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Everything posted by Kegnor97

  1. They can do it once you get the hang of them and even though is not very deep, it is still more complex than 3 button presses
  2. Because is absurd that a frame can nuke an entire map on 3 button presses when equinox need to charge enough damage, saryn needs to spread spores, garuda needs to charge damage and combo with her ult, etc.
  3. You can extract shards anytime, is not like an umbra forma that is consumed on use
  4. Ok, Im gonna say it, a lot of you seem like spoiled children, sure, it was fun to nuke entire maps while having enough overguard to tank multiple heavy gunners, but it was also absurd, a lot of you act like he can't make a dent on the weakest enemies but he can still nuke on SP no problem even with the LOS issues wich they said they were going to fix, and with the overguard changes you just need to be a bit more carefull, not unlike other nukers the game has, end even then he still has pageflight to redirect enemy fire. It is honestly ridiculus how this comunity keeps asking for harder content and then go cry when something that makes the game too easy is modified, and not even to the point of making it unusable (most of the time) just to the point where you can clear maps in 2 seconds instead of 1, but god forbid we make infinity minus one damage, because everything has to nuke the entire map everytime I move 2 inches or I'll deem it not worth my time
  5. It still triggers archon intensify, you just need to actually heal someone instead of casting it on allies with full health, just like the rest of abilities that trigger it
  6. The game has over 300 weapons, if one dies not work on a specific enemy chances are there is another that does
  7. At the moment duviri is not a prerequisite for anything in the game but I would not be surprised if it becomes one in the future. As for rewards, the best duviri has to offer are the incarnon genensis in steelpath that turn some bland weapons into monsters
  8. Nightwave lasts long enough to complete without doing every single act every single week, besides, the permanent acts are should make up for the duviri ones or any you don't feel like doing. New stuff from new updates is always added to nightwave, they've been doing it for years, is a way to reward players for engaging with the multiple content islands, now you could say that the content island design is a problem which is worth discussing, but that is a discussion for another thread
  9. Would be really cool, unfortunately, with the third party solution working as well as it does, I don't think they have much incentive to improve it themselves. On a side note, Im sure that even if they did, some people will complain about DE leaving the WM developers without a job or some other mental gymnastics they use to rant in the forums
  10. Their reasoning is that if someone sees the trailer for the new content, they might get dissapointed by seeing all the catching up they have to do, which is fair, but what is stopping them from making publicity pushes that don't focus on new patches? I mean, the next gen trailer they did a few years ago worked really well as a overall warframe trailer that did not focus on quest that are 100 hours in https://youtu.be/ue6EXMWMpc4?si=vNZ8v4LwB0tzEyQm
  11. One thing the human brain is really bad at interpreting is chance, for example, if a game says you have 99% chance of hitting an enemy and you miss you will feel that something is wrong even though that is within odds, the same thing happens with this, even though you might feel that something changed because you haven't seen a particular outcome in a while, is probably just in our heads
  12. There are deffinetly some fun combis you can do with the helminth but honestly, as long as you know what you're doing you should be fine. However, you do need the helminth to install archon shards on your frames so, even if you do not want to swap abilities you might want to build the segment for that
  13. Either rank 10 intrinsics or being able to farm it once you're maxed out, I remember the dissapointment I felt when doing stuff in duviri had no benefit to replace the intrinsic points it used to give
  14. To be fair, this is unlocked through an intrinsic, so people who are not maxed out have to go through the cave You do need the angels of the zariman quest to use the dormizone, although, to be fair I have no idea if there is a meassure for new players to visit it before
  15. I liked him when he came out because he was the only one who had an AoE armor AND shield strip...then unairu gave that to everyone...then styanax came out...and then there was the general armor strip buff...
  16. Tell that to a new player who has not unlocked arbitrations, the index/profit taker or a railjack
  17. I enjoy the randomness too, as I said in the post, it feels rewarding to have a bunch of sp capable equipment rather than rely on a few weapons, I just think it would be nice to have the choice from time to time, and yes, there are a ton of missions that do nit have RNG, but none of them have the thrils of the rapid level scaling circuit or have the duviri arcanes as reward
  18. The problem is that people like to complain, in the forums you can even find threads claiming that hydroid is weaker now...hydroid...weaker
  19. I do get that, but a consumable does not remove the need to broaden your equipment if implemented correctly, if its aquisition is paced correctly you would still benefit from having a lot of choices since the consumable would not be common enough to spam endlessly
  20. It can also be somewhat timegated, that way you'd be guaranteed to get some while not being able to hoard too many to abuse I would agree if the level scaling was as slow as the regular starchart, but I think the faster scaling of things like the circuit can more than make up for it, and when it comes to the landscape, well, your drifter is way more relevant there anyways technically we already have a way to reroll equipment choices as @Corvid pointed out
  21. My guess is that they wanted to compensate any new player that had already invested in flawed mods
  22. True, but you can also reroll riven stats without getting anything good, granted, the duviri RNG is not a quarter as bad as rivens but you get the idea, plus there is still the fact that sometimes I want to take my Khora with her stats stick or the new Hydroid with an amprex to melt armors and those combinations are harder to get with RNG
  23. As most of you probably know since duviri is one of the first things available in the game, duviri has an rng system for loadouts that reduces your equipment choices to a randomly selected few frames and weapons, while a lot of people dislike this (or at least I got that impresion from all the comments I saw in the forums) I came to appreciate it, I found it rewarding to have a whole arsenal of equipment that could do the job rather than depending on a select few. But even I must say that that the options can sometimes really screw with you, not only that, but some frames are rarely usable since (at least for me) they don't perform their best if its not with a specific set of weapons that go hand and hand with their kit, what is Khora without a stat stick, Yarely without a good crit secondary, or Ash without high finisher damage dagger, etc, not to mention that when a new frame comes out it can take a while before you get to try your new toys there. I don't want DE to get rid of the rng as a whole in duviri but I figured there could be some middle ground, that middle ground being a consumable item that allows you to enter the cave with whatever equipment you have at the moment (or maybe choosing your equipment inside the cave itself, idk) that way the rng can still give duviri it's spice, you are still rewarded for having a whole arsenal of SP capable equipment but at the same time you can sometimes bring some loadouts that rng makes so hard to get, you can try out new equipment faster and you can have an alternative for when the choices you are given are just not that powerfull (or even just something you don't feel like using)
  24. you can still spam e as before, on launch I kept forgetting they even added it
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