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Posts posted by Auroan

  1. You know, I was talking about utilizing the Liset more in #Council the other day. The Liset is a drop-ship with no weaponry. I don't know if DE would like to add weapons to it or not. EDIT: See above.

    What I would like to see waaaay down the line is a freeflight system, where you are allowed to fly the Liset to any of the mission nodes on the planet/area. What I envision would have a number of areas around the planet that are signified by either an icon or a coloured glow. This would still be occurring in the upper atmosphere, so you wouldn't be rendering planetary features *too* close to a planet. When the Liset Approaches one of these points, their name would appear and upon entering the field you would be given the option to go on a mission.

    I doubt such a thing would be implemented, but it would be awesome to fly around the different planets to reach your destination mission.


    Yeah, true, it is a stealth ship. Even though we all blow the crap out of stuff and go crazy, we're still technically ninja's. It'd be cool to see some more stealthy approaches to certain situations, even if it was in regards to the Liset.


    But that idea of yours isn't bad at all, to be honest. I actually had a very similar idea, just it was on the planets instead of space. It's no different than typical MMO's, or your Instance-based ones. You walk around the main area and than you approach your little "gate", or "teleportal" (each game has their own different thing they use) and can enter the mission from their.

    DE mentioned they're experimenting with the difficulty option again that they got rid of a while back, so whatever they do, you should be able to choose it there, like how in games like WoW, and Tera, you can choose to go into the Normal Mode, or Heroic Mode, or something (or in Warframe's current case, Normal Mode, or Nightmare Mode).


    I know what you mean though. It'd be cool to see it similar to Eve Online with the whole traveling the galaxy and doing your space missions while actually floating around space (like Archwing), and than maybe even flying upon the planet itself to reach that planets own little open-world area and relay, or "main town".

  2. So I thought about it while I was on the loading screen and watching the cinematic that plays before entering a mission, and I thought to myself, why not make that an actual mission?

    Anyone whose played Kingdom Hearts knows that in order to get to a new planet, you gotta fly to it with your GummyShip, than you can just fast travel to it if you choose to. I think it'd be cool to customize your ship with different weapons and stuff and actually use it to destroy other ships and fly to the planet. Maybe Archwing and Spaceship battles in the future for PvP?

    I know a lot of people have been complaining that Archwing was a disappointment and no one even plays it anymore, but I think Archwing is actually pretty darn cool, it just hasn't been implemented into the game properly is all. It's legit thrown in there like any old mission, so it doesn't feel special even though it's far different than the other gametypes. Saving the Relay's a good start though. I was wondering what happened to that Star Wars mode for Archwing, lol.


    Anyways, Idk if it's something that RNG should take over, like when being invaded, or something else, but when The Grustrag Three invade you, it automatically triggers the option to quickly escape before they capture you. Though everyone hates RNG, it'd make more sense to have it as something unexpected that you'd have to do, like in the Quest, compared to just being your typical mission. However, I still believe that the choice to play it at hand should still be a legit option, so I guess it's a confusing situation.


    But yeah, I know Warframe is still technically in Open Beta, so there's lots of stuff to touch up on, and new things like Archwing are still just learning how to walk and need some feedback for it's improvement. Hopefully we all see it implemented in a more entertaining way like with the Relay's, and maybe some space battles with your ship in the future? <o<

  3. Just started using my Kubrow for the first time and I'm really liking it. I like how I can also customize it's fur patterns and colors, but I feel like I should be able to give it some more love. Any word on if Kubrows will get accessories like Sentinals to further customize it? Any hints on if we can look forward to different types of future pets as well besides the "dog-like" ones? Would love to see a "cat-like" pet, or something, lol :P

  4. Latest hot topics had a bit about connection issues. Might wanna post something on that thread, too. Could be helpful for the DEvs.

    Anyways, I personally can't tell you much about network troubleshooting. Maybe try the network analyser thing, it's somewhere in the ingame options.

    Yeah, that's actually another thing I tried. It said "all systems nominal". I went to the launcher and did that Download Cache/Optimize thing too in order to ensure everything was where it should be. I even went on Steam (my Warframe is via Steam) to try and repair it, and it did say I was missing like, 111 files, but that's already been taken care of and the problem still occurs. However, now that I think about it, it hasn't happened until slightly after Update 15. Probably after one of it's hotfixes. I'd like to say maybe that's the reason, by why it's effecting me and practically no one else I play with is beyond me.

  5. It just started happening recently, and I haven't done anything different with my PC, or any of it's programs, which is why I'm confused as to what it may be.

    However, every time I join someones game, or they join my game, within about 30 seconds, they're all kicked from my party, or I'm kicked from there's. Sometimes, though rarely, when I try to connect to them, I get the "Failed To Join Session" message, or whatever it is. If they're already in game, I'll be stuck on the loading screen with the flying ship, my screen will freeze for a bit, than go back to normal, and than tell me failed to connect to host. 

    Now, this doesn't happen all the time, however. Sometimes I'll actually be able to stay in the party for a bit and get into some games successfully with them, and they'd be able to stay in mine. However, there are still small things that happen. Though, I'm not sure if this much is because of the issues I'm having, or if it's just Warframe. But, sometimes their profile icons won't appear, when a game time starts (at the 5 second mark), it won't go down and I'll be stuck there, than next thing you know, screen freezes, black screen, brought into the loading screen very briefly and then the cinematics go off.


    Sometimes if I join a game in progress, even if it just started, nothing will load. It's like, on my screen, I'm underground, cause everything looks all odd. My HUD is blank, as in zero energy, zero ammo, zero health/shield, etc. 


    My connection/speed is fairly good. I can download at 3.6Mbs a sec, and I play everything else perfectly fine. I do have Avast as my firewall, but this is a problem that just started recently and I've had Avast for years and already checked to make sure it's not blocking Warframe. I do remember a message popping up as soon as I logged in however long ago saying the whole Firewall UDP Ports 4950 and 4955 thing, but I've already tried that method and still, nothing changes. Am I screwed? Do I need to re-install? 

  6. so im being penalized for having a weapon i created just because i created it. So on the defense i cant defend myself effectively because of this arbitrary unbalanced system? If i forma a weapon and am leveling it up, my rank 4 gun does nothing in the face of the rank 30 gun with your system. And on that notion, my Straith will still win. Im done tweaking it, it will always be at rank 30, so now my potential victums may do even less damage to me.


    Besides that still leaves my Loki, Vauban, and Mag with 100% magnetic procs however. So anything you could kill me with wouldnt matter as much.


    And if you weaken abilities and weapons against warframes that weakens the stalker again, because he uses our damage resistances and weaknesses with the exception of his sheild, which is different from ours. Not only ours, but warframe resistances are pulled from several tables throught the game.


    You cant balance a PVE system for PVP without having to uproot the entire system and rebuild everything from the ground up. Forget melee 2.0 and damage 2.0, we would have to go to ability/weapon/melee/damage 4.0 before we could have a system that is balanced enough to reduce the balance complaints to a dull roar.


    speaking of melee 2.0, how do you plan on balancing combo and parry effects? Let alone the channel system? This is too impractical a thing to implement, let along completely against DE's wishes, as they want to keep this a primarily PvE game.


         I won't lie, it'll take time, but let's face it, as I've said above, the entire damage system needs a rework. Everyone complains that they 1-shot Stalker and even level 60's in survival/defense. Unless you've spent good time in your survival/defense, level 30's on basic missions just won't cut it anymore. They either need to add more enemies and more levels, or, what I'd prefer, redo the entire damage system. Or, just do what WoW does. Have PvE damage, and make it so when your in PvP, your stuff does 70% less damage so you're not falling of in PvE, but not OP in PvP.


    No no no. Darksouls system is a nightmare for a PvE player.

    I personally hate being forced to PvP. 


         As I mentioned above, people should never be forced into something they don't enjoy. This is why they'll need to add the option to restrict invasions via new options, or implement it into the "Invite Only", or "Private" option. However, they should fix what they have at the very least, and implement some more features into it down the road. Sooner rather than later, IMO.

  7. 1 - I Agree! Update 13 is gonna be epic!


    2 - They have already said they will be implementing clans having relationships with the other factions (even hinted at other factions apart from the typical grineer, corpus, infested ones)


    3 - The Stalker wasn't a Tenno last I checked, I could be wrong. Last I heard, he was a "Guardian" and such, he does represent a whole other faction.


    4 - You said so yourself, Warframe is PvE oriented at it's very core. If PvP is ever going to come in any plausible way to the game, it'll be much farther down the road. The implementation of Conclaves WAS their testing for future updates. Could they change their minds? Perhaps. But a majority of the payers here are playing because it's a PvE and not a PvP. It just brings so much more to the game that it would be like another Update 13 all over again (including all the delays and waits) when they could be working on something much more important (perhaps only in my eyes?) such as new player experience, lore, bug fixes, tile sets, power revamps, damage revamps and more (not necessarily in that order of priority).



    But at the end of the day, thats my two cents...


         Now that you mention it, I believe I do remember DESteven saying something like that a few Dev Streams ago. I'm definitely looking forward to it! 


         The Warframe lore is definitely shrouded in mystery, mainly it's past during The Great War, but I know I'm coming close to solving it. From what I've concluded, Stalker is indeed a Tenno. We know that there are different ranks and roles for the Tenno. Sayandana's prove this. Stalker was a Guardian. Perhaps a different faction, but part of the same Empire all together. Whether him being "low" was a description of his rank, or a description of his setting since he stated he was hiding with the other Guardian's is up for debate. However, when stated "Our cold and gold Emperor's", it's clear they all served the same ruler and were part of the same empire. An empire he, and small group of others, deemed cruel, or "cold", as he put it. The fact that he also has the same fashion as the Tenno, such as their suit, powers, and sense of honor in terms of blade and fun and appearance/departure further backs up the theory he is one of them.


         PvE is great and I love it, but, it still does have some aspects that need, or could use some improvement, so I do agree with you that it should remain it's main focus. However, I believe there should be options for people with different play-styles as well. Should they force PvP down people's throats who don't want it? Absolutely not. This is why they'll need to add the option to restrict invasions via new options, or implement it into the "Invite Only", or "Private" option. However, they should fix what they have at the very least, and implement some more features into it down the road. Sooner rather than later, IMO. But again, I just believe in options to help appease players of all play-styles.


    Where did I put my upvote cannon?


    I've been saying recently that Dark Souls style PvP would fit in perfectly with warframe.

    Of course there is the issue of PvP still being terribly imbalanced atm.


    I'd think that to start, invaders would probably be only able to select certain primaries and secondaries. Like bows and other non-hit-scan stuff. And not Penta or Ogris. XD


    I don't think these orders would plainly be with the main factions. Stalker is even more far fetched lol.

    They would be secret orders that are supposed to come in Proxy Wars. In fact the Red Veil, one of the announced orders, would be perfect as one of them.


