and then after that is days I need to restart it due to a update, IV apparently updated the game 23 times today and I am officially starting to get dame irritated with this fault, this is a waste of my date and also a very irritating constant pain having "network not responding while doing eidolons or exploiter orb, plz fix this tomorrow 

  5. 39 minutes ago, (PS4)alienkiller1577 said:

    Lol well I have lost over 50k standings already on stupid stick drones so I am really irritated by it to, this needs to be fixed and soon 

    Make that 55k now, I personally thing that de should compensate for not fixing this really large issue, not saying much but u know like this should have been fixed before the event started or on the first 2 days but it's been more thank a week now and still nothing 

  6. IV done 3 missions in a row for this challenge, not getting detected in any of them and yet is still refuses to complete, plz fix this fast DE and also what's with the rewards for this night wave chapter, endo, orokin cells? Like really that's a waste of reward slots since I can get that much endo from just spending 10 min in a level, rather make it forma or something great next time or even more slots. 

    Not complaining about the night wave I'm just glad it's finaly back just thos rewards could have been a bit better 

  7. IV done 3 missions in a row for this challenge, not getting detected in any of them and yet is still refuses to complete, plz fix this fast DE and also what's with the rewards for this night wave chapter, endo, orokin cells? Like really that's a waste of reward slots since I can get that much endo from just spending 10 min in a level, rather make it forma or something great next time or even more slots. 

    Not complaining about the night wave I'm just glad it's finaly back just thos rewards could have been a bit better 

  8. This is the second time this has happened to me, currently on one of my syndicate missions and I died and now can't revive coz it just won't let me and unstuck doesn't fix anything, the amount of glitches happening in the passed 2 weeks is becoming abit much now plz if u can fix this as soon as possible coz I just lost 6k standings and a ayatan scalpture 

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