    Also it there needs to be a certain state you put yourself in or item you equip that would allow you to be invaded, but also has a good reason to use it. Like humanity in dark souls. (I know you can get invaded at all times in Dark Souls 2 now, but the choice of "flagging" would be much better for Warframe.)


    There is a ton of potential for a system like this in Warframe. I'll be preaching it to the devs forever XD

    Seriously, when they get to PvP later, this would be sweet.


         PvP is not only broken, but indeed, very unbalanced. This is because it's PvE focused, so they balance their stats based upon feedback on PvE, not PvP. Even then, there's still a problem because everyone always complain to the Dev's that they need to not only buff, but add more enemies to the game since they 1-shot Stalker and even level 60+ enemies and such still. Once you hit "End-Game", there's not much of a challenge anymore unless you purposely go out of your way to place handicap's on yourself. So there definitely need to be some re-balancing, that's for sure. 


         As mentioned, there should definitely be certain standards/qualifications. Stalker will always be my example since he's my knight in shining...erm...dark armor. However, let's say to join him, you must prove yourself to him. He will send you on quests to kill players Death Marked. You're limited to 1 kill per day, and each kill builds your trust with him. Stalker will have certain requirements, such as kill the player only with secondary weapon, or a weapon of his choice that he will provide for that exclusive quest. Once you earn enough trust, you are welcomed to pledge yourself to him/his alliance. In it, you will receive a tracking device of sorts, similar to Red Eye Orbs and Book of Indictment, that you will use to check players Death Marked and invade them.

         The more players you kill, the more your rank increases in his alliance. The higher your rank, the more players you can invade per day, and the more points you accumulate. As I've mentioned in my previous topics, they should ditch RNG for a point system. For Stalker, G3 and Harvester anyways, at the very least. You kill Stalker, you get points exclusive for Stalker gear. Continue to kill him, you get and save more points and then buy what you want instead of praying to RNG that something other than Dread drops, if anything at all.

  8.      Legit, if you could join alliances with factions like you could with covenants in Dark Souls, there'd be bloodshed everywhere. Stalker for the win. Get some cool, dark and smokey armor like his, kinda like how you get Dark Wraith in Dark Souls. Check my Death Mark list and go on hunting sprees!

  9.      So I woke up much later than normal people today and only got the last few minutes of the Dev Stream. However, I watched most of the video and saw/heard some of their new cool features they'll be having and coming out with. 


         DESteve mentioned that working on Melee 2.0, they had to change some things around because it felt to much like DMC. Obviously, since DMC is one of my favorite all-time series, I'd like to see a wicked combat system full of smooth, organized combos.

         No offense to Ninja Gaiden, as I loved the Sigma series (Sigma 2 is the best, imo), but as cool as I'd be to see flashy billion-hit combos and finishers where you chop off limbs and such, I feel like NG combos play themselves, especially with charged attacks/combos. So, I'm glad DE went with more of a blend between traditional Warframe and DMC than NG. BUT! Keep up the cool finishers. They looked legit in the Stream today, so hopefully we all can see some more bloody, awesome finishers in the future.



         ---[Oh, on a side note regarding finishers and chopping off limbs. Something DE might want to touch up on is how limbs break off. Multiple times I'd shoot, say, the leg, and their arm would break off. Also, when killing infested, such as those half-ripped crawlers, I'd shoot them and see body limbs, like a leg, come out of no where. They don't even have legs!]---



         So I like the fact that they added some DMC elements/feels to Melee 2.0, and as a DMC fan, more improvements on the combat is always welcomed, though, from what I see/hear, not needed (we'll see in the future). What I'm super excited about though is all the new Clan changes. I won't go on my infamous TLDR ramps about what I like and why, but in a nutshell, I like what I heard and saw and you guys at DE are doing an awesome job! Keep it up!




         I did find something rather disappointing though. Yes, that's right, I'm disappointed that PvP will not be implemented into the new Clan updates. I know I'm not the only one who sighed at this. As a PvE focused game still in Open Beta, I understand perfectly that the core of attention should be set on the foundation of what makes the game what it is. Changes and additions to UI, AI, maps, etc. are all necessities, and once PvE is on a steady foot, that'll make PvP even more easy to work on. However, it doesn't hurt to make some quick fixes to the PvP elements that's already out (can't go more than one, or two rounds without having host reconnect so that players can move again) and throw in some additional things here and there for us PvP'ers to chew on and for you, DE, to experiment with for future updates. 


         From what I've concluded, Clan Solar Rail battles are nothing more than Invasions between clans instead of factions. There's nothing necessarily wrong with it, but I'm sure a lot of players were hoping and would like to see actual battles between clans. 


         This is where I thought it'd be cool to implement an element from Dark Souls.

         So you can already make your own clan, and now, you can make an alliance with other clans. How about making your own alliance with factions? To anyone whose played Dark Souls, you'll know about the Indictment list and Blade of the Dark Moon, a covenant that records the sins of others and allows players to avenge those fallen, similar to Stalker. You'll also remember the Forest Hunter, a covenant that allows you to invade players whom trespass onto your covenant territory. 


         Obviously, there would need to be qualifications you would have to fulfill first in order to join the Corpus, Grineer, Infested, or even Stalker. Of course, this would slightly go against lore as well, but only slightly. I say this because as a Tenno himself, Stalker decided to choose a different path and has a different sense of justice. Would this make him less "bad-&amp;#&#33;", or "special"? Meh, not necessarily, as I think players would not only think it honorable and fun, but quite cool to not only serve the mighty Stalker as their leader and follow his vengeful, mysterious beliefs on what is right and wrong, whom is the real traitor, etc., but to also fight along side with him when invading players as well. 


         Again, just an idea up in the air that I thought would be cool and help the PvP side of Warframe. Dark Souls is very popular and seems to have pulled such an alliance idea off quite well. I know other games, such as Tera Online, also implemented an Alliance feature in their game some time ago and that was quite successful, so I believe that Warframe can do the same. I mean, yeah, it already is, but I definitely see great potential of growth and options for it down the road that players of different play-style can enjoy.

  10. tumblr_n36masCVGD1r1rnvwo1_1280.png


    Soma and Galatine upon the back of my Frost Prime as he stares into Earth's Sun.


    "What our sword has won in half a year, our sword must guard for half a century".

     Helmuth von, Count Moltke The Franco-Prussian War of 1870


    According to speculation on the Wikia, during the time of the Orokin War, the Primed Tenno betrayed the Orokin's to side with the Sentients, believed to be humans. Why? Who knows. Perhaps they realized they, or at least their "ancestor", Hayden Tenno, was human as well and realized their true sense of justice/righteousness? Though the betrayed Stalker would argue against it, the Tenno were known as saviors after that. The significance behind this quote that goes with the story is that the very blade they used to protect the universe would be the very blade they used many years in the future, after cryo-stasis, to protect and bring balance to it yet again. 


    Having that said, though I was originally against the idea of putting a quote in my picture, I thought this one to be a very fitting and significant one. Not just because my favorite weapon is a sword, but because it blends so well into the lore.


    This is my first entry into any contest. I know editing was allowed, but if I pushed the limit, let me know and I can redo it, or even send the origina!


    I hope y'all enjoy it!

  11. Goodness, no. Solo is DE's way of being able to virtually slap people with their meat patties. They probably have live feeds of solo players in a special room where they all go on break and sit there leaning in their stroller chairs laughing with mouths wide open like the Lion from Oz. They might as well change "Solo" to "Nope". If a level 10 enters a level 10 area solo and expects it to be "normal" (not to easy, not to hard) than they better bring four body bags or a white flag. This is assuming all their gear is that level. Obviously, I can go into a level 10 area as a level 10 Warframe and 1 shot everything with my modded Karak. No problem. However, you can't go in there on equal level/gear and expect it to be an equal battle. Maybe I need to dust myself off and/or try again, but the only things I can solo that are 30+ are exterminations if I have the ammo for it. This is because if I clear an entire area and enter a new one, I'm not going to be ambushed by a swarm of AI's from an area that I legit just cleared 20 seconds ago. Even if this does happen in Extermination (which is has), you're not swarmed endlessly by enemies that infinitely respawn until the mission is finally complete. Put me in a Mobile Defense of 30+ and I'm going to ignore everyone and run through as much as a I can. Same goes for Assassination. If it's a boss Assassination, than it's GG. 30+ Defense, or Survival? If I make it past the first 5 waves/minutes, goodbye, I'm out, cause the enemies multiple and just get stronger and stronger. 


    Obviously, Warframe is oriented around team play and coop, but that doesn't mean DE should punish solo players for not abiding by meta. Solo players get less XP  (not sure about Credits) than team players, yet put in 10x the work (assuming you're not scrub stomping them with a weak Warframe/gear, but OP primary). As I stress, balance is a key factor to every formula. Similar to the Stalker Points idea I mentioned, XP and Credits should be distributed with the same concept. You have an overall pool of things you'll obtain, but it is split equally amongst your comrades. If you're playing solo, you get all of them. You deserve them all because you put in that much more effort than you did if you had three other people with you. Now, I don't think they should make Solo "easy", because than it's a bit unbalanced that they're taking an easy way out (not saying playing with 4 people isn't a breeze) and getting the same XP. However, I do think they should lower the difficulty (maybe making it so there's less swarms, and enemies don't spawn and shoot you in the back from the area you just cleared! Oh, story and pre-made stages would fix that problem, by the way). If not change the difficulty/mechanics of Solo, than change the XP given so that it's equivalent to that of a full party. A Tenno saving a planet by himself deserves no less than a Tenno saving one with allies.


    Firstly, watch stream 22. They go over a lot of the PLANNED additions to endgame content, and since I don't want to type out details, i'll just link the vid.


    The First point I'd like to make is that conclaves, are, and always will be, a side show. They are meant for a bit of fun and not much more.


    secondly, I'd consider the Stalker mid-game content at best. Multiforma'd gear still melts his face, buffs or no buffs. It took me about 10 encounters before I got a single drop, yet now I have everything, just be patient.


    finally, a storymode is one of the things that I'd really like to see added. Problem is, something like that is basically adding an entire new game into warframe , which would take a lot of time to do.


    Really I'd say, if you are looking for endgame, you are in luck, it is going to be here...


    That photo made me lol. Thanks for the Steam 22 video though! I need to keep up on those, as they are quite enlightening. I'm definitely looking forward to the Solar System replacement and the end game features regarding Focus and the new clan systems they're working on. That'll definitely bump the End-Game replay value.


    I understand what you mean though. It's just a philosophy of mine that developers should always give their players options in order to enhance the overall experience they receive, as well as bump the quality of their work and challenge themselves to make fun, innovative ideas that both the players and developers can enjoy and take pride to. PvP definitely isn't a main focus of theirs, everyone can see that, but it would make a colossal impact on the community if they not only were given the ability to play cooperatively like they have been, but to play competitively as well. Obviously, they still have much work to do. Bug/glitch fixes, new gameplay modes and levels to choose, etc., but again, though it's not what defines Warframe, it's a great addition to the game that gives players different ways to experience the game. Steve mentioned teaming up with other clans and what not to take down other clan's Solar Rails and so on. I'm hoping this is a new, innovative way to bring PvP to the table (4v4+ please!), and isn't something that's just selecting who to attack, go into a tile map, kill some AI's and watch the teeter totter go back and forth like with Operations. It'd be much more fun and interesting if you were battling actual members of the clan, as well as AI's. 


    Could you imagine that? A clan builds their solar rail and taxes people. Others oppose the clan and strike a war with them. The clan controlling the rail gets to have their own tile/map set with AI's they can purchase with Credits/Platinum. You choose a faction you want to serve you, and you can purchase individual AI's from that faction for X amount of credits/platinum. 50 Walkers here, 20 melee units there, a couple shield drones here, etc. Their level/gear would scale with the overall clan's level/reputation, or the amount of credits, or "passive research", you put into them. You invade them, battle through their hordes, and if it happens, battle members of that clan as well. Members of the defending clan would earn "Reputation Points" for their clan that shows their loyalty and work they put into the clan. That'd be legit. I'm drooling already.


    Though they have 200+ members, true, a story mode would take time, but wouldn't be impossible. They made a reference to their new look for the menu screen, ditching the solar system and making a spaceship lobby similar to that of Phantasy Star Universe and Mass Effect. Phantasy Star Universe is a perfect inspiration. With the new lobby system they're making, Warframe will feel closer to an Instance type game more than anything. In Phantasy Star Universe, you have your lobby, can party up with buddies, or queue with random people, and hop into the instance. In the campaign mode, obviously each map is the same, but as I explained above on the tower I wrote, gradually bring the players from point A to point B with each mission they play in the planet is an overall better method. They do want to make things more open world though, so my suggestion is that if they don't want to throw away the extra stages on the sides that nobody plays, brings exclusives to that area, or at least make it look different so people are inspired to discover and soak it's atmosphere/design in. My personal suggestion would be to use the Dragon's Nest approach. There's a main town, but once you leave it, you're in an open field with different zones. Some zones have portals that lead to dungeons. They should twist this concept to fit with Warframe.

    They now have their space lobby. Once you head to a planet, you can actually see that specific planet in view and than hop into that planet and start your missions. Why should it end their though? Players could land upon the planet into a sort of "town", or "safe zone". It's concept is no different than the space lobby, but now you're on the actual planet and can go into the fields of battle. While in this safe zone town/lobby, players can still interact with each other and buy things from NPCs (I'm assuming they're going to have actual NPC's now you can buy things from. Darvo shop in the future, anyone?) Then, they can leave town into the fields. However, it won't be them entering missions. Know those lines that connect mission points in the planets? Those little lines can now be actual open field areas that can be explored to players, and once they're ready to actually go into the real missions, they go to the destination point queue up, or go in with their party and start the mission. Again, it's a similar concept to Dragon's Nest, but it's a good concept that I think Warframe could benefit from once changing it to fit their own game.




    But after skimming I would suggest that you get access to the design council ASAP. Not really supposed to give out specifics from that section (though I know many do...) but lets just say you'd be very interested in an ongoing thread there by DE_Steve.

    I'd love to have access to the Design Council. I'd love to see the concepts of the dev's and other players part of the council, as well as share my own opinions. However, as we've concluded, Prime Access doesn't give players such rights, so how one is granted such access is beyond me. It's a shame you can't give out specifics, but any information you can give in regards to it is always appreciated. My imagination and curiosity always gets the best of me. I can only imagine what else they've all got planned. The real question is, when will they release it?


       -My suggestion is, for starters, add more cinematic's that tell a story! Right now, Warframe has a general plot, not a solid one with a definite end

    This Sentence just kind of tells me that you may not know that this game is a sequel to a game. Dark Sector was this games prequel so saying this game has a general plot and its not a solid one is slightly misleading. Also another fact is that this game is still in Beta, They plan on adding story after getting the game situated more. 

    --- Dev Stream 22 explains in decent detail of the beginning of their attempt to make this game sandbox, which will be their foothold into adding story. 

    --- Also Pvp Is a side thing, this game promotes teamwork and cooperative gameplay. Having some pvp is nice, but not necessary.


    And how does one get access to this design council? i've heard of this, but never found out how... 

    Oh, no, that's not what I meant. When I say a general plot, I mean they have their theme for the game with some side stories and such. As we know, Warframe does have a definite history, but not a definite future. A popular game that people will know the story to is Final Fantasy VII (insert rage and fanboyism criticism here). It is written that Sephiroth will betray SOLDIER. It is written that he kill Aeris, summon meteor and Holy/The Planet will stop it. It is written that that game will have a beginning, as well as an end. Therefore, it is a solid game with a definite plot. Warframe doesn't have this though. It is not written that the Lotus is an AI created by the Orokin and will betray you in the end. It is not written that the Tenno, Corpus and Grineer team up to defeat the overwhelming Infested once and for all and peace and balance will be restored. There is no definite ending that is written, just a general idea that Tenno have been revived from stasis to help The Lotus bring balance one fight at a time. However, like I said, this is a good thing because it makes Warframe virtually endless, allowing them to continue to create new stories and touch up on past ones.

  13. So I was sitting at the main menu with my new Warframe, Ember. I forged the Ignis and Heat Sword for her because I like each Warframe to have it's own exclusive weapons and play-style that I feel compliment them. Makes them feel more unique, other than having a different look and abilities, you know? She's only 18 (hue), and her weapons are roughly the same level. So I thought to myself, "What should I play next?" Thing is, a part of me didn't know what to play next, but then again, a part of me knew exactly what to play next.


    I've completed 239/239 stages. As everyone knows, each stage and planet is generally the same; tiles and game types are rinsed and repeated with no real story to follow. Other than planet missions, you have your Orokin/Void missions; the spotlight for End Game players. But what is Warframe's "End Game?" What is the Warframe "experience".


    In my opinion, picking up Warframe and playing beginning and mid game, whilst thinking about End Game is more fun than actually making it to and playing End Game. To be honest, there's not much of an end game at all. Most of the games End-Game can be achieved quite early in the game, or rushed to. Though there are 239 stages, you only actually need to complete roughly half of those; the stages that take you to the bosses to farm BluePrints, and the stages that take you to the next planet just to get to the next boss for more BluePrints. The rest of the stages are just, well, there. Without them, the game would seem to linear. However, it seems most people play it like that anyways, "taxi'ing" their way to "End Game". I think most people don't even want to play the extra stages because of this reason. Each stage within a planet is composed of the same tiles. Each stage within a planet offers the same materials. Each stage within a planet repeats the same game-types. There is no story to learn, or progress through. There's simply no point in doing them unless you're an OCD completionist, such as myself. Orokin/Void missions can be played at any level and can be "taxi'd", or "carried" through if you're not strong enough for the designated Tower level as well. Clan's can be created at anytime and thus, End-Game can be achieved around the general "Mid-Game". I chose not to start my clan until later down the road, but I quickly was able to build all Labs, the Dojo, Training room, Trade Post, and pretty much every necessity all by myself. Imagine how fast a Dojo and the materials could be built with multiple people? I am still the only person in my clan. So, what's the rush the rush for?


    Warframes. People Taxi to different planets to not only reach higher difficulty for the challenge and XP, but to get Warframe Blueprints. It doesn't matter what you're doing, playing and leveling a Warframe is a fun experience. Collecting and leveling mods is also a fun experience. But what else is there other than leveling and upgrading your Warframe? Better yet, what are you using that hard work on? You kill these enemies on these stages to get these good items to make yourself stronger, just to beat down the same enemies on the same stages you've obtained them on. Being in a game with other players going against AI's is entertaining, don't get me wrong. For the most part, it's relaxing, and what I love is that people aren't harassing each other. They're kicking back, playing the game together, working together and having fun. However, beating down the same AI's on the same maps is really all you're doing. Having said that, I'll talk about my suggestions.




    Planet Revamp/Campaign Mode: As I've expressed in a past post of mine, as well as above, stages within planets are recycled to often. Some stages have exclusive looks to them, such as Phobos and Earth, but other stages share similarities, such as Saturn and Jupiter. Earth itself isn't completely filled with Forest stages as well, and still has some spaceship stages. Spaceship stages and mining stages are the most common. Though some are different than those on other planets, they're negligibly different, having the same theme and not really having defining characteristics that truly separate them from their kin. As I've also expressed, I feel as though stages that are out of the way of progression to the planet boss, or next planet, are nothing more than added space to give the game a feel of options instead of being obviously linear. However, people often Taxi past them as they have nothing different to offer than other stages. Materials are shared throughout the stages on the planet, each game-type is repeated on an average of at least two per planet, every stage on that planet share the same enemies, as well as appearance, and the bosses are nothing more than re-skinned enemies made tanky (some aren't even re-skinned!). Worst of all, there's no story, so it's not like you're going back to enjoy that special moment again. Ultimately, there's no reason to touch these extra stages. Once you hit End-Game and are at the point of leveling your Warframe's and gear, you'll likely not even touch any stage, or game-type that isn't Survival, or Defense for that matter. All of this needs to change.


    As I've stated in a previous topic, each planet needs to be different and new enemies should be introduced periodically, not all at once. When you enter a new planet, it should feel like a new planet, like unknown territory, not like a slight rework like the planet, or two before. Not only should the planet have a whole new, different look to it, but enemies should vary as well. Instead of throwing all the enemies of an entire faction right on the table on your first go against them, spread them out and introduce new enemies with each new planet and/or stage. 


    Though I was originally supportive of it, I believe the game should ditch the random tile generator system it has going on and move into traditional, pre-made stages. This furthers diversity between each map, giving it a clean, new feeling to it while still having a connection to the overall world itself. Take, say, Halo 2 for example. As you play as the Arbitor, you see the Library in the distance, but don't quite make it there. At least, not on that mission. However, as you progress through the campaign, you eventually make it to, and inside of it. Warframe should do the same. Each stage should be a bridge from point A to point B. The first level of the planet will put you far away from the destination, while with each stage you complete, you get closer and closer to it, discovering new areas and enemies, until finally reaching it and versing a unique boss that isn't just a tanky enemy with/without a re-skin. Certain materials should be exclusive to certain stages as well, giving more purpose to choose that stage over another. What would compliment this is probably the most important thing Warframe should have.


    Warframe should have stories! The tutorial has cutscenes in it and creates a foundation for some kind of beginning to a plot. However, after the tutorial and a few pieces of dialog from The Lotus, nothing else happens! Okay, so you kill a Grineer General down the road that'll make things a tad more peaceful and so on for some council, but it's so ill-told that it doesn't even seem important at all. You get a quick text dialog each time you complete a stage with the boss mocking you, and that's about it. Even in death, the bosses continue to mock you in with the silliest of dialog. Instead of feeling like you're working towards the final boss of the planet (even though he can sometimes be located in the center, or to the side), like maybe something from Devil May Cry, or God of War, it's more like, "Oh, look, a wild boss appears", and move on as though nothing happened. This is also faulted by the random tile generating system. You repeat through the same tiles until popping into the one with the boss and go through them all over again to reach the same end. It needs to change.

    My suggestion is, for starters, add more cinematic's that tell a story! Right now, Warframe has a general plot, not a solid one with a definite end. Because of this, Warframe virtually cannot end and the battle within the galaxy/universe can go on forever. Keep it that way. That'll leave room open for limitless Warframe's, Planets and stories to be told. As a matter of fact, a suggestion of mine is to not only have a planet dedicated to a specific story, but I believe certain planets/stories should be dedicated to certain Warframes as well! We see all these trailers of the Warframes working together to do various things. One such trailer is where Darvo captures and dismantles Warframes, and Mag (I believe it was) was next, until her fellow Tenno came to the rescue. This can be used as a story for a planet. Throughout the stages of the planet, you work your way through and to the top of the building to final boss battle to save your fellow Tenno! A personal suggestion of mine is that instead of just telling a story about them in regards to aiding/rescuing each other, make a story about the actual Warframe itself! Perhaps it be a story told from the perspective of a flash back and you learn the origins of the Warframe? Maybe The Lotus discovered a new Warframe that you must find by travelling through it's lair, or something? Maybe even something like where you progress through a planet with the new Warframe constantly following you and signs of it's personality show so players know what kind of personality the Warframe has? All in all, a story is a must, if you ask me. I believe that by having stories to tell, you not only increase replay value by having players want to go back and experience that story and see their beloved Warframe in action, but you also are having players build a stronger connection with that Warframe and encourage them to create a more diverse opinion of that Warframe. Something that goes deeper than, "I do/don't like the way they look", or, "Their abilities are cool/stupid", or something. Instead of it being just a figure with powers, it's now an actual being with character and background. Sure, you can write as much as you want in the codex, but nothing will compare to the player actually seeing and experiencing the story of each Warframe.


    Complete PvP Revamp: PvP is crippled. It's an absolute joke and it makes me cry because it has so much potential, yet you can't go for more than one game without having the host quit so everyone can reconnect and move again. Terrible. For starters, fix all the bugs and glitches so that players will never have to worry about getting stuck, or anything like that again. Secondly, PvP should go up to 4v4's, not 2v2's. If I have 3 teammates in the campaign mode, I should have 3 teammates in PvP mode as well, not 1 teammate because 2+2=4, and only 4 Warframes are allowed on a campaign map. No. Though it's still entertaining, it can be a bit bland only going up to a 2v2. A 4v4 makes the overall intensity and thrill of things that much better. At least, in my opinion. On top of this, let players choose who they can do battle with. Conclave is a nice system, but the gap between them is to the point where it shouldn't even exist. Conclave on maps limit who can play with what gear on what map. If I want to play a Frost with 1,000 CP on my favorite map, but can't because it only allows players with 150 CP to play that map, than we have a big problem already. It's like forcing players that're 10th Prestige in Modern Warfare 2 to play Favela and only Favela unless they have no special grenades and attachments to their weapons and so on. Totally stupid. You're limiting variety and forcing people to dumb themselves and their experience of battle down just so they can play on the stage they like. It's not just the stage, however, but the players too. Not only are players limited to what stage they can play on, but who they can play against because CP prohibits it. If my buddies and I want to battle for fun, we shouldn't have to change all our gear around until our CP is in the same area. Again, it's limiting player variety and preferences. Besides, the gap between 500 and 1000 is so significant that you might as well not have CP limitations at all since in a 2v2, if a 500 CP went against a 1000 CP, chances are, they'll mop the floor with their face. Make a normal mode and ranked mode. Normal for everyone, and ranked for those who want to be on the ranked leaderboards that want some serious competition. Make the gap between CP minute though. Seriously, some gaps are like 150-300, while others are 300-700, or 500-1000. Really?

    -Sigh- Absolutely pointless. PvP needs a complete revamp. PvP is extremely important for End-Game as well because what's the point of working that hard to make a strong Warframe when you're just going to go into the same stages with the same enemies and kill them all over again? People have complained far and wide that they want a challenge. Though they speak of a challenge in terms of enemies that are insta-killed with one small burst of a weapon, or by hitting 4, but I know many players yearn for PvP battle to put their Warframe in opposition to others. People are naturally competitive, and though AI's will always remain the and be programmed to react a certain way to certain situations, versing other players is always a unique, different, and intensifying factor. If PvP didn't have as high replay value as it does, than games like Call of Duty and League of Legends would be non-existent.

    Oh yeah, in regards to leaderboards.


    Leaderboards: I don't know how serious people are with their leaderboard ranking, but I got this feeling that they don't really care about it at all. Global leaderboards are only recorded by weekly, not all time. The only all time leaderboards are the event leaderboards, which can no longer be progressed anyways. A good majority of people aren't encouraged to play different game types for however long for a rank at End-Game when it's literally going to be erased and replaced the next week. Record peoples all-time records so all their progress can be viewed and remembered by everyone. Maybe change the interface of the main menu to make certain options, like leaderboards, more apparently to others so it'll become a factor that more people might take interest in. Most people in todays society like attention. Human nature, I suppose. With the rise of leaderboards, people will be encouraged to put their End-Game Warframes and gear to the test to show their dominance over others and take crown as king of survival and so on.


    Stalker/End of RNG: The Stalker is amazing. Everyone hates him, but everyone loves him. The concept of him is awesome. I would highly recommend using my story concept stated above and create a story telling his tale, or letting people at least get to know him a little bit more and understand him and his hunger for vengeance. In terms of End-Game, there's not really any problems with Stalker. He appears when he must, with a 1.5% chance of showing up to anyone who is marked and adding an additional 0.5% chance per person in the cell (party). My only complaint with Stalker in regards to End-Game is his BluePrints and RNG. Though I've seen him more recently than before, the odds of seeing him are extremely low. Couple the RNG of him spawning with the RNG of his BP drop rate, and boy, sure hope you live long to see the day when you get BP's for all his gear. This needs balancing. RNG in general is a joke. My philosophy is that you earn what you work for. It not only makes zero sense, but is completely unfair if some person gets a Stalker BP on their first and only experience with Stalker, while another whose farmed him for god knows how long doesn't get anything. The only thing guaranteed for all players when defeating The Stalker is a mod, and even then, it's a RNG mod that could be good, or garbage. To solve the RNG problem with Stalker, I decided that it would be best to develop a point system and alternate shop section in the market.

    SP, or Stalker Points, are awarded to members that successfully defeat the Stalker. Points are divided per player for a total of 4 points. 

    4 Players = 1 point each

    3 Players = 1 point each (credits for compensation)

    2 Players = 2 points each

    1 Player = 4 points

    The reason for this is, again, under the philosophy that you earn what you work for. Stalker's spawn rate drops the less players you have, so it's only fair that the less players means more points since he's more rare. It's also more fair because Stalker always spawns at the same level as the highest leveled player in the cell, or the minimal level of the stage +15 (according to the Wikia), thus making it even more difficult if you have less players, ultimately meaning they should receive more rewards for their harder effort. This not only makes it fair for those with less players having a harder time defeating him, but makes it fair to those who farm him endlessly. Instead of leaving it all to RNGesus to give the noob the BP's on his first run while you got nothing after 50, you now have a bag full of SP that you can bring to the market to trade in for Stalker BP's and other rare goodies to be released in the future. This same point system can be implemented with RNG in general, and not just for Stalker BP's. Though, changes will likely need to be made.




    All in all, Warframe is still a really cool and fun game, in my opinion. However, there's still a fair share of flaws that's holding it back from true excellence. What do you guys think about Warframe's End-Game? What do you think needs to be fixed? Do you agree, or disagree with what I had to say? Positive, or negative, I love hearing feedback. Let me know your opinions!

  14. Before getting into the main topic of this thread, I'd like to congratulate Digital Extremes for the development Warframe. I've always been a Sci-Fi fan and this game does a great job at bringing an imaginative and interesting twist to the genre. The concept of the Tenno warriors is easily one of my favorites, if not favorite in Sci-Fi to date. The game itself is astonishing; possessing diverse Warframes and weapons, as well as having great graphics, art, level design and the most fluent gameplay in a third person shooter I've ever played. There are many great things that I love about Warframe, but like all other games, it does have it's fair share of flaws that I believe is holding it back from true excellence. 


    Having said this, I'll now start onto the main topic of my current wishlist for future updates/fixes. I will list a number of things within the game, what I like about them, what I dislike about them, and I what I think could be done to change/improve upon them to create a overall better experience for players. 

    Note: There may be key things in the game that I forget to mention. Also, some things I mention are strictly formed from my own opinion, and other players may disagree with what I have to say, so please bare with me.





    Let's start with Planets/Level Design. There are 14 planets to date. In addition to the 14 planets, there are two "sub-areas" as I'd call them. One being The Void, the other being The Dojo. As I've expressed already, I love the design of each level. Or, well, should I say "tile". I say tile because this is what Administrator DE_Sheldon referred them to be in his most recent topic within the "Developer Workshop" forum found here:



    He stated that Earth is getting a new Forest tile set. This further confirms my assumption on the designs of each level. When I first played this game, I introduced my buddies to it and we all played together through the first two planets. Though we caught on a tad sooner, those two planets were all we needed to play to realize that each level within a planet is recycled "tiles" that are randomized together to generate the level. Though each level within the planet is recycled tiles randomly put together, the planets themselves are different. Well, so I hoped. Often times, you'll find yourself on either a ship, or a snowy planet. If not there, than you're likely in the mining-type area. There are exceptions to this, however, as planets like Phobos and Saturn do have their own layouts. Now, there's some good things and some bad things about this technique. Here's what I have to say:



    What I like

    -I originally was against how you could enter the same level again and again and it'll be different each time, however, I actually believe this to be a better method than developing a specific, guaranteed-to-be-the-same type of level. Most games suffer from this type of design because it eventually comes to the point where it requires no thought (though I am aware that most other games want the area to be the same because that's part of the story they're trying to tell and so on). The player will know "as soon as I enter this area, go here, than here, than there, and than finally here and I'm done". With the tile generating method, the player is never left knowing exactly where to go. Instead of always knowing they have to open the left door, or to take the blue pill, they have to resort to looking at their mini map and following the way point, sometimes having to question whether they have to be on the floor above, or below them. Though the player will always sprint-slide through the whole map within 30 seconds, with the randomized tile method, it makes it more difficult for the player to beat rush through it than it would be for the level to be the same each time you enter it.


    -Not only do I like how the tiles are randomly generate to try and give it a different feel each time you enter a level, whether it be the same level, or a different one, but I like the fact that there are different versions of each tile that changes the feel of the atmosphere. Sometimes the tiles will have fire and destroyed parts to them, or the tiles will be frozen, or even infected. It's cool being able to see the tile you thought you knew distorted in some sort of way.



    What I don't like

    -I have no problem with the randomized tile method, as I even support it. However, what I highly dislike is the fact that these tiles aren't just repeated on one planet, but multiple planets. The fact that the new planet you just unlocked looks exactly the same to one you've already played makes it a less rewarding experience because it doesn't add diversity to each planet, nor emits the feel of progression and adventure as though you were truly traveling to a planet different than the other.



    What I think should change

    -Luckily, this is something that's currently being addressed already, hence, the new Earth tiles coming out. I, as I'm sure with many other players, would love to see diversity within each planet. I liked how when I entered Phobos, it was completely different than the previous planets I've encountered. It gave it that new feeling as though I was truly progressing and traveling the solar system and landing upon a new planet. Saturn is my favorite planet and is considered a "gas-giant" since it has no definite surface. I love how this fact was implemented into the game by having floating chambers within the planet that allowed you to now only view, but to go outside and actually experience the gaseous glory of Saturn. I believe all planets should be like this. I believe that each planet should have it's own unique set of tiles to give players a different, new experience with each planet they enter. This goes for The Void as well. Though Dojo's came out after The Void, I think The Void should resemble more of an actual black, void type area than a replica of the Dojo. When someone utters the word "Void", and when you're brought to a dark, rippling part of the universe when you use a Void Key that is full of "corrupted", one would hope the area would be just as corrupt as it's implementing.




    Let's move on to Gameplay. The gameplay of this game is excellent. It's the most fast paced, fluent third person shooter I've played. Such gameplay should be expected when playing as space ninja's, right? There are so many things to like about this games gameplay as it has a lot of things to offer, but I will admit that it does fall off in a few aspects. Here's what I have to say:



    What I like:

    -The game is super fast-paced. Whether you're shooting, or using melee, it's always fast and it always feels like there's an epic battle going on. Being able to wall-run, dodge roll, shoot while jumping, as well as sliding only helps intensify each moment of action.


    -Though the game focuses on co-op and loading bullets into hordes of enemies, the fact that there is an alert mechanic and stealth killing shows that even this fast paced shooter can be played with stealth when in the right hands. On top of that, you not only can battle AI's in all the major game type modes, such as elimination and survival/horde mode, but you can battle other players to the death as well. 


    -I love what damage 2.0 brought to the table in addition to the elemental damage. It adds strategy and preparation against your opponents instead of having it as a one bullet kills all deal.


    -The game offers a large library of mods to use in order to customize your weapon and Warframe of choice to the play style you like to use them as.



    What I don't like

    -Though each moment of action is fast paced and intense, even the moments without action are fast paced. Players abuse the sliding mechanic far too often because it provides the fastest, most effective way of traveling from one spot to another. This negates the use of sprinting since it's slower and uses up stamina, while sliding is faster and you recover the small amount of stamina you use in order to get that good slide in. This ultimately means you'll never run out of stamina, while also going faster than you would be if sprinting. 


    -PvP is a great feature that I'm glad this game has, and is currently being balanced with the Conclave system. Though this makes sense, it makes it unfortunate to us players that like to play private games with friends. I think I speak for many players when I say I'd like to be able to play against my buddies at any point we feel like and not be held back by Conclave. The Dojo offers dueling, but I feel that's better used for melee fights and training than actual fights. A gimmick to me more than anything. I'd like to be able to play dynamic, actual stages with my buddies and out ninja them. 


    -In the same regards to PvP, an issue that I know others have is that some Warframe abilities become completely useless. I don't just mean useless because it's obvious that the figure in front of you is clearly a clone, but useless to the point where your ability literally does nothing. Though I can't personally confirm it to be true, I have read them on the wiki that abilities such as Oberon's Ultimate, Volt's Ultimate, and all of Nekros' abilities (except his 1) don't work in PvP. This not only provides a clear disadvantage, but it also makes playing the Warframe you love less enjoyable since you can't use the abilities it has that distinguishes it from other frames. 


    -The last thing I didn't like about PvP was the lack of option/game modes to be played. All there is currently available is a 2v2 TDM.


    -The stealth mechanic of the game is a excellent addition to the gameplay. However, it's also extremely unviable.Unless the player is playing as Loki, has a Ghost mod, or no sentinel at all, and can insta-kill all enemies before triggering the alarm, playing the game stealthy is incredibly tough and tedious. This is truly a shame considering they're suppose to be considered Ninja's but fight more like Pirates. 


    -In regards to stealth and alert, I also disliked that once you were spotted by one enemy, you were spotted by all enemies. Also, once the alarm was triggered, there was no way of getting out of alert statues and enemies would forever know where you are and swarm you from every angle until the completion, or failure of the mission. 


    -Even though it's small, and perhaps a problem that only I experience, I sometimes experience a "stick" when using melee on an opponent. I have both my aid options turned off so it should solely relay on skill, however, I still will experience a stick here and there if my camera is right on them and I'm trying to bash them. This becomes an annoyance because I'm unable to sprint towards them, or increase my movement speed in anyway, so if I'm sitting there swinging and they're moving away from me, I can't continue to hit them even if I move with them. Perhaps this is a mechanic that cannot be turned off and why the melee range mod exists?


    -Though there's a fair portion of enemies, I feel like there isn't enough and that they appear to often. Right from start, you begin your first mission against, the Grineer, or Corpus and in that one level alone, though some appear less often than others, you're likely to see every type of enemy from that faction. That not only takes away from any surprises from potential new enemies in the future, but it begins to become repetitive killing the same enemy over and over. 



    What I think should change

    -The sliding will have to receive a small nerf. Nothing significant, as it would take away from the epic, ninja gameplay, but perhaps making it so you lose some stamina from doing slides instead of not losing any, and actually gaining stamina during the duration of the slide. This will make it so it's spammed much less as a method of travel, but also still viable in combat if they decide to use it to get out of a sticky situation, or make a grand entrance into the heat of battle. This not only helps balance the gameplay a little, but also makes the player experience the atmosphere of the level as well. Often times I find myself rushing to catch up to my comrades at such a fast pace, there's not much time to explore, or even appreciate the level to which I'm playing on since I slide from one side of the map to the other. If players had to sprint through the map, or even their default jog, they'd be given more time to think about exploring and open lockers/destroy crates, as well as soak in and appreciate the atmosphere of the planet they're currently on. 


    -Whether it be a new menu, or a separate planet of some sort altogether, players should have the option to host open, or private matches and choose what stage they want to play on without being limited to what their conclave is. If me and my buddies want to have a DM, or TDM, we shouldn't be told we can't because one of my buddies is to low and could potentially get stomped by us. That goes for random players as well. If I want to join another players game, or a player wants to join my game and get in on the fun, they shouldn't be denied because they're not on our conclave level. This is where ranked and unranked should truly come into play. Similar to League of Legends, custom and/or unranked matches should be able to be played between players of all levels, while ranked matches can be where players are matched up and can only play with people of similar conclave. This is so people will always have the option to challenge themselves, but also have the option to let go and have some stupid old fun.


    -All Warframes should be able to use all their abilities in PvP matches. In many games, such as World of Warcraft, the math and mechanics in multiplayer is often different than that of single player. Whether all damage is decreased by 75%, or cooldowns/cast times are different, things change that way people are able to enjoy the character they knew in single player in multiplayer as well, but still maintain in a sort of balance. I understand and am completely fine with this. I'd like to see such changes continue to be made in PvP. For example, in campaign mode, sure, Loki's clone can look all digital and still fool AI's. However, that's not going to fool anyone in PvP. Instead, make it so Loki is an exact copy of himself to enemy players. Whether there is an indication to Loki's comrades showing that it's his clone, not actually him, is something of choice. However, I do believe this change should be made to make the ability have some use to it. Instead of having his pistol out all the time, if the player switches to, or has his rifle out when he uses the clone, than the clone will also have it's rifle out, or switch to it's pistol when the actual player does. What DE decides to do, as long as it's made in a balanced way, I'd love to see all Warframes be able to use their all abilities and actually have use for them.


    -PvP should have more than one game type. For starters, instead of limiting the battlefield to only four players per map, limit it to only four players per team. A 4v4 match. This will make things that much more intense, but also make it less one sided if one team picks a silly duo combo and picks off all their challengers each match. In addition to having the ability to make matches a fair 4v4, I think having more game types would add an amazing new feel to PvP. Instead of just TDM, give us objective game types like the ones we play in single player. One team of 4 has to defend the Orokin artifact from the opposing 4 other players. Perhaps one team of 4 has to survive and collect life support while the other team has to try and stop them. Stretching it even further, perhaps one team of 4 has to defend their computers while the other has to try and hack the Lotus into it, and than defend it from the opposing players. Not only can there be players, but enemies can be on the map too. Perhaps in certain game types, the players have the option to choose either to side with the Grineer, or the Corpus. Grineer can be attacking, while Corpus defending, or it switches if the game type has alternating rounds. Of course, during certain times periods while in-game, the infected will spawn and try to ruin everyone's day.


    -The Stealth mechanic should be emphasized more. I believe it should be played out similar to Metal Gear Solid. Remember, we're ninja's, not pirates. Whether to implement a sound/noise system into the game, or not, is obviously a big question since that'll probably take some time. However, I believe the AI's should act as their own individual instead of an all knowing barrage of ants. You can already sneak up on enemies and stealth kill them without alerting other enemies, so long as they don't see you. That's cool, and I like that. If you're spotted by an, obviously, you'll want to kill him fast before he alarms others. However, I don't see how it's fair, or makes any sense that if one person sees you, they all see you. It's not like they all have a Rinnegan mod equipped. If the player wants to play solo, or as a 4 man crew of crazy ninjas/pirates, let them. However, if a player wants to play solo, or as a 4 man crew of true ninjas of stealth, they should be able too as well. Make it so if one enemy sees you, than that single enemy is the only one who sees you. Only when he alerts other enemies will they know you're around and hunt you down. However, don't let the hunt last forever. If the players kill every mob in the area and head into the new area some time after, or if they find a good spot to hide, the enemies should turn cautious, not remain alert and know where you are 24/7 until you win, or die. Let things cool down. Let the AI's think the enemy is dead, or still around and proceed to stealth kill if you so choose to until alerted once again. Obviously, if the enemy does alert others, than yeah, let hell break loose and face the swarm, but if you defeat the swarm and remain stealth, I see no reason why the enemies should continue to know where you are and continue the endless barrage until the mission ends. Exploit the stealth mechanics and give people two ways to play the game, not one.


    -Gunplay is very important, but is backed up by melee. Obviously, like I said, even though my options are disabled, maybe it's just me that experiences the sticky camera option when toe to toe with another enemy. If I'm facing an enemy and using melee and he tries to run, or just jogs away, I should be able to continue jogging at my normal jog speed instead of matching that of the enemy. This makes it more challenging for melee players and requires more precision and timing. In the common situation with Loki, I enter stealth mode to get the preemptive strike bonus damage my melee weapon. However, often time I find that when I enter stealth, they don't realize I'm there and just continue to walk around like nothing's happening. However, when they do this and I'm toe to toe with them trying to slash their guts out, I can't even touch them because I'm sticking to them am unable to run at my usual jogging speed. This is where the range mod probably comes into play though. If the developers wanted it to be like this, than I understand now that's why the range mod is there, but if this is just something that wasn't thought about to much, I think it'd be a nice change to remove the sticky camera when toe to toe with someone that way I can continue to move at my own speed and hit them if I'm accurate enough.


    -More enemies should be created for each faction, and less enemies should be introduced per planet. Like I said, even though there's a fair amount of enemies per faction, and even though some enemies appear less than others, chances are, you'll see every enemy in the game from that type of faction in your first level against them. No new surprises on new planets, and no need to change gunplay style according to what type of enemy you're up against. They'll be the same each level. Instead of throwing every enemy ever created into every level designed, stretch it out so certain enemies appear on certain planets, while new enemies are introduced per planet according to the appropriate faction. I don't mind seeing your usual Space Marines, as well as Corpus/MGS Gekko's on each planet, but if they're the only thing I see, and don't even have a new skin design according to the environment/planet, than yeah, it's a bit bland. Even if the enemies are the same, new designs for them that correspond to the planet would be nice to see. Even if that doesn't happen, it'd be great to see new enemies introduced with each new planet the player enters upon. This makes it so you're not only discovering a whole new planet with it's own unique atmosphere, but you're discovering a whole new set of enemies that have adapted and planned their equipment accordingly to their environment.

    On top of just your basic enemies, the introduction of new, more diverse boss battles would be an astonishing addition to the game. Most bosses consist of Jackal's, or Grineer enemies that are no more than your typical enemy, just super powered with a Warframe ability here and there, or a different weapon. Nothing quite as epic as hoped for. The addition of new boss battles per planet would be great, especially ones with different scale. What I mean by this is perhaps a giant worm type boss on Phobos, while having a giant space ship boss in Saturn, or something. Mix it up and throw options at us, and always remember to have your enemies synergize with the theme of the planet.





    And lastly for Part 1, Player interactions. So, what exactly does this mean? Well, it's quite simple: What the player does and how the player interacts with the enemies and environment around him. The scale of Warframe can be quite big at times and leave you with lots of exploration. Not only is the player able to explore Warframe, but also interact with it during missions when enemies lock you out and take away life support. On top of this, some enemies require a little more thought to kill than just ADS and left click. Here's what I have to say:


    Things I like:


    -Warframe offers some huge levels that aren't just nice to look at, but nice to explore for additional supplies.


    -Whether it be cutting off life support, or locking you out from your goal, enemies try to stop you without always using the typical gun-em-down method. This results in hacking, or rather "connect the lines". Simple, yet entertaining.


    -Some bosses in the game aren't as simple as ADS and left click anywhere you please. Some bosses require you to actually pin point a specific spot upon their body to attack before you can even do damage to them. 


    -You'll sometimes find that you won't be able to slide across every tile you see in the blink of an eye. Sometimes you'll not only need to hack something, but you may need to actually use your wall running abilities to get there.



    Things I don't like

    -Warframe offers some huge levels to explore, but unfortunately falls off when you realize you're only getting about 100 credits per locker you can actually open. Occasionally, you'll get an energy, or health ball here and there with a small amount of ammo. Though it's not exactly rare, you won't necessarily find a material within a locker common either, nor will it usually be anything special. Other than lockers/crates and killing enemies, you won't find another method of physically collecting materials, even if you went to the edge of the planet.


    -Hacking is fun, but it's truly a shame that the typical connect-the-lines game is recycled for every hacking event.


    -Though some bosses require that you actually shoot a specific part on their body before being able to damage them, if being able to do damage on any other point of their body at all, it doesn't really make it more challenging since they don't do new things when getting lower on health. It just makes it more tedious.


    -Wall-running is an awesome feature that you'll not only find yourself using at time during combat, but sometimes find yourself having to use it out of combat as well. However, this cool feature falls off because there is a very minute amount of places where you actually have to wall-run to get to your destination. Even then, it's only one quick, brainless wall-run here, or there.



    Things I think should change:

    -DE should take advantage of their huge landscapes and provide satisfaction to the explorer-type player for taking the time to adventure through and experience their levels to the fullest. Similar to Resident Evil, or Metal Gear Solid, throwing in some Lotus symbols around the map that the player has to find and shoot/collect to receive an award of some sort, whether it be art, a blueprint, or even credits, would be a treat. Being able to discover a new planet and than discover secrets within the planet makes the over all experience of playing the game that much more fun and in-depth. Could you imagine finding a secret cave, traveling to the bottom of it and finding a Prometheus-type area with a giant statue you could activate to find a special blueprint for an item, or something? Yeah, that'd be pretty darn awesome to experience.


    -Instead of having connecting the lines as the only form of hacking, make there be other types of little mini games. Dead Space: Extraction has it's own version of connect the lines, but there are obstacles in the way, so you'll have to connect them when the time is right, or start over. Resident Evil 4 has it's own type of connect the lines, just they have colors/arrows you have to match up, and even when you move one, the others around it move as well, so you'll have to plan out what you're spinning more thoroughly. Remember that it doesn't have to be just hacking either. The player can interact with other things as well. The cameras are a good example of this. Often times, a camera will spot you and lasers will block the gate you want to get through. The only way around this is either destroy the cameras, or just do an OP sprint-slide and go right through it. Warframe could implement more interactive things into their game similar to the camera method. Maybe when being caught, or perhaps even falling into a trap, the player has to find a way to escape the room before certain doom. Kind of like in the old Star Wars movie when R2-D2 bailed his team out from being crushed in the trash pit. Sure, you could probably have someone on the outside save his team by hacking the console, or, you all would have to find another way to escape by, say, wall-running? That brings me to the next thing to change.


    -Wall-running. It's a great feature. I love it. However, it's not implemented as much as it could, or should be. People only use it when they absolutely have to, and the only times they absolutely have to use it is just about never. Create more dynamic, platforming stages where the player has to actually time their jumps accordingly and wall run on not just one, but multiple walls. Even then, maybe some proper timing would be required since there could potentially be objects in their way. Think of the scenario where you're trapped in a pit. How you get out if the only way out was the way you came in? However, that's all the way at the ceiling? You'll have to wall run on one wall, hop to the other, and ascend yourself to the top. Maybe there's enemies in there too that you'll have to shoot while wall-running? Tough, but sounds like a pretty epic gun fight to me. It's just a really nice feature that I feel isn't getting enough attention/use to actually have it considered in the game. A gimmick, I guess you could call it, but a pretty damn good one that I think should be implemented more.


    -Boss battles are always known in video games to be the most challenging and epic of all battles. I like how Warframe implemented the idea of boss battles, but I feel that it's very shallow and doesn't currently have much to offer. As I've expressed, I feel like the bosses are no more than super-powered enemies with an occasional Warframe ability, or different weapon. I believe bosses should be more diverse. I stress greatly about diversity and new experiences because we as humans are very curious individuals and for the most part, naturally enjoy discovering and learning. Repetition does have it's ups, yes, I can agree to that to a degree depending on what it is, but repetition in video games isn't always a good thing. As I've already expressed, the theme of enemies should match the theme of the planet, and each new planet should have a new them exclusive to that type of planet. In the example I gave above regarding bosses in the "Things I think should change" section of "Gameplay", I mentioned a giant worm and space ship boss for Phobos and Saturn. The experience one would get from battling new, epic bosses on each planet would alone make it a great one. However, a new, interesting way to defeat each boss would be an even better experience. Perhaps the giant worms skin is so hard only puncture ammo can effect it. Even then, it doesn't do much damage, so the only way to actually hurt it is to attack it when it opens it's mouth. How to get it to open it's mouth is another question in itself. Perhaps there will be objects surrounding the boss that you'd have to interact with. Maybe you'll have to wall run up this tall crane-like device and activate it to drop something upon it to temporarily paralyze it and attack it's mouth before it throws the object off itself and you'll have to do it again, or find a different way to get it down. For the space ship battle, maybe it's weak against electric attacks, so you'll need to use electric ammo and having Volt on your team might make it a tad easier and fun? Maybe you do very little, to any damage to this space ship and the only way to harm it is to shoot it with the giant cannons provided on the base your in. However, you'll miss if you don't weaken it first, so you'll need to find a way to get it vulnerable. Maybe disrupt it's transmission somehow, you wait for it to reload? Who knows? The point I'm getting at though is that boss battles are just too easy and not as interesting as one would hope. I honestly look forward to Stalker invading me more than anything simply because he's cool and is actually challenging to battle and uses many different techniques to attack the player. If boss battles were made to be more epic and interactive, goodness me, I'd have a great time.




    So, what did you guys think about my list? Is there anything you agree, or disagree with? Anything I didn't mention that would be notable to state in the future? Let me know all your opinions in the comments below!

  15. Before getting into the main topic of this thread, I'd like to congratulate Digital Extremes for the development Warframe. I've always been a Sci-Fi fan and this game does a great job at bringing an imaginative and interesting twist to the genre. The concept of the Tenno warriors is easily one of my favorites, if not favorite in Sci-Fi to date. The game itself is astonishing; possessing diverse Warframes and weapons, as well as having great graphics, art, level design and the most fluent gameplay in a third person shooter I've ever played. There are many great things that I love about Warframe, but like all other games, it does have it's fair share of flaws that I believe is holding it back from true excellence. 


    Having said this, I'll now start onto the main topic of my current wishlist for future updates/fixes. I will list a number of things within the game, what I like about them, what I dislike about them, and I what I think could be done to change/improve upon them to create a overall better experience for players. 

    Note: There may be key things in the game that I forget to mention. Also, some things I mention are strictly formed from my own opinion, and other players may disagree with what I have to say, so please bare with me.





    Let's start with Planets/Level Design. There are 14 planets to date. In addition to the 14 planets, there are two "sub-areas" as I'd call them. One being The Void, the other being The Dojo. As I've expressed already, I love the design of each level. Or, well, should I say "tile". I say tile because this is what Administrator DE_Sheldon referred them to be in his most recent topic within the "Developer Workshop" forum found here:



    He stated that Earth is getting a new Forest tile set. This further confirms my assumption on the designs of each level. When I first played this game, I introduced my buddies to it and we all played together through the first two planets. Though we caught on a tad sooner, those two planets were all we needed to play to realize that each level within a planet is recycled "tiles" that are randomized together to generate the level. Though each level within the planet is recycled tiles randomly put together, the planets themselves are different. Well, so I hoped. Often times, you'll find yourself on either a ship, or a snowy planet. If not there, than you're likely in the mining-type area. There are exceptions to this, however, as planets like Phobos and Saturn do have their own layouts. Now, there's some good things and some bad things about this technique. Here's what I have to say:



    What I like:

    -I originally was against how you could enter the same level again and again and it'll be different each time, however, I actually believe this to be a better method than developing a specific, guaranteed-to-be-the-same type of level. Most games suffer from this type of design because it eventually comes to the point where it requires no thought (though I am aware that most other games want the area to be the same because that's part of the story they're trying to tell and so on). The player will know "as soon as I enter this area, go here, than here, than there, and than finally here and I'm done". With the tile generating method, the player is never left knowing exactly where to go. Instead of always knowing they have to open the left door, or to take the blue pill, they have to resort to looking at their mini map and following the way point, sometimes having to question whether they have to be on the floor above, or below them. Though the player will always sprint-slide through the whole map within 30 seconds, with the randomized tile method, it makes it more difficult for the player to beat rush through it than it would be for the level to be the same each time you enter it.


    -Not only do I like how the tiles are randomly generate to try and give it a different feel each time you enter a level, whether it be the same level, or a different one, but I like the fact that there are different versions of each tile that changes the feel of the atmosphere. Sometimes the tiles will have fire and destroyed parts to them, or the tiles will be frozen, or even infected. It's cool being able to see the tile you thought you knew distorted in some sort of way.



    What I don't like:

    -I have no problem with the randomized tile method, as I even support it. However, what I highly dislike is the fact that these tiles aren't just repeated on one planet, but multiple planets. The fact that the new planet you just unlocked looks exactly the same to one you've already played makes it a less rewarding experience because it doesn't add diversity to each planet, nor emits the feel of progression and adventure as though you were truly traveling to a planet different than the other.



    What I think should change:

    -Luckily, this is something that's currently being addressed already, hence, the new Earth tiles coming out. I, as I'm sure with many other players, would love to see diversity within each planet. I liked how when I entered Phobos, it was completely different than the previous planets I've encountered. It gave it that new feeling as though I was truly progressing and traveling the solar system and landing upon a new planet. Saturn is my favorite planet and is considered a "gas-giant" since it has no definite surface. I love how this fact was implemented into the game by having floating chambers within the planet that allowed you to now only view, but to go outside and actually experience the gaseous glory of Saturn. I believe all planets should be like this. I believe that each planet should have it's own unique set of tiles to give players a different, new experience with each planet they enter. This goes for The Void as well. Though Dojo's came out after The Void, I think The Void should resemble more of an actual black, void type area than a replica of the Dojo. When someone utters the word "Void", and when you're brought to a dark, rippling part of the universe when you use a Void Key that is full of "corrupted", one would hope the area would be just as corrupt as it's implementing.




    Let's move on to Gameplay. The gameplay of this game is excellent. It's the most fast paced, fluent third person shooter I've played. Such gameplay should be expected when playing as space ninja's, right? There are so many things to like about this games gameplay as it has a lot of things to offer, but I will admit that it does fall off in a few aspects. Here's what I have to say:



    What I like:

    -The game is super fast-paced. Whether you're shooting, or using melee, it's always fast and it always feels like there's an epic battle going on. Being able to wall-run, dodge roll, shoot while jumping, as well as sliding only helps intensify each moment of action.


    -Though the game focuses on co-op and loading bullets into hordes of enemies, the fact that there is an alert mechanic and stealth killing shows that even this fast paced shooter can be played with stealth when in the right hands. On top of that, you not only can battle AI's in all the major game type modes, such as elimination and survival/horde mode, but you can battle other players to the death as well. 


    -I love what damage 2.0 brought to the table in addition to the elemental damage. It adds strategy and preparation against your opponents instead of having it as a one bullet kills all deal.


    -The game offers a large library of mods to use in order to customize your weapon and Warframe of choice to the play style you like to use them as.



    What I don't like:

    -Though each moment of action is fast paced and intense, even the moments without action are fast paced. Players abuse the sliding mechanic far too often because it provides the fastest, most effective way of traveling from one spot to another. This negates the use of sprinting since it's slower and uses up stamina, while sliding is faster and you recover the small amount of stamina you use in order to get that good slide in. This ultimately means you'll never run out of stamina, while also going faster than you would be if sprinting. 


    -PvP is a great feature that I'm glad this game has, and is currently being balanced with the Conclave system. Though this makes sense, it makes it unfortunate to us players that like to play private games with friends. I think I speak for many players when I say I'd like to be able to play against my buddies at any point we feel like and not be held back by Conclave. The Dojo offers dueling, but I feel that's better used for melee fights and training than actual fights. A gimmick to me more than anything. I'd like to be able to play dynamic, actual stages with my buddies and out ninja them. 


    -In the same regards to PvP, an issue that I know others have is that some Warframe abilities become completely useless. I don't just mean useless because it's obvious that the figure in front of you is clearly a clone, but useless to the point where your ability literally does nothing. Though I can't personally confirm it to be true, I have read them on the wiki that abilities such as Oberon's Ultimate, Volt's Ultimate, and all of Nekros' abilities (except his 1) don't work in PvP. This not only provides a clear disadvantage, but it also makes playing the Warframe you love less enjoyable since you can't use the abilities it has that distinguishes it from other frames. 


    -The last thing I didn't like about PvP was the lack of option/game modes to be played. All there is currently available is a 2v2 TDM.


    -The stealth mechanic of the game is a excellent addition to the gameplay. However, it's also extremely unviable.Unless the player is playing as Loki, has a Ghost mod, or no sentinel at all, and can insta-kill all enemies before triggering the alarm, playing the game stealthy is incredibly tough and tedious. This is truly a shame considering they're suppose to be considered Ninja's but fight more like Pirates. 


    -In regards to stealth and alert, I also disliked that once you were spotted by one enemy, you were spotted by all enemies. Also, once the alarm was triggered, there was no way of getting out of alert statues and enemies would forever know where you are and swarm you from every angle until the completion, or failure of the mission. 


    -Even though it's small, and perhaps a problem that only I experience, I sometimes experience a "stick" when using melee on an opponent. I have both my aid options turned off so it should solely relay on skill, however, I still will experience a stick here and there if my camera is right on them and I'm trying to bash them. This becomes an annoyance because I'm unable to sprint towards them, or increase my movement speed in anyway, so if I'm sitting there swinging and they're moving away from me, I can't continue to hit them even if I move with them. Perhaps this is a mechanic that cannot be turned off and why the melee range mod exists?


    -Though there's a fair portion of enemies, I feel like there isn't enough and that they appear to often. Right from start, you begin your first mission against, the Grineer, or Corpus and in that one level alone, though some appear less often than others, you're likely to see every type of enemy from that faction. That not only takes away from any surprises from potential new enemies in the future, but it begins to become repetitive killing the same enemy over and over. 



    What I think should change

    -The sliding will have to receive a small nerf. Nothing significant, as it would take away from the epic, ninja gameplay, but perhaps making it so you lose some stamina from doing slides instead of not losing any, and actually gaining stamina during the duration of the slide. This will make it so it's spammed much less as a method of travel, but also still viable in combat if they decide to use it to get out of a sticky situation, or make a grand entrance into the heat of battle. This not only helps balance the gameplay a little, but also makes the player experience the atmosphere of the level as well. Often times I find myself rushing to catch up to my comrades at such a fast pace, there's not much time to explore, or even appreciate the level to which I'm playing on since I slide from one side of the map to the other. If players had to sprint through the map, or even their default jog, they'd be given more time to think about exploring and open lockers/destroy crates, as well as soak in and appreciate the atmosphere of the planet they're currently on. 


    -Whether it be a new menu, or a separate planet of some sort altogether, players should have the option to host open, or private matches and choose what stage they want to play on without being limited to what their conclave is. If me and my buddies want to have a DM, or TDM, we shouldn't be told we can't because one of my buddies is to low and could potentially get stomped by us. That goes for random players as well. If I want to join another players game, or a player wants to join my game and get in on the fun, they shouldn't be denied because they're not on our conclave level. This is where ranked and unranked should truly come into play. Similar to League of Legends, custom and/or unranked matches should be able to be played between players of all levels, while ranked matches can be where players are matched up and can only play with people of similar conclave. This is so people will always have the option to challenge themselves, but also have the option to let go and have some stupid old fun.


    -All Warframes should be able to use all their abilities in PvP matches. In many games, such as World of Warcraft, the math and mechanics in multiplayer is often different than that of single player. Whether all damage is decreased by 75%, or cooldowns/cast times are different, things change that way people are able to enjoy the character they knew in single player in multiplayer as well, but still maintain in a sort of balance. I understand and am completely fine with this. I'd like to see such changes continue to be made in PvP. For example, in campaign mode, sure, Loki's clone can look all digital and still fool AI's. However, that's not going to fool anyone in PvP. Instead, make it so Loki is an exact copy of himself to enemy players. Whether there is an indication to Loki's comrades showing that it's his clone, not actually him, is something of choice. However, I do believe this change should be made to make the ability have some use to it. Instead of having his pistol out all the time, if the player switches to, or has his rifle out when he uses the clone, than the clone will also have it's rifle out, or switch to it's pistol when the actual player does. What DE decides to do, as long as it's made in a balanced way, I'd love to see all Warframes be able to use their all abilities and actually have use for them.


    -PvP should have more than one game type. For starters, instead of limiting the battlefield to only four players per map, limit it to only four players per team. A 4v4 match. This will make things that much more intense, but also make it less one sided if one team picks a silly duo combo and picks off all their challengers each match. In addition to having the ability to make matches a fair 4v4, I think having more game types would add an amazing new feel to PvP. Instead of just TDM, give us objective game types like the ones we play in single player. One team of 4 has to defend the Orokin artifact from the opposing 4 other players. Perhaps one team of 4 has to survive and collect life support while the other team has to try and stop them. Stretching it even further, perhaps one team of 4 has to defend their computers while the other has to try and hack the Lotus into it, and than defend it from the opposing players. Not only can there be players, but enemies can be on the map too. Perhaps in certain game types, the players have the option to choose either to side with the Grineer, or the Corpus. Grineer can be attacking, while Corpus defending, or it switches if the game type has alternating rounds. Of course, during certain times periods while in-game, the infected will spawn and try to ruin everyone's day.


    -The Stealth mechanic should be emphasized more. I believe it should be played out similar to Metal Gear Solid. Remember, we're ninja's, not pirates. Whether to implement a sound/noise system into the game, or not, is obviously a big question since that'll probably take some time. However, I believe the AI's should act as their own individual instead of an all knowing barrage of ants. You can already sneak up on enemies and stealth kill them without alerting other enemies, so long as they don't see you. That's cool, and I like that. If you're spotted by an, obviously, you'll want to kill him fast before he alarms others. However, I don't see how it's fair, or makes any sense that if one person sees you, they all see you. It's not like they all have a Rinnegan mod equipped. If the player wants to play solo, or as a 4 man crew of crazy ninjas/pirates, let them. However, if a player wants to play solo, or as a 4 man crew of true ninjas of stealth, they should be able too as well. Make it so if one enemy sees you, than that single enemy is the only one who sees you. Only when he alerts other enemies will they know you're around and hunt you down. However, don't let the hunt last forever. If the players kill every mob in the area and head into the new area some time after, or if they find a good spot to hide, the enemies should turn cautious, not remain alert and know where you are 24/7 until you win, or die. Let things cool down. Let the AI's think the enemy is dead, or still around and proceed to stealth kill if you so choose to until alerted once again. Obviously, if the enemy does alert others, than yeah, let hell break loose and face the swarm, but if you defeat the swarm and remain stealth, I see no reason why the enemies should continue to know where you are and continue the endless barrage until the mission ends. Exploit the stealth mechanics and give people two ways to play the game, not one.


    -Gunplay is very important, but is backed up by melee. Obviously, like I said, even though my options are disabled, maybe it's just me that experiences the sticky camera option when toe to toe with another enemy. If I'm facing an enemy and using melee and he tries to run, or just jogs away, I should be able to continue jogging at my normal jog speed instead of matching that of the enemy. This makes it more challenging for melee players and requires more precision and timing. In the common situation with Loki, I enter stealth mode to get the preemptive strike bonus damage my melee weapon. However, often time I find that when I enter stealth, they don't realize I'm there and just continue to walk around like nothing's happening. However, when they do this and I'm toe to toe with them trying to slash their guts out, I can't even touch them because I'm sticking to them am unable to run at my usual jogging speed. This is where the range mod probably comes into play though. If the developers wanted it to be like this, than I understand now that's why the range mod is there, but if this is just something that wasn't thought about to much, I think it'd be a nice change to remove the sticky camera when toe to toe with someone that way I can continue to move at my own speed and hit them if I'm accurate enough.


    -More enemies should be created for each faction, and less enemies should be introduced per planet. Like I said, even though there's a fair amount of enemies per faction, and even though some enemies appear less than others, chances are, you'll see every enemy in the game from that type of faction in your first level against them. No new surprises on new planets, and no need to change gunplay style according to what type of enemy you're up against. They'll be the same each level. Instead of throwing every enemy ever created into every level designed, stretch it out so certain enemies appear on certain planets, while new enemies are introduced per planet according to the appropriate faction. I don't mind seeing your usual Space Marines, as well as Corpus/MGS Gekko's on each planet, but if they're the only thing I see, and don't even have a new skin design according to the environment/planet, than yeah, it's a bit bland. Even if the enemies are the same, new designs for them that correspond to the planet would be nice to see. Even if that doesn't happen, it'd be great to see new enemies introduced with each new planet the player enters upon. This makes it so you're not only discovering a whole new planet with it's own unique atmosphere, but you're discovering a whole new set of enemies that have adapted and planned their equipment accordingly to their environment.

    On top of just your basic enemies, the introduction of new, more diverse boss battles would be an astonishing addition to the game. Most bosses consist of Jackal's, or Grineer enemies that are no more than your typical enemy, just super powered with a Warframe ability here and there, or a different weapon. Nothing quite as epic as hoped for. The addition of new boss battles per planet would be great, especially ones with different scale. What I mean by this is perhaps a giant worm type boss on Phobos, while having a giant space ship boss in Saturn, or something. Mix it up and throw options at us, and always remember to have your enemies synergize with the theme of the planet.





    And lastly for Part 1, Player interactions. So, what exactly does this mean? Well, it's quite simple: What the player does and how the player interacts with the enemies and environment around him. The scale of Warframe can be quite big at times and leave you with lots of exploration. Not only is the player able to explore Warframe, but also interact with it during missions when enemies lock you out and take away life support. On top of this, some enemies require a little more thought to kill than just ADS and left click. Here's what I have to say:


    Things I like:


    -Warframe offers some huge levels that aren't just nice to look at, but nice to explore for additional supplies.


    -Whether it be cutting off life support, or locking you out from your goal, enemies try to stop you without always using the typical gun-em-down method. This results in hacking, or rather "connect the lines". Simple, yet entertaining.


    -Some bosses in the game aren't as simple as ADS and left click anywhere you please. Some bosses require you to actually pin point a specific spot upon their body to attack before you can even do damage to them. 


    -You'll sometimes find that you won't be able to slide across every tile you see in the blink of an eye. Sometimes you'll not only need to hack something, but you may need to actually use your wall running abilities to get there.



    Things I don't like:

    -Warframe offers some huge levels to explore, but unfortunately falls off when you realize you're only getting about 100 credits per locker you can actually open. Occasionally, you'll get an energy, or health ball here and there with a small amount of ammo. Though it's not exactly rare, you won't necessarily find a material within a locker common either, nor will it usually be anything special. Other than lockers/crates and killing enemies, you won't find another method of physically collecting materials, even if you went to the edge of the planet.


    -Hacking is fun, but it's truly a shame that the typical connect-the-lines game is recycled for every hacking event.


    -Though some bosses require that you actually shoot a specific part on their body before being able to damage them, if being able to do damage on any other point of their body at all, it doesn't really make it more challenging since they don't do new things when getting lower on health. It just makes it more tedious.


    -Wall-running is an awesome feature that you'll not only find yourself using at time during combat, but sometimes find yourself having to use it out of combat as well. However, this cool feature falls off because there is a very minute amount of places where you actually have to wall-run to get to your destination. Even then, it's only one quick, brainless wall-run here, or there.



    Things I think should change:

    -DE should take advantage of their huge landscapes and provide satisfaction to the explorer-type player for taking the time to adventure through and experience their levels to the fullest. Similar to Resident Evil, or Metal Gear Solid, throwing in some Lotus symbols around the map that the player has to find and shoot/collect to receive an award of some sort, whether it be art, a blueprint, or even credits, would be a treat. Being able to discover a new planet and than discover secrets within the planet makes the over all experience of playing the game that much more fun and in-depth. Could you imagine finding a secret cave, traveling to the bottom of it and finding a Prometheus-type area with a giant statue you could activate to find a special blueprint for an item, or something? Yeah, that'd be pretty darn awesome to experience.


    -Instead of having connecting the lines as the only form of hacking, make there be other types of little mini games. Dead Space: Extraction has it's own version of connect the lines, but there are obstacles in the way, so you'll have to connect them when the time is right, or start over. Resident Evil 4 has it's own type of connect the lines, just they have colors/arrows you have to match up, and even when you move one, the others around it move as well, so you'll have to plan out what you're spinning more thoroughly. Remember that it doesn't have to be just hacking either. The player can interact with other things as well. The cameras are a good example of this. Often times, a camera will spot you and lasers will block the gate you want to get through. The only way around this is either destroy the cameras, or just do an OP sprint-slide and go right through it. Warframe could implement more interactive things into their game similar to the camera method. Maybe when being caught, or perhaps even falling into a trap, the player has to find a way to escape the room before certain doom. Kind of like in the old Star Wars movie when R2-D2 bailed his team out from being crushed in the trash pit. Sure, you could probably have someone on the outside save his team by hacking the console, or, you all would have to find another way to escape by, say, wall-running? That brings me to the next thing to change.


    -Wall-running. It's a great feature. I love it. However, it's not implemented as much as it could, or should be. People only use it when they absolutely have to, and the only times they absolutely have to use it is just about never. Create more dynamic, platforming stages where the player has to actually time their jumps accordingly and wall run on not just one, but multiple walls. Even then, maybe some proper timing would be required since there could potentially be objects in their way. Think of the scenario where you're trapped in a pit. How you get out if the only way out was the way you came in? However, that's all the way at the ceiling? You'll have to wall run on one wall, hop to the other, and ascend yourself to the top. Maybe there's enemies in there too that you'll have to shoot while wall-running? Tough, but sounds like a pretty epic gun fight to me. It's just a really nice feature that I feel isn't getting enough attention/use to actually have it considered in the game. A gimmick, I guess you could call it, but a pretty damn good one that I think should be implemented more.


    -Boss battles are always known in video games to be the most challenging and epic of all battles. I like how Warframe implemented the idea of boss battles, but I feel that it's very shallow and doesn't currently have much to offer. As I've expressed, I feel like the bosses are no more than super-powered enemies with an occasional Warframe ability, or different weapon. I believe bosses should be more diverse. I stress greatly about diversity and new experiences because we as humans are very curious individuals and for the most part, naturally enjoy discovering and learning. Repetition does have it's ups, yes, I can agree to that to a degree depending on what it is, but repetition in video games isn't always a good thing. As I've already expressed, the theme of enemies should match the theme of the planet, and each new planet should have a new them exclusive to that type of planet. In the example I gave above regarding bosses in the "Things I think should change" section of "Gameplay", I mentioned a giant worm and space ship boss for Phobos and Saturn. The experience one would get from battling new, epic bosses on each planet would alone make it a great one. However, a new, interesting way to defeat each boss would be an even better experience. Perhaps the giant worms skin is so hard only puncture ammo can effect it. Even then, it doesn't do much damage, so the only way to actually hurt it is to attack it when it opens it's mouth. How to get it to open it's mouth is another question in itself. Perhaps there will be objects surrounding the boss that you'd have to interact with. Maybe you'll have to wall run up this tall crane-like device and activate it to drop something upon it to temporarily paralyze it and attack it's mouth before it throws the object off itself and you'll have to do it again, or find a different way to get it down. For the space ship battle, maybe it's weak against electric attacks, so you'll need to use electric ammo and having Volt on your team might make it a tad easier and fun? Maybe you do very little, to any damage to this space ship and the only way to harm it is to shoot it with the giant cannons provided on the base your in. However, you'll miss if you don't weaken it first, so you'll need to find a way to get it vulnerable. Maybe disrupt it's transmission somehow, you wait for it to reload? Who knows? The point I'm getting at though is that boss battles are just too easy and not as interesting as one would hope. I honestly look forward to Stalker invading me more than anything simply because he's cool and is actually challenging to battle and uses many different techniques to attack the player. If boss battles were made to be more epic and interactive, goodness me, I'd have a great time.




    So, what did you guys think about my list? Is there anything you agree, or disagree with? Anything I didn't mention that would be notable to state in the future? Let me know all your opinions in the comments below!

